

What Is Isobutyraldehyde?

Isobutyraldehyde, an organic compound, has the molecular formula C4H8O and the structural formula (CH3)2CHCHCHO. Its IUPAC nomenclature is 2-methylpropanal, and its CAS number is 78-84-2. The compound has a molecular weight of 72.11, a melting point of -66°C, and a boiling point of 65°C. At room temperature, it presents as a clear, colorless liquid with an unpleasant odor.

Isobutyraldehyde is highly soluble in water, ethanol, and acetone. Its density is 0.794 g/mL, and it has a water solubility of 11 g/100mL.

Uses of Isobutyraldehyde

Isobutyraldehyde is primarily used in organic synthesis, particularly as a raw material for neopentyl glycol (NPG) and isobutanol. Neopentyl glycol is utilized in alkyd resin paints, polyester resins, and powder coatings due to its thermal and chemical stability. Isobutanol, derived from isobutyraldehyde, is a versatile solvent and is used in the production of paint resins, isobutyl acrylate, isobutyl acetate, isobutyl methacrylate, and thinners.

Additionally, isobutyraldehyde serves as a synthetic raw material for isobutylidenediurea, DL-pantolactone, texanol, and diisopropyl ketone.

Properties of Isobutyraldehyde

Isobutyraldehyde, a derivative of isobutane, shares a structural similarity with butyraldehyde. It has a low flash point of -17.5℃ and an ignition point of 196℃, classifying it as a highly flammable liquid or vapor. It decomposes upon heating or combustion, emitting irritating smoke and fumes. Due to its reactivity with oxidants, strong reducing agents, and strong bases, careful storage is necessary to prevent hazardous reactions.

Chemically, isobutyraldehyde can be reduced to isobutanol. It participates in the aldol reaction with formaldehyde to synthesize neopentyl glycol, and its oxidation yields methacrolein and methacrylic acid.

Types of Isobutyraldehyde

Isobutyraldehyde is available on the market as a reagent product for research and development, as well as industrial chemical products. Research products are offered in volumes of 25 mL, 100 mL, 500 mL, 1 L, and require refrigerated storage. Industrial products, suited for uses such as solvent and resin raw materials, are sold in larger quantities like tankers and drums to accommodate factory and facility demands.

Other Information on Isobutyraldehyde

1. Synthesis of Isobutyraldehyde

Isobutyraldehyde can be synthesized via the hydroformylation of propylene.


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