

What Is a Workflow?

Workflow refers to the flow of various interactions and procedures in the course of business operations at a company. It also refers to a graphical representation of the flow.

For example, it defines procedures such as how to apply and whose approval is necessary for equipment purchases and expense reimbursements.

By visualizing workflow, it is possible to review the flow of work, thereby improving operational efficiency. In doing so, eliminating traditional paper-based communication and replacing it with electronic means can lead to various operational improvements, such as increasing work speed and reducing human error.

Uses of Workflows 

Workflow systems are used for a wide variety of tasks, such as various approvals for purchases of goods and contracts, various applications related to general affairs, accounting, and human resources, submission of reports and proposals, and so on. In particular, the automation of internal approvals related to the purchase of goods and contracts with suppliers and other parties is a field in which workflow systems excel.

Principle of Workflows

In general, workflows improve productivity, reduce errors, and saves time and money by associating, sequencing, and automating multiple tasks.

Workflows typically consist of the following steps:

1. Process Analysis

Analyze the business process. This includes work objectives, workflow, roles, responsibilities, etc.

2. Workflow Design

Workflows are designed to improve business processes. This includes defining tasks, the order of tasks, roles and responsibilities, and selecting the tools and systems needed to automate wworkflow. 

3. Implementing the Workflow

To implement workflow, the required systems and tools are put in place and automated processes are set up. This includes workflow automation, workflow monitoring, and workflow improvement.

4. Monitoring and Improving Workflow

Monitor workflow to ensure that it is functioning properly and improve it as needed. This includes analyzing workflow, improving workflow, and selecting the systems and tools needed to improve workflow.

Workflow automation saves time and money and increases productivity. Workflow design and implementation can also optimize business processes, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.

How to Select a Workflow

1. Clarify Objectives and Requirements

Before selecting a workflow system, you need to clarify your company’s issues and objectives and identify your requirements. It is also recommended to estimate how much workflow will flow through the system.

2. Workflow Definition

Various types of workflows exist in companies and organizations, such as serial approval, parallel approval, consensus approval, and flow branching. We will determine whether the approval flow required by the company can be realized.

3. External System Integration

For example, when there is a change in personnel, it will reduce operational time and effort if the approver can be changed automatically by linking with the human resource system.

4. Mobile Support

If you provide your employees with smart phones, a workflow system that is compatible with smart phones can be operated on the go, allowing for quicker processing.

Features of Workflow

The electronic workflow system offers many advantages. The main advantages are as follows:

  • It saves time by eliminating the need to fill out paper forms by hand, re-create forms due to errors, and circulate documents by hand or by mail.
  • Electronic data can easily be used to establish a system for checking for omissions and monetary errors, as well as for checking the progress of multiple-person approvals.
  • If a telework environment is established, there is no need to come to the office for paperwork and approvals, and work can proceed anywhere.
  • Since application details and approval history can be managed in data, and an automated system can be built to automatically contact approvers, it is easy to operate in accordance with rules and improve internal controls.

Other advantages include reduced risk of loss, reduced storage space, easier retrieval, and removal of printing costs.


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