
Remote Switches

What Are Remote Switches?

A remote switch is a convenient device designed for the remote control of an electrical appliance’s power supply, enabling easy on/off operations from a distance.

Remote switches are engineered to toggle the on/off state of an appliance through signal lines, eliminating the need to directly manipulate the main power source. This design obviates the necessity for extensive wiring installations, offering considerable flexibility in choosing installation locations. With an operational range typically up to 10 meters, these switches can connect to an unlimited number of receivers. This feature allows a single remote switch to control the power supply of multiple devices within a room, highlighting its extensive applicability.

A common everyday use of remote switches is in the control of indoor lighting, simplifying the process of illuminating rooms.


Pneumatic Conveyors

What Are Pneumatic Conveyors?

Pneumatic conveyors are advanced systems designed to transport materials using air or other gases. This method of transportation is particularly effective for certain types of materials.

These conveyors comprise an air source, a supply unit, pipes, and a collection unit. To ensure safety, particularly in preventing dust explosions, inert gases are often used alongside air. Although these systems primarily handle powdered or granular materials, they can also transport items equal in diameter to the pipes, like capsules. The versatility of pneumatic conveyors allows them to handle a wide range of materials, making them valuable assets in various industrial settings.

In urban environments, pneumatic conveyors find a unique application in waste collection, demonstrating the wide-ranging utility of this transportation method.


Parking Barriers

What Are Parking Barriers?

Parking barriers, commonly referred to as parking locks, are devices designed to secure vehicles in place. Often found in coin-operated parking lots, these mechanisms engage metal claws with the vehicle’s gear when the shift lever is set to park, effectively immobilizing the car. The vehicle remains stationary as long as the lock is active.

To release the lock, the driver must pay the required fee at a payment machine. Parking barriers come in various forms, such as lock plates and elevating lock plates, but all serve the essential function of securing parked vehicles.

While installation incurs initial costs, the system’s advantage is that it doesn’t necessitate continuous supervision by parking lot staff, thereby offering long-term cost savings.


Oil Level Sensors

What Is an Oil Level Sensor?

Oil level sensors are crucial devices used in automobiles to monitor the quantity of oil remaining. They are particularly important for detecting levels of engine oil and brake oil, as low levels can lead to accidents. These sensors facilitate the detection of the oil level within the oil pan during operation.

Typically mounted on the master cylinder or oil pan, the sensor activates a warning signal when the oil level drops to a critical point. This functionality not only helps in monitoring the current oil level but also indicates when an oil change is necessary.

While there are advanced dry-sump types capable of electrically detecting oil levels, the widespread adoption of vehicles equipped with oil level sensors is still in progress.


Motorcycle Wheel Balancers

What Are Motorcycle Wheel Balancers?

Motorcycle wheel balancers are essential tools used for ensuring the proper balance of tires and wheels. They are specifically designed to detect imbalances in weight and variations in size. This makes them crucial for adjusting the balance once the tire and wheel are assembled, a process that is mandatory every time a tire is replaced.

Failure to properly balance a motorcycle’s wheels can significantly increase the risk of traffic accidents, particularly in severe cases. Thus, a wheel balancer is employed to adjust this balance accurately, with the tire already inflated with air.

Wheel balance adjustments are not only necessary when replacing old tires with new ones but also when transitioning between different types of tires, such as from summer to winter tires, among other scenarios.



ブロッティング装置とは、電気泳動後にゲル上の生物分子 (DNA、RNA、タンパク質など) を転送するための装置です。





1. ウェスタンブロッティング

ウェスタンブロッティング (英: Western blotting ) は、電気泳動で分離したタンパク質を膜に転写し、抗体を用いて目的のタンパク質を検出する手法です。



2. サザンブロッティング

サザンブロッティング (英: Southern blotting) は、DNAの特定の塩基配列を検出する手法です。

主に分子生物学的な実験で利用されます。DNAサンプルをアガロースゲルで電気泳動させ、それを膜に転写 (ブロット) します。その後、目的のDNA配列を持つ分子を検出し塩基対を形成するために、標識されたプローブが使用されます。


3. ノーザンブロッティング

ノーザンブロッティング (英: Northern Blotting) は、RNAの特定の配列を検出する手法です。主に遺伝子の発現パターンや機能を調査する際に使用され、DNAがどのようにmRNAへ転写され、実際に機能するかを調べることができます。


  1. 細胞からDNAとRNAを抽出する
  2. DNaseを用いてRNAのみを残し、アガロース電気泳動でRNAを分離する
  3. 分離されたRNAをメンブレンに転写する
  4. 検出したいRNA配列に相補的なプローブを使用して結合させる
  5. 標的RNAの量とサイズを検出する




1. 電気泳動


2. 転写


3. ブロッキングと抗体反応


4. 検出



5. 結果の解析




1. 使用目的


2. サンプル数とサイズ


3. 分解能と感度


4. 転送方式

転送方式の項目では、サンプルをゲルからメンブレンに転送する方式 (セミドライ、ターボブロット、ウェットブロットなど) を選定します。効率的で均一な転送が可能かどうかが主な基準となります。


Microscope Stages

What Are Microscope Stages?

A microscope stage is the platform where specimens are placed for microscopic examination. It enables the precise positioning of the object under observation, facilitating detailed study.

High-end microscopes often feature a “mechanical stage,” which can be moved to allow comprehensive examination of the specimen. This added mobility enhances the scope of observation but is typically found only in more advanced models.

Conversely, a “plain stage” is the standard type found in most microscopes. It secures the specimen using a spring clip for stable observation. Some specialized microscopes, like polarizing microscopes, may include a “rotating stage” for enhanced viewing capabilities. The stage features vary according to the microscope type.

Generally, a knob adjustment allows for minor movements of the stage, which is crucial for fine-tuning the focus during observation.


Label Dispensers

What Are Label Dispensers?

Label dispensers are devices engineered to automate the dispensing of label paper. They work seamlessly with label printers, ensuring that as one label is printed and rolled out, the next label is automatically prepared for use.

These dispensers are designed to be compatible with roll labels from various manufacturers, enhancing the efficiency of labeling operations. This compatibility not only streamlines the process but also contributes to cost savings. Additionally, label dispensers are versatile, capable of handling diverse paper types such as craft paper, foil paper, Japanese paper, synthetic paper, and more.

Beyond paper labels, some models are adept at handling materials like white PET and transparent PET. Their wide-ranging applications span several industries, including healthcare, manufacturing floors, and food retail, underscoring their utility in different settings.


Knife Gate Valves

What Are Knife Gate Valves?

A knife gate valve is a specialized type of gate valve distinguished by its knife-edge gate. This valve is especially prevalent in industries like paper mills and sewage treatment plants, where it is valued for its sharply edged disk.

In contrast to standard gate valves, which are limited to handling gases and liquids, knife gate valves excel in controlling the flow of more challenging materials such as powders, slurries, and solids. The valve’s sharp edge facilitates cutting, making it particularly effective in environments where powder and chip management are crucial.

Knife gate valves are constructed from various materials, including cast iron, welded structures, and stainless steel, allowing them to handle abrasive and corrosive slurries effectively. Their wear resistance and ability to block foreign substances, which might pass through a conventional gate valve, make them a versatile choice for numerous industrial applications.



What Is an Interposer?

An interposer is a substrate that plays a crucial role in electrically connecting sockets. Its primary function extends beyond mere connection; it facilitates the electrical integration of multiple semiconductor chips and substrates. This makes it an essential intermediary component, especially in situations where the pitch of the connections varies.

Interposers are constructed from a range of materials, including molded resin, silicon, glass, and organic polymers. The choice of material varies based on specific application needs. They are a popular alternative to three-dimensional integrated circuits due to their cost-effectiveness.

Utilizing interposers offers several advantages, such as reduced wiring length in implementations, simplification of circuits, and improved energy and resource efficiency.