
Knife Gate Valves

What Are Knife Gate Valves?

A knife gate valve is a specialized type of gate valve distinguished by its knife-edge gate. This valve is especially prevalent in industries like paper mills and sewage treatment plants, where it is valued for its sharply edged disk.

In contrast to standard gate valves, which are limited to handling gases and liquids, knife gate valves excel in controlling the flow of more challenging materials such as powders, slurries, and solids. The valve’s sharp edge facilitates cutting, making it particularly effective in environments where powder and chip management are crucial.

Knife gate valves are constructed from various materials, including cast iron, welded structures, and stainless steel, allowing them to handle abrasive and corrosive slurries effectively. Their wear resistance and ability to block foreign substances, which might pass through a conventional gate valve, make them a versatile choice for numerous industrial applications.


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