
Welding Machine

What Is a Welding Machine?

Welding MachinesA welding machine (welder) is a generic term for welding machines that perform welding (melting and joining materials such as metals).

Welding machines include arc welders and laser welders, which perform welding only, as well as welding robots, which are equipped with welding machines and automate the welding process.

The welding methods used by Welding Machines are broadly divided into four types: “arc welding,” “gas welding,” “resistance welding,” and “laser welding.” There are several types of welding machines according to each welding method, especially arc welding machines, such as “covered arc welding machine”, “MIG/MAG welding machine”, “TIG welding machine”, and a “plasma welding machine”.

Uses of Welding Machine

Welding machines are widely used at sites where metal products are manufactured by processing, joining, and assembling metal materials, construction sites, automobile manufacturing plants, and other sites where products are manufactured by joining metal to metal materials.

They are used in automobile factories for welding bodies and frames in the production line, in ship factories for welding steel plates and frames of hulls, and in other situations where welding is performed by automatic welding robots.

In addition to large products and manufacturing plants, automatic, semi-automatic, and manual Welding Machines of various sizes are used in steel and can manufacturing plants, construction sites for steel rebar work, and other applications.

Welding machines are usually dedicated to different welding methods.

Principle of Welding Machine

Welding is defined as “the operation of bringing two or more base materials together by heat, pressure, or both so that there is continuity between the base materials to be joined.” Welding machines are used to perform this welding process and are available in a variety of configurations to accommodate different welding methods.

For example, a stand-alone welding machine, such as a manual welder, consists of a power supply unit to generate the electric current that serves as the heat source, a welding torch at the tip of the weld, a wire supply unit to supply the welding torch with the consumable filler, and a cylinder and hose, to supply the shielding gas.

Laser welding machines consist of a laser oscillator to generate laser light, a laser focusing lens, and an assist gas supply cylinder and hose. In addition to manual welding machines, there are also automatic welding machines that move the bed with the welding base metal left, right, up, and down as programmed to move the welding point automatically.

In the case of automatic welding robots, there are machines in which a robot arm with a welding torch attached moves to the position programmed by teaching, etc., and welds, and machines that can automatically move and rotate the base material to be welded and the direction of the product to be welded, and perform welding operations automatically and continuously.

There are also machines like CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) that automate welding machines by using 3D CAD models and programming the welding position, welding speed, etc.

By using these automated welding machines, complex and various welding operations can be automated, enabling stable and high-quality welding work.


Bare Crimp Terminal

What Is a Bare Crimp Terminal?

Bare Crimp TerminalsA crimp terminal is a component that connects an electrical wire to an electrical device.

Mechanical pressure is applied by passing the end of the electrical wire through the crimp to connect the crimp terminal firmly to the wire. Connection to electrical equipment is made by screwing the terminal connection part of the crimp terminal to the terminal board.

Bare crimp terminals are a type of crimp terminal that does not have an insulation coating. Compared to crimp terminals with insulation coating, bare crimp terminals have the advantage of being less expensive and shorter working hours. However, they also have the disadvantage of having to be insulated after installation, depending on where they are installed.

Uses of Bare Crimp Terminals

Connecting electrical wires to electrical equipment is often done by soldering, which requires a certain degree of soldering skill. In contrast, the connection with crimp terminals has the advantage of being relatively simple.

In addition, soldering is done in a designated place, such as a workshop, whereas connection work using crimp terminals can be done anywhere. Because they can be used on-site, they are often used for wiring on switchboards.

Among crimp terminals, bare crimp terminals are generally used to connect single electrical wires.

Principle of Bare Crimp Terminals

There are many varieties of bare crimp terminals, depending on the combination of wire and screw, and they have a unified name such as “R2-4”.

The first letter indicates the shape of the terminal connection: “R” for round terminals (R-type) and “Y” for open terminals (Y-type); the first of the two numbers indicates the cross-sectional area of the wire (mm2) and the second number indicates the screw diameter (mm).

There is a range of wire sizes that can actually be used in relation to the cross-sectional area of the wire in the product name. If the wire is smaller than the range, the wire may fall out. If the wire is larger than the range, it will not fit into the crimp terminal and cannot be crimped.

There are special tools for connecting crimp terminals and wires, depending on the type of crimp terminal. When crimping bare crimp terminals, be sure to use a tool dedicated to bare crimp terminals.

Crimping tools come in several sizes. After selecting the appropriate size for the terminal, set the bare crimp terminal on the end of the tool, insert the wire with the end sheath removed into the crimp section, and grip the tool firmly to complete the crimp.


Identificación (RFID)

¿Qué es la Identificación por RFID?


RFID (Identificación por Radiofrecuencia) es una tecnología de identificación automática que utiliza comunicación inalámbrica de corto alcance. Se diferencia de los códigos de barras y códigos QR al permitir la lectura simultánea de varias etiquetas RFID sin contacto utilizando un lector, y la capacidad de introducir, borrar y reescribir información electrónica en ellas.

Usos de la Identificación por RFID

Las tarjetas IC de transporte y de prepago: Las compañías ferroviarias emiten tarjetas IC de transporte y de prepago que utilizan tecnología de identificacón RFID. Estas tarjetas contienen un chip integrado que almacena información relevante, como el nombre, fecha de nacimiento, dirección actual, domicilio legal, fotografía, tipo y número de carné, así como la fecha de adquisición, con el fin de evitar falsificaciones.

Aplicaciones en la industria de la moda, distribución y sector médico: La tecnología de identificación RFID también se utiliza en el sector de la moda, distribución y el ámbito médico. En estos casos, la RFID se emplea como una herramienta para gestionar información sobre inventarios y productos, facilitando el manejo eficiente de grandes cantidades de datos simultáneamente.

A pesar de sus múltiples usos, la implementación de lectores RFID sigue siendo costosa en la actualidad, lo que puede suponer un obstáculo para su adopción en restaurantes y tiendas privadas.

Principio de la Identificación RFID

La identificación RFID utiliza la comunicación inalámbrica de corto alcance para intercambiar y gestionar información entre etiquetas de identificación RFID y lectores por lotes. La etiqueta RFID suele contener una memoria y una antena para enviar y recibir señales de comunicación, y la entrada y salida de información utilizando la etiqueta de identificación RFID como medio se realiza a través de estas antenas y la memoria.

Existen dos tipos principales de identificadores RFID: pasiva y activa, y la diferencia radica en si la etiqueta RFID lleva incorporada una batería o no.

1. Tipo Pasivo

Las etiquetas de identificación RFID pasivas utilizan las ondas de radio emitidas por el lector como energía de funcionamiento, y la etiqueta RFID transmite la información introducida en su memoria. El intercambio de información sólo se inicia con una respuesta del lector.

2. Tipo Activo

En el tipo activo, la etiqueta de identificación RFID equipada con batería transmite activamente la información, que luego recibe el lector. La información leída se almacena en un ordenador y puede visualizarse, editarse y gestionarse.

Como ya se ha descrito, la identificación RFID permite la lectura sin contacto mediante comunicación inalámbrica, de modo que la información puede leerse aunque la distancia entre la etiqueta de RF y el lector sea considerable. La capacidad de leer varias etiquetas al mismo tiempo es también una característica que no se encuentra en las tecnologías que leen etiquetas ópticamente, como los códigos de barras.

Por ejemplo, cuando se introduce en los fabricantes de ropa para la gestión de inventarios, ya no es necesario sacar las prendas de sus cajas una a una y leerlas por código de barras.

Más Información sobre la Identificación  RFID

1. Precio de la Identificación RFID

Para utilizar la identificación RFID se necesitan etiquetas RFID y lectores. El precio de las etiquetas de identificación RFID, que solían ser caras, ha ido bajando en los últimos años, y pueden adquirirse etiquetas baratas.

Con la difusión de las etiquetas de identificación RFID, el precio sigue una tendencia a la baja, y se dice que el precio puede caer en el futuro, especialmente para los tipos pasivos. Recientemente, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto piloto para introducir la identificación RFID en la gestión de productos de las tiendas de conveniencia con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia de los pedidos, la recepción y reducir los costos operativos.

Además de los lectores de etiquetas de radiofrecuencia, algunos proveedores venden software para la gestión de productos, etc. como un conjunto. El costo en este caso debe presupuestarse individualmente, en función del sistema que se vaya a instalar.

2. Frecuencias y Normas utilizadas para la Identificación RFID

La identificación RFID se define como “banda LF (banda de 130 KHz)”, “banda HF (banda de 13,56 MHz)”, “banda UHF (banda de 900 MHz)”, “banda ISM (2,45 GHz)”, etc. Según la frecuencia utilizada, y de acuerdo con cada estándar, no sólo difieren la distancia de transmisión y la estabilidad de la comunicación, sino que también el tamaño de la antena es muy similar. El tamaño de la antena también está estrechamente relacionado con la norma.

NFC, que forma parte del sistema de tecnología de identificación RFID, es un estándar definido de forma independiente que utiliza el método de comunicación de banda HF del que es un identificador RFID muy familiar utilizado para el dinero electrónico de transporte como my number card y Suica. 860-960 MHz de la banda de onda ultracorta se utiliza para RFID. La banda UHF puede comunicar hasta 10 m, mientras que la banda HF utilizada por NFC permite una comunicación de corto alcance de aproximadamente 10 cm.

NFC es una especificación técnica desarrollada por el Foro NFC, una organización de normalización industrial, y se utiliza para pagos sin contacto en teléfonos inteligentes, así como dinero electrónico para sistemas de transporte.


Capteur d’odeurs

Qu’est-ce qu’un capteur d’odeurs ?

Un capteur d’odeurs est un dispositif qui permet de quantifier l’évaluation des odeurs, qui repose traditionnellement sur l’expertise de panélistes de tests sensoriels et de juges olfactifs.

Parmi les cinq sens humains, l’olfaction et le goût sont reconnus par des récepteurs situés dans le nez et la langue qui détectent les composants des aliments, des cosmétiques, etc. Cependant, les substances chimiques qui composent ces éléments varient énormément et sont souvent perçues de manière complexe, de sorte que la recherche et le développement de capteurs ont pris du retard par rapport aux autres sens.

L’odorat humain est un sens ambigu qui varie considérablement d’une personne à l’autre, mais les capteurs d’odeur ont permis d’évaluer les odeurs de manière objective.
Alors qu’il existe des capteurs de gaz et d’autres dispositifs qui identifient et quantifient des composants individuels, les capteurs d’odeurs permettent de porter un jugement global et d’évaluer la qualité et l’intensité d’une odeur.

Utilisations des capteurs d’odeurs

Actuellement, les capteurs d’odeur sont utiles dans les domaines suivants : (1) recherche et développement et contrôle de la qualité des aliments et des cosmétiques, (2) mesure des odeurs environnementales et (3) surveillance des anomalies dans les gaz, les incendies, etc.

Dans le cas (1), le capteur n’est pas utilisé pour les composants gazeux individuels, mais pour l’identification subtile de l’odeur émise par un objet.

Dans le cas (2), il est utilisé lorsque l’intensité de l’odeur est un problème, par exemple dans la gestion des environnements de travail et la mesure de l’efficacité des équipements de désodorisation.

Dans le cas (3), il est utilisé à des fins de contrôle de la sécurité, bien qu’il ne nécessite pas de correspondance avec l’odorat humain.

En outre, à des fins de diagnostic médical, un capteur qui teste la présence ou l’absence de maladie en détectant les composants de l’haleine propres aux patients cancéreux est en cours de développement pour une utilisation pratique.

Principe des capteurs d’odeur

Il existe deux principaux types de capteurs d’odeurs : les capteurs à semi-conducteurs et les capteurs à cristaux de quartz.

Le “type semi-conducteur” est utilisé depuis longtemps comme capteur de gaz et détecte les odeurs en utilisant le changement de résistance d’un semi-conducteur dû à une réaction de surface provoquée par l’adsorption de molécules odorantes sur la surface du semi-conducteur. Ces systèmes peuvent être classés en deux catégories : les semi-conducteurs à base d’oxyde et les semi-conducteurs organiques.
L’oxyde d’étain et l’oxyde de zinc sont utilisés dans le type de semi-conducteur à oxyde, qui permet d’obtenir une sortie proportionnelle à la présence ou à l’absence d’une substance et à sa concentration. Les substances odorantes inorganiques telles que les gaz sont couramment détectées, mais la sensibilité est faible pour les composés organiques tels que les parfums.
Le polypyrrole et le polyacétylène sont utilisés dans les semi-conducteurs organiques et sont capables de discriminer les odeurs. Ils présentent toutefois l’inconvénient d’être coûteux.

Le type de résonateur à cristal de quartz consiste en une membrane lipidique, qui est une membrane sensible imitant les cellules olfactives humaines, attachée à la surface d’un résonateur. Lorsque des molécules odorantes sont adsorbées sur la membrane sensible, la fréquence de résonance du résonateur diminue en raison de l’effet de charge de masse. En utilisant le mécanisme selon lequel l’ampleur de la diminution est proportionnelle à la masse de l’odorant adsorbé, la concentration de l’odorant est mesurée en mesurant l’ampleur de la diminution. Le système est particulièrement efficace pour détecter les odeurs organiques et peut distinguer le whisky, le saké japonais, le café et le parfum.
Les membranes sensibles aux odeurs utilisées comprennent les membranes en résine époxy, les membranes en résine d’acétate de vinyle et les membranes de Langmuir-Blodgett.

Qu’est-ce qu’un capteur d’odeur monté sur smartphone ?

En 2019, un capteur d’odeur compact pouvant être fixé à un smartphone (téléphone intelligent) a été mis au point. Les capteurs d’odeur peuvent être détectés en les connectant au smartphone via USB Yype-C. Les odeurs détectées peuvent être utilisées pour les fuites de gaz, le contrôle de la fraîcheur des aliments, les odeurs corporelles, la vérification de l’alcool, etc.

Ce capteur d’odeur est un cristal de quartz doté d’une membrane sensible. Il incorpore des particules de détection avec différentes membranes de détection pour détecter une grande variété d’odeurs.

Lorsqu’il est connecté à un smartphone, ce dernier sert de plateforme d’analyse. Le type et la force de chaque odeur détectée sont analysés et les résultats sont affichés sur le smartphone.

Bien que la vente générale des capteurs d’odeur montés sur smartphone n’ait pas encore été décidée, des recherches et des améliorations sont en cours, et l’on s’attend à ce que le capteur soit capable de détecter environ 10 types d’odeurs différents. Le produit devrait être vendu à moins de 100 dollars, ce qui le rendra accessible à tous à l’avenir. L’appareil est portable, facile à transporter, et peut détecter et gérer les odeurs facilement et commodément.

Des recherches sont actuellement en cours pour convertir les types d’odeurs en données et faire appel à l’intelligence artificielle pour l’apprentissage automatique. Ces travaux devraient permettre d’améliorer la précision des capteurs et de l’analyse des odeurs. Il est également prévu d’augmenter le nombre de types d’odeurs pouvant être détectés.

Quantification des odeurs dans les capteurs d’odeurs

Le terme “odeur” n’a pas de norme ou d’unité claire, comme “odeur” et “puanteur”, “parfum” et “senteur”. Dans les capteurs d’odeurs aussi, une méthode de mesure de l'”odeur” est nécessaire. L’odeur est mesurée et exprimée en fonction de l’intensité et du confort ou de l’inconfort perçu par l’odorat humain.

Les olfactométries expriment l’intensité et le confort ou l’inconfort perçu par l’odorat humain. Elles sont classées en quatre types et chaque odeur est quantifiée de manière progressive.

Les quatre méthodes sont l'”intensité de l’odeur”, l'”agrément/déplaisir”, l'”indice d’odeur” et la “fréquence périodique”.

La méthode d’affichage de l’indice d’odeur est une quantification de la concentration d’odeur et de l’indice d’odeur.

La concentration d’odeur est définie comme “le facteur de dilution nécessaire pour atteindre l’absence d’odeur lorsqu’elle est diluée avec de l’air pur inodore”. L’indice d’odeur est la valeur obtenue en multipliant le logarithme ordinaire de la concentration d’odeur par 10. Ces valeurs sont utilisées comme référence et incorporées dans les capteurs d’odeur.



Was ist ein Geruchssensor?


Ein Geruchssensor ist ein Gerät, das die Bewertung von Gerüchen quantifizieren kann, die traditionell auf dem Fachwissen von sensorischen Prüfern und Geruchsrichtern beruhte.

Von den fünf menschlichen Sinnen werden der Geruchssinn und der Geschmackssinn von Rezeptoren in der Nase und auf der Zunge erkannt, die Bestandteile von Lebensmitteln, Kosmetika usw. wahrnehmen. Die chemischen Substanzen, aus denen diese Bestandteile bestehen, sind jedoch sehr unterschiedlich und werden oft auf komplexe Weise wahrgenommen, so dass die Forschung und Entwicklung von Sensoren hinter der anderer Sinne zurückgeblieben ist.

Der menschliche Geruchssinn ist ein mehrdeutiger Sinn, der von Mensch zu Mensch stark variiert, aber Geruchssensoren haben es möglich gemacht, Gerüche objektiv zu bewerten.
Während es Gassensoren und andere Geräte gibt, die einzelne Komponenten identifizieren und quantifizieren, ermöglichen Geruchssensoren eine umfassende Beurteilung und Bewertung der Qualität und Intensität eines Geruchs.

Einsatzgebiete von Geruchssensoren

Derzeit werden Geruchssensoren in folgenden Bereichen eingesetzt: (1) Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Qualitätskontrolle von Lebensmitteln und Kosmetika, (2) Messung von Umweltgerüchen und (3) Überwachung von Anomalien bei Gas, Feuer usw.

Im Fall (1) wird der Sensor nicht für einzelne Gaskomponenten verwendet, sondern für die subtile Identifizierung des Geruchs, der von einem Objekt ausgeht.

Im Fall (2) wird er eingesetzt, wenn die Geruchsintensität ein Thema ist, z. B. bei der Verwaltung von Arbeitsumgebungen und der Messung der Wirksamkeit von Desodorierungsgeräten.

Im Fall (3) wird er für Sicherheitskontrollen verwendet, obwohl er nicht mit dem menschlichen Geruchssinn übereinstimmen muss.

Darüber hinaus wird für die medizinische Diagnose ein Sensor entwickelt, der das Vorhandensein oder Nichtvorhandensein von Krankheiten durch den Nachweis von für Krebspatienten charakteristischen Atemkomponenten prüft.

Das Prinzip der Geruchssensoren

Es gibt zwei Haupttypen von Geruchssensoren: Halbleiter- und Quarzkristallsensoren.

Der “”Halbleitertyp”” wird seit langem als Gassensor verwendet und erkennt Gerüche, indem er die Änderung des Widerstands eines Halbleiters aufgrund einer Oberflächenreaktion nutzt, die durch die Adsorption von Geruchsmolekülen an der Halbleiteroberfläche verursacht wird. Diese Systeme lassen sich in zwei Typen einteilen: Oxid-Halbleiter und organische Halbleiter.
Beim Oxid-Halbleitertyp werden Zinnoxid und Zinkoxid verwendet, um ein Ausgangssignal zu erhalten, das proportional zur Anwesenheit oder Abwesenheit einer Substanz und ihrer Konzentration ist. Anorganische Geruchsstoffe wie Gase werden in der Regel erkannt, aber die Empfindlichkeit für organische Verbindungen wie Duftstoffe ist gering.
Polypyrrol und Polyacetylen werden in organischen Halbleitern verwendet und sind in der Lage, Gerüche zu unterscheiden. Sie haben jedoch den Nachteil, dass sie teuer sind.

Der Quarzkristall-Resonatortyp besteht aus einer Lipidmembran, einer empfindlichen Membran, die menschliche Riechzellen imitiert und an der Oberfläche eines Resonators angebracht ist. Wenn Geruchsmoleküle an der empfindlichen Membran adsorbiert werden, sinkt die Resonanzfrequenz des Resonators aufgrund des Effekts der Massenbelastung. Mit Hilfe des Mechanismus, bei dem der Betrag der Abnahme proportional zur Masse des adsorbierten Geruchsstoffs ist, wird die Konzentration des Geruchsstoffs durch Messung des Betrags der Abnahme gemessen. Das System ist besonders gut in der Lage, organische Geruchsstoffe zu erkennen und kann zwischen Whiskey, japanischem Sake, Kaffee und Parfüm unterscheiden.
Zu den verwendeten geruchsempfindlichen Membranen gehören Epoxidharzmembranen, Vinylacetatharzmembranen und Langmuir-Blodgett-Membranen.

Was ist ein am Smartphone montierter Geruchssensor?

Im Jahr 2019 wurde ein kompakter Geruchssensor entwickelt, der an einem Smartphone befestigt werden kann. Die Geruchssensoren können erkannt werden, indem die Geruchssensoren über USB Yype-C mit dem Smartphone verbunden werden. Die erkannten Gerüche können für Gaslecks, Frischekontrollen von Lebensmitteln, Körpergeruch, Alkoholkontrollen usw. verwendet werden.

Dieser Geruchssensor ist ein Quarzkristall mit einer empfindlichen Membran. Er enthält Detektorteilchen mit verschiedenen Sensormembranen, um eine Vielzahl von Gerüchen zu erkennen.

Wenn er mit einem Smartphone verbunden ist, dient das Smartphone als Analyseplattform. Die Art und Stärke jedes erkannten Geruchs wird analysiert, und die Ergebnisse werden auf dem Smartphone angezeigt.

Obwohl der allgemeine Verkauf der am Smartphone montierten Geruchssensoren noch nicht beschlossen ist, laufen die Forschungen und Verbesserungen weiter, und es wird erwartet, dass der Sensor etwa 10 verschiedene Arten von Gerüchen erkennen kann. Es wird erwartet, dass das Produkt für weniger als 100 Dollar verkauft wird und damit in Zukunft für jedermann erschwinglich ist. Das Gerät ist tragbar, leicht zu transportieren und kann Gerüche einfach und bequem erkennen und verwalten.

Derzeit wird daran geforscht, die Geruchsarten in Daten umzuwandeln und maschinelles Lernen einzusetzen. Dadurch soll die Genauigkeit der Geruchssensoren und der Analyse verbessert werden. Auch die Anzahl der Geruchsarten, die erkannt werden können, soll erhöht werden.

Quantifizierung von Gerüchen in Geruchssensoren

Der Begriff “”Geruch”” hat keine eindeutige Norm oder Einheit, wie etwa “”Geruch”” und “”Gestank””, “”Duft”” und “”Parfüm””. Auch bei Geruchssensoren wird eine Methode zur Messung von “”Geruch”” benötigt. Geruch wird auf der Grundlage der Intensität und des vom menschlichen Geruchssinn wahrgenommenen Komforts oder Unbehagens gemessen und ausgedrückt.

Die Olfaktometrie drückt die Intensität und den Komfort oder das Unbehagen aus, das der menschliche Geruchssinn wahrnimmt. Diese werden in vier Typen eingeteilt und jeder Geruch wird schrittweise quantifiziert.

Die vier Methoden sind “”Geruchsintensität””, “”Angenehmes/Unangenehmes””, “”Geruchsindex”” und “”Periodische Häufigkeit””.

Die Methode zur Anzeige des Geruchsindexes ist eine Quantifizierung der Geruchskonzentration und des Geruchsindexes.

Die Geruchskonzentration ist definiert als “”der Verdünnungsfaktor, der erforderlich ist, um bei Verdünnung mit geruchloser reiner Luft Geruchlosigkeit zu erreichen. Der Geruchsindex ist der Wert, den man durch Multiplikation des gewöhnlichen Logarithmus der Geruchskonzentration mit 10 erhält. Diese Werte werden als Referenz verwendet und in die Geruchssensoren integriert.


Cooling System

What Is a Cooling System?

Cooling SystemsCooling Systems are devices, equipment, or electronic equipment that are used to reduce temperature increases. Cooling Systems can be broadly classified into two types: water-cooled, which uses water to cool, and air-cooled, which uses air to cool.

Among the water-cooled types, there are two types: one uses industrial water and the other uses a chiller system that recirculates water that has been heated through the equipment by cooling it again.

Air-cooled systems absorb heat and dissipate it to the atmosphere through contact with heat-conductive metal or air, or use an electronic device called a Peltier element to transfer heat.

Uses of Cooling Systems

Air-cooled heat exchangers are used in cooling systems of petroleum complexes and waste incineration plants, where large amounts of heat are generated. An air-cooled heat exchanger is cooled by flowing the fluid to be cooled and blowing air with a fan.

Water-cooled heat exchangers are used to efficiently cool metal parts. By drilling holes in the parts to be cooled and passing cooling water through them, the heat of the metal parts can be taken away directly. They are used for camera noise reduction and brazing machines that generate high temperatures locally.

Peltier elements may be used in areas where water or air cannot be circulated or where cooling to below 0°C is desired.

Principle of Cooling System

Cooling Systems using Peltier elements can cool objects down to below 0°C (32°F).

Peltier elements cool by utilizing the thermoelectric effect, a phenomenon in which heat is absorbed and dissipated at the metal junction when two different metals are connected in series, and an electric current is applied to them. Since the direction of heat flow can be controlled by the direction of current applied to the Peltier element, it can be used not only for cooling but also as a heat source.

Peltier elements can take away a large amount of heat by stacking multiple layers, but it is also important to dissipate the heat taken away efficiently. In general, heat is dissipated using aluminum heat-dissipating fins and heat exhaust fans. However, in order to improve efficiency, the number of units that use heat pipes and heat conductive sheets in combination is increasing. Not only the heat absorption power of the Peltier but also the amount of heat that can be exhausted is important.

Recently, flexible Peltier elements have been developed that can adhere to curved surfaces for efficient cooling.


Electronic Leak Detector

What Is an Electronic Leak Detector?

An Electronic Leak Detector is a device that emits a sound or signal to alert the user in the event of an electrical leakage.

Electrical wiring may be subject to insulation deterioration due to the insulation coating peeling off as a result of disasters or age-related deterioration. When this occurs, sparking between the exposed core wire and the building frame generates heat, and wiring with an organic insulation coating can easily catch fire.

Electrical fires are often caused by the above causes. Electronic Leak Detectors are installed for the purpose of preventing such fires.

Usage of Electronic Leak Detectors

Electronic Leak Detector installation standards for buildings are generally using lath mortar.

Lath mortar is a structure in which mortar is spread around a metal mesh called metal lath. Thin metal mesh has a low allowable current and low grounding resistance, which increases the risk of fire.

Even when lath mortar is used, the installation may be exempted if the contract current is low or the total floor area is small.

Principle of Electronic Leak Detector

Electronic Leak Detectors are designed to detect ground-fault currents and to alarm when a certain power system is not normally supplied with power.

When a power system is feeding power normally, the sum of the currents on the distribution lines is always zero. This is true for both three-phase and single-phase systems. In electrical engineering, this is called a balanced state. In a balanced state, the sum of the magnetic fields around the wiring feeding a single system is zero, and the change in the currents around the system due to the magnetic fields is 0A. 

However, when a ground fault occurs and a ground fault current flows, the equilibrium state is disturbed and the sum of the magnetic fields of all phases is no longer 0. ZCT is a device that clamps all phases of wiring together and detects currents flowing out of equilibrium.

Electronic Leak Detectors receive the earth fault current value from the ZCT, and if the value exceeds a predetermined threshold value, the alarm is triggered. Since it only emits an alarm, it has no interrupting capability against leakage current. For leakage current fire protection, a separate switchgear or RCD must be installed.


Transport Management Software

What Is Transport Management Software?

Delivery Management Systems

Transport management software (TMS) centralizes the management of delivery-related information to achieve efficient dispatch and delivery of goods. It optimizes delivery plans considering various destinations and bases, allowing for real-time tracking of vehicle locations.

As logistics volumes expand, the need for more efficient transportation operations—such as optimal truck allocation and delivery cost reduction—becomes critical. TMS offers a comprehensive solution by managing all transportation and delivery operations within a unified system.

Typically part of a logistics management system, TMS works in conjunction with warehouse management systems (WMS) to streamline the entire logistics process.

Uses of Transport Management Software

TMS aims to enhance delivery efficiency by consolidating transportation and delivery tasks. It addresses the growing need for more effective delivery operations amid increasing logistics volume and driver shortages. By generating optimal dispatch plans and managing loads and routes, TMS reduces logistics costs and worker workload.

Principles of Transport Management Software

Key functionalities of TMS include:

1. Dispatch Management

It generates optimal delivery plans by considering factors such as destinations, product costs, and available vehicles, improving route efficiency.

2. Transportation and Delivery Management

Real-time GPS tracking of vehicles and products provides current delivery statuses and estimated arrival times.

3. Transportation Cost Calculation

The system calculates all transportation-related costs, including wages and fees.

4. Performance Management

Automatically generates driving reports and records, managing driving behavior and contributing to operational improvements.

5. Vehicle Management

Manages fleet-related operations, including vehicle lease statuses and associated expenses.

TMS offers flexibility to handle non-routine tasks and adapt to unforeseen challenges such as traffic congestion.

How to Select Transport Management Software

Key considerations when choosing a TMS include:

1. Functionality

Ensure the system meets your specific shipping operation needs. Focus on functionalities crucial to your business, like delivery planning and customer information management.

2. Customizability and Linkage

The system should be customizable to fit your business requirements and capable of integrating with existing systems, enhancing overall functionality.

3. Operability

Confirm the software’s ease of use, ensuring an intuitive user interface that minimizes errors across all user levels, from experienced staff to newcomers.


Logistics Management System

What Is a Logistics Management System?

Logistics Management Systems

A logistics management system manages logistics processes and inventory of raw materials and products. It encompasses warehouse management systems (WMS) for warehouse operations and transportation management systems (TMS) for shipping and delivery, addressing the increased complexity and volume of goods handled in modern logistics.

Uses of Logistics Management Systems

Logistics management systems aim to streamline operations, enhance logistics services, and cut costs by digitalizing the management of logistics-related information. They are increasingly adopted for on-site management due to their ability to handle the growing complexity and volume of logistics operations, moving beyond traditional Sales Management Systems.

Principles of Logistics Management Systems

Logistics management systems typically include WMS for inventory and warehouse operations, and TMS for transportation and delivery, leveraging technology to reduce manual labor, minimize errors, and improve operational efficiency.

1. Warehouse Management System

WMS enhances warehouse operations through inventory management, shipping, and labeling, utilizing barcode readers and scanners to streamline processes and link with other systems for comprehensive asset management.

2. Transportation Management System

TMS optimizes transportation and delivery, including vehicle allocation, route planning, and cost calculation, integrating data from WMS to plan efficiently and manage driver performance.

How to Choose a Logistics Management System

Selecting a logistics management system requires consideration of business-specific functionalities, cost-effectiveness, usability, support, and scalability to ensure it meets current and future business needs.

1. Functions That Match the Characteristics of Your Business

Select a system with features tailored to your logistics operations, such as route optimization for businesses handling their deliveries.

2. Usage Fees and Cost Effectiveness

Assess the system’s costs against its potential for cost reduction and return on investment to choose a cost-effective solution.

3. Operability and Ease of Use of the System

Ensure the system is user-friendly to minimize employee stress and errors, potentially through demos or trials.

4. Support System

Opt for a system with robust support available round the clock, especially for operations running 24/7.

5. System Scalability and Customizability

Choose a system that can grow and adapt to your business, considering integration capabilities with other systems to enhance management functions.


Materials Management System

What Is a Materials Management System?

A materials management system, also known as BOM (bill of material) system, is a system that not only manages parts but also manages the bill of materials used to manufacture and manage products, and provides appropriate information related to the parts to various departments.

Depending on the management method, there are two main types of materials management system: integrated materials management system and application-specific materials management system. An integrated materials management system has the advantage that it is less likely to cause discrepancies between departments, since the bill of materials is managed centrally across departments.

However, the disadvantage is that the usage of the bill of materials generally differs from one department to another, making it difficult for certain departments to utilize the system in some cases. On the other hand, materials management system by application have the advantage that the system can be easily utilized in each department because the BOM is created and managed specifically for a particular department. However, since the system does not use a unified bill of materials among departments, there is a risk of inconsistency among departments.

Usage of Materials Management Systems

The main use of materials management system is to manage a bill of materials, inventory status of parts, warehousing history, and ordering status in real time. By centralizing information previously managed on paper or in other systems, materials management system enables efficient management of parts.

BOM is an important document used in various departments, such as design, production, and purchasing. Although the same bill of materials should normally be used across departments, in practice, different departments often use different bills of materials for their own management, resulting in issues such as design changes in one department not being reflected in another department’s bill of materials.

In recent years, manufacturing processes have become more complex, and the use of BOMs across multiple departments has increased, so efficient management of parts and BOMs is required. In many cases, parts and bills of materials are managed electronically in Excel and other formats. However, general electronic management has left problems, such as input errors (e.g., double entry) and design changes that are not reflected.

With the introduction of materials management system, changes to the BOM can be made in real time and can be easily shared by other departments.

Materials Management System Functions

Typical functions of a materials management system are as follows:

1. BOM (Bill of Materials) Management Function

A materials management system can manage BOMs, which has the advantage of clarifying the location and contents of BOMs, and preventing inconsistencies between BOMs when multiple BOMs are used. In addition, existing BOMs can be easily referenced when creating new BOMs. 

2. BOM (Bill of Materials) Update Function

When design changes are made, the BOM can be automatically updated based on the details of the changes. This facilitates information sharing among departments and unification of BOM content, especially when changes are managed across multiple departments or when the changes affect multiple BOMs.

3. Inventory Management Function

An actual materials management system can be used to manage actual parts. By linking parts to processes, it is possible to estimate in advance which process each part will be used in, whether parts are in surplus or shortage, and the construction period until completion.

4. Product Management Function

Products can also be managed. By linking products to their respective bills of materials and drawings, it is possible to check parts and drawings by product name.

The functions required will vary depending on how the BOM is managed. Selecting a materials management system after clarifying in advance which functions are important to you will make it easier to implement the system.

How to Select a Materials Management Systems

1. Functionality

Since the way to manage the bill of materials varies from company to company, it is necessary to confirm in advance whether the materials management system has the necessary functions before selecting a system. For example, there are functions such as automatic ordering, inventory control, and warehouse management, etc. It is important to review from the business process point of view which system will be used for the business and which functions will be linked with other systems.

2. Ease of Use

Materials management systems are often handled not only by personnel familiar with the business but also by temporary workers and young employees in some companies. Therefore, we check whether the system has a simple user interface that can be operated smoothly and whether it is accompanied by intuitive operability.