
Biomass Power Generator

What Is a Biomass Power Generator?

Biomass Power Generatorsa Biomass Power Generator is a device that generates electricity using biomass resources as fuel.

Biomass resources are not fossil fuels such as petroleum or coal, but resources derived from reusable plants and animals. Since they do not use fossil fuels, they are attracting attention as eco-friendly generators.

In addition to being carbon neutral, Biomass Power Generators are also characterized by its ability to generate electricity in a stable manner. The reason for this is that, unlike power generation using natural energy, fuel can be obtained in a stable manner.

Uses of Biomass Power Generators

Biomass Power Generators are used for the generation of electricity. They come in a variety of sizes, from relatively small ones used in factories to large ones operated by power companies. 

Some of the smaller Biomass Power Generators have a generating capacity of about 50 kW. However, the larger the Biomass Power Generator, the higher the power generation efficiency, and the smaller the generator, the lower the power generation efficiency.

Therefore, when introducing a Biomass Power Generator, it is necessary to consider the power generation efficiency, power generation capacity, and running costs.

Principle of Biomass Power Generator

Biomass Power Generators can be broadly classified into three types according to the principle of power generation: direct combustion, pyrolysis gasification, and biochemical gasification. Since the characteristics differ depending on the power generation principle, it is necessary to select the most suitable method according to the intended use and required power generation capacity.

1. Direct Combustion Method

The direct combustion method uses thinned wood, combustible garbage, waste oil, etc. as fuel for direct combustion. The heat energy generated during combustion is used to boil water and rotate a steam turbine to generate electricity. Generally, thinned wood is cut into small pieces to optimize combustion efficiency.

However, with this combustion method, it is difficult to create a high-temperature environment sufficient to rotate a steam turbine, and the smaller the equipment, the lower the power generation efficiency. For this reason, this power generation method is suited for large-scale equipment. However, the difficulty of procuring fuel for large-scale equipment is an issue.

2. Pyrolysis Gasification

In the pyrolysis gasification method, biomass fuel is heat-treated at high temperature to generate gas, which is then used to rotate a gas turbine to generate electricity. This biomass fuel is made from wood pellets or wood chips processed from thinned wood or wood waste.

One of the characteristics of this power generation method is that it can achieve high combustion temperatures. This makes it an ideal power generation method for small Biomass Power Generators.

3. Biochemical Gasification

The biochemical gasification method differs significantly from other power generation methods in that it uses livestock manure and sewage sludge as raw materials. When these materials are fermented, biogas is generated.

This biogas is used to rotate a gas turbine and generate electricity. The advantages of this method are that biomass, which is difficult to burn, can be used and that high power generation efficiency can be achieved.

Other Information on Biomass Power Generators

1. Ultra-Compact Biomass Power Generator

Ultra-compact Biomass Power Generators are also being developed. An ultra-compact Biomass Power Generator measuring approximately 2.5 meters high x 44.8 meters long x 1.3 meters wide has been developed. Each of these generators can generate 40 kW of power, 100 kW of heat, and approximately 78% energy efficiency, ensuring sufficient efficiency.

2. Power Plant Using Biomass Power Generator

In order for biomass power generation to be a viable business, it is essential to have a system to ensure a stable supply of relatively inexpensive fuel. 

Let us look at international trends from the “Renewable Energy World White Paper 2020” published by REN21 (headquartered in France), an international network promoting renewable energies.

Globally, bioenergy continues to grow at a moderate pace, with China being a particularly prominent growth area. Recent growth in China’s bioenergy sector has been significant, and according to REN21 statistics, China has been the world’s largest producer of biomass electricity for three consecutive years from 2017 to 2019.

In Europe, on the other hand, many of the major countries have taken the prescribed path of moving away from coal, and there is a movement to switch to biomass, especially in Nordic countries such as Denmark, where biomass is also a popular heat source for district heat supply.


Micro Grinders

What Is a Micro Grinder?

A micro grinder is a type of machining tool that is held in the hand like a pen to grind and polish workpieces. It is sometimes called a router or a reuter.

In addition to electric-powered micro grinders, there are also air-powered micro grinders.

The actual tool at the end of the machine is interchangeable, and the tool can be changed according to the processing content.

The rotation speed can be adjusted, and sufficient torque can be maintained for machining even in the low rotation range.

Applications of Micro Grinders

Micro grinders are used for deburring and chamfering of various metals, precision abrasive finishing and engraving, inside machining that is difficult for larger tools to penetrate, free-form surfaces, and other areas where fine machining is required.

They are also used for polishing and removing paint from brushes and other materials that cannot be rotated at high speeds.

They are also used for cutting and grinding plastics, ceramics, glass, stone, and wood.

Dentists use air micro grinders to grind teeth.

Principles of Micro Grinders

Micro grinders are mainly suitable for machining narrow areas such as deburring.

The micro grinder is a highly portable and compact machine that can be used for a wide range of applications. The direction of rotation can be selected from forward and reverse to suit the machining location.

The machine can be driven by either electric or air, depending on the infrastructure available. Air-driven machines can rotate at higher speeds than electric-driven machines. Rotation speeds are ~40,000 rpm for electric and ~10,000 rpm for air, and high-speed rotation can shorten processing time.

There are not only straight type grinders, but also angled types (45°~120°) that face downward.

Although rotary grinders are the most common, there are also back-and-forth and left-right motion types that go back and forth more than 100 times per second, allowing for corner machining, which rotary grinders are not good at.


Float Ball Valves

What Is a Float Ball Valve?

Float Ball Valve

A float ball valve is a device used to regulate the water level in a container using a float mechanism.

Commonly installed in tanks and vessels that store liquids, float ball valves control the inflow and outflow of fluids in response to changes in water level. They are known for their simple operation and the ease of controlling the water level. The valve operates automatically based on the float’s position, eliminating the need for manual operation or adjustments.

Due to their few mechanical parts and minimal maintenance requirements, float ball valves are reliable over long periods. They are also cost-effective and energy-efficient, as they do not use electricity for water level adjustment. This contributes to water and energy savings by optimizing fluid supply and discharge.

Applications of Float Ball Valves

Float ball valves have diverse applications, ranging from industrial uses to household items. In toilet water supply systems, for example, the float ball valve opens to refill the tank when the water level drops and closes when the water level reaches a set point.

In industrial settings, such as cooling towers in power plants, float ball valves play a crucial role. They ensure a consistent supply of cooling water, which evaporates and decreases over time, maintaining the required water level.

These valves are also integral to agricultural irrigation systems, where they regulate water supply to fields. Maintaining a consistent water level ensures optimal watering of crops.

Principle of Float Ball Valves

The float ball valve operates on the interplay between buoyancy and valve control. The valve features a float, typically spherical or disk-shaped and made from lightweight materials, that rises and falls with the liquid level.

This movement controls a valve attached to the float. The valve opens to allow fluid into the tank when the float drops and closes to stop the influx as the water level rises and the float ascends.

How to Select a Float Ball Valve

When choosing a float ball valve, consider the following factors:

1. Material

Select a material that suits the fluid and environment where the float ball valve will be used. Common materials include corrosion-resistant options like stainless steel and brass, with plastic being a viable choice in certain conditions. Consider durability and chemical compatibility when selecting the material.

2. Valve Diameter

The valve diameter directly affects the volume of fluid the float ball valve can handle. Choose a diameter based on the fluid volume requirements, keeping in mind that larger diameters can handle more fluid but may be bulkier and more expensive.

3. Structure

Float ball valves come in single and duplex types. Single-type valves have one arm that responds to water level changes, whereas duplex types use multiple arms for more precise control. The choice between single and duplex should be based on the required accuracy and operating environment.

4. Installation Method

The installation method for float ball valves varies depending on the system. Common methods include flange mounting and screw mounting. Select the method that best fits the system specifications and available space.


[2023 Edition] Universities for those who want to work in the manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry has been an integral part of the world’s economy. It is responsible for producing a wide range of goods that are essential to our daily lives. The industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with the introduction of new technologies, automation, and advanced manufacturing processes. If you want to build a career in the manufacturing industry, getting a degree from a reputable university is a great way to start. 


In this blog, we will discuss colleges recommended for those who want to work in the manufacturing industry.


What is Manufacturing?

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials into finished goods for use or sale. The manufacturing industry has been a major contributor to the economic growth of many countries. It provides employment opportunities and drives innovation. However, the industry is facing a shortage of professionals, which has resulted in a skills gap. It is important to choose a college that will provide you with a quality education to solve this skills gap.

The Importance of Skilled Professionals in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry requires skilled professionals to operate the machinery and equipment used in the production process. These professionals include engineers, technicians, operators, and managers. These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the manufacturing process. They are responsible for improving productivity, reducing costs, and maintaining the quality of the products.

Skilled professionals in the manufacturing industry are also essential for innovation. They help to develop new products, processes, and technologies. Without skilled professionals, the industry would not be able to keep up with the demands of consumers, which would result in a decline in sales and revenue.

The Impact of a Skills Gap on Manufacturing

The skills gap in the manufacturing industry has become a major challenge for manufacturers. The shortage of skilled professionals has resulted in a decline in productivity, quality, and innovation. The industry is also facing a higher employee turnover rate, which results in higher recruitment and training costs.

Moreover, the skills gap in manufacturing has wider implications for the economy. The manufacturing industry is a major contributor to the GDP of many countries. A decline in the performance of the industry would result in a decline in the economy. Therefore, it is essential to address the skills gap in the manufacturing industry to ensure the continued growth of the industry and the economy.

List of recommended universities for those who want to work in the manufacturing industry


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT is a renowned research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is consistently ranked as the top university for manufacturing engineering by various ranking agencies like QS World University Rankings and US News & World Report. MIT offers a comprehensive program in manufacturing engineering that covers a wide range of topics such as automation, robotics, materials science, and supply chain management. The university has state-of-the-art research facilities like the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity and the Center for Bits and Atoms that provide ample opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge research projects.

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

Georgia Tech is a public research university located in Atlanta, Georgia. It is a top-ranked university for engineering programs and has a robust manufacturing engineering program. The program covers various topics such as manufacturing processes, systems design, and quality control. Georgia Tech has a dedicated research center for manufacturing, the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute, which provides students with access to advanced research facilities and industry collaborations. The university has strong ties with the manufacturing industry, which offers students ample opportunities for internships and job placements.

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

UC Berkeley is a public research university located in Berkeley, California. It is a top-ranked university for engineering programs and has a prestigious manufacturing engineering program. The program covers topics such as design for manufacturability, process planning, and supply chain management. UC Berkeley has a dedicated research center for manufacturing, the Berkeley Manufacturing Institute, which provides students with access to cutting-edge research facilities and industry collaborations. The university has a strong focus on sustainability in manufacturing, which offers students opportunities to work on sustainable manufacturing projects.


Bio Filter

What Is a Bio Filter?

 A Bio Filters is a filter used for water treatment, such as wastewater treatment.

They are also used for odor treatment, but the structure and principle differ depending on the application.

Uses of Bio Filters

Bio Filters are mainly used for water treatment and odor treatment.

1. Bio Filters for Water Treatment

Bio Filters are used for water treatment. The main applications are the treatment of domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, and wastewater from the agricultural and livestock industries.

For this reason, they are installed in wastewater filtration facilities. They are also often used in aquatic life tanks. They are suitable as filters for fish farms and household water tanks. 

2. Bio Filters for Odor Treatment

Bio Filters are also used for odor treatment. For example, they are used to remove odors from livestock in pig farms.

Principles of Bio Filters

Bio Filters vary in construction and principle depending on their application.

1. Bio Filters for Turbid Water Treatment

These Bio Filters are used to treat turbid water caused by construction work, etc. They are turbid water filtration filters that use natural coconut fibers and other materials. It is characterized by the fact that it can be used as a vegetation base and decomposes naturally after installation. Bio Filters purify wastewater and odors by feeding them into a filtration layer containing microorganisms.

2. Bio Filters for Wastewater Treatment

Bio Filters used in wastewater treatment facilities consist of a thin film of microorganisms on the surface of the packing material that makes up the filter and in the spaces between the packing materials. The wastewater is filtered through the filter and treated using the biological membrane activated sludge method.

Compared to the activated sludge method commonly used to treat domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater, this method is characterized by a higher BOD removal rate per unit volume of equipment. This makes the equipment smaller and more tolerant of temperature fluctuations, making it easier to maintain and manage.

3. Bio Filters for Aquatic Organisms

Bio Filters for aquatic organisms are often used in fish farms. These Bio Filters are made of porous calcined materials such as glass. The porous filter material is made of an adherent base of microorganisms.

The porous filter material is an excellent substrate for microorganisms to attach, and nitrate-reducing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria, which have nitrifying effects, grow and oxidize ammonia to maintain water quality. 

4. Bio Filter for Odor Treatment

Bio Filters for odor treatment include filters made of coconut husk or wood chips with added organic matter. The system deodorizes odors by passing air containing odors through these filters while sprinkling water on them.

Another type of Bio Filter for odor treatment uses the soil deodorization method. The soil portion that functions as a filter consists of a crushed stone layer with large particles, a sand layer, and a soil layer containing microorganisms.

Odor-containing gases are fed into the lower part of the soil layer by a blower, and are slowly passed through the crushed stone layer, sand layer, and soil layer, where they are decomposed into odorless substances by the microorganisms. If the soil is about to dry out, sprinklers are used to sprinkle water on the soil to prevent the microorganisms from dying.

5. Bio Filters for Aquariums

One of the most familiar Bio Filters in our daily lives is the bottom filter for aquariums. This bottom filter focuses on biological filtration. When using a bottom filter, the key point is how to make the biofiltration function work.

There are three points to keep in mind in order to make the biological filtration function work:

  1. The filter media must be capable of harboring bacteria.
  2. The environment must be well oxygenated.
  3. There must be a strong water flow.

To install an aquarium Bio Filter, first connect an air tube to the bottom filter and place it at the bottom of the aquarium. Then, place gravel or other bottom material on top of the bottom filter to complete the installation.

Water is passed through the bottom sand on the bottom filter using an air pump, etc. to settle bacteria in the bottom sand, which is then used as a filter media.

Other Information on Bio Filters

Cautions for Bottom Filters

Cautions for bottom filters include the following:

1. There is a Limit to the Bottom Bed Material that can be Used.

Fine sand or grains will fall into the bottom filter and will impede water circulation. Also, bottom materials that contain a lot of nutrients are not suitable because the nutrients will diffuse into the aquarium. 

2. Incompatible With Aquarium Plants

In a bottom filter, feces and other debris will also accumulate on the bottom floor. Dirt on the bottom floor will affect the efficiency of the filtration function, so regular cleaning is necessary. The use of rooting-type water plants is not suitable for this type of filter, as they not only obstruct the water flow through the filter, but also make the bottom floor difficult to clean.


Bottle Filling Machines

What Are Bottle Filling Machines?

Bottle filling machines are used to fill bottles of various shapes with a wide range of viscosities, from liquids to highly viscous substances.

The machine must be able to handle any shape of bottle and prevent contamination of the filled material.
They are often used for beverages and food products, and have complex functions such as aseptic filling and washing and capping mechanisms.

They can eliminate problems that can occur with manual filling and improve filling speed and accuracy.
It also helps to reduce work time, automate processes, and simplify maintenance.
Many products are tailored to the needs of production sites, including those with follow-up mechanisms that can flexibly accommodate new containers resulting from new product development.

Applications for Bottle Filling Machines

Bottle filling machines are used for filling a wide range of products, including food products, because they can fill bottles of any viscosity, from liquids to high-viscosity products.
The types of bottles to be filled include PET bottles, glass bottles, and plastic bottles.

Food products:

  • Liquid products such as soy sauce and noodle sauces
  • High viscosity products such as dressings
  • Lactic acid beverages, milk, dairy drinks
  • Soft drinks
  • Meat marinade sauce
  • Processed miso products
  • Fruit sauces

Non-food products:

  • Shampoo, rinse
  • Lotion, milky lotion, etc.

Principles of Bottle Filling Machines

Bottle filling machines are used for a wide range of beverages and foods.
Therefore, many of them have features that match the characteristics of such products.

  • Capable of Handling New Products
    To accommodate bottles of any shape, some products are equipped with a mechanism that enables transport without the use of screws, star foils, or holders.
    This eliminates the need for replacement parts each time a new product is developed, helping to reduce equipment costs and development time, and speed up the manufacturing process.
  • Capable of Handling a Wide Variety of Products
    Some products can store the filling volume, speed, nozzle tracking conditions, etc., of a product once produced, while others can be used for spout pouches and other products in addition to bottles.
    Since it is easy to switch between different types of fillings, this system is useful in the field of beverages and food products, where there is a wide range of product lineups.
  • High-Quality Filling Is Possible
    Some models can wash containers at the same time, while others are equipped with a sterilization mechanism.
    There are also products that can wash the entire conveyor in the transfer process.
    This enables filling in a cleaner environment, contributing to higher quality products.

Other products:

  • Hot filling compatible
  • Bottles with a narrow orifice and a squished shape
  • Capability of capping after filling

Hybrid Fan

What Is a Hybrid Fan?

A hybrid fan is a fan installed in a commercial air conditioner.

Conventional fans always rotate at a constant speed and consume more energy than necessary. Hybrid fans, however, use sensors to detect environmental conditions such as room temperature and humidity, and are controlled to operate at the optimal airflow rate. This enables comfortable air circulation with a minimum amount of energy required.

In addition, because they are easy to install and convenient to use regardless of the season, such as summer or winter, they are increasingly being used in offices and stores.

Applications of Hybrid Fans

Hybrid fans are used in homes and offices. Heating and cooling air is diffused throughout the room by the fan, reducing temperature bias and improving air conditioning efficiency.

The use is particularly effective because temperatures near the ceiling and floor often differ by 10°C or more. It is also said to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 20%. However, the unit price is high, and the initial investment is large, so it is necessary to make some adjustments such as installing the system in only a few places.

1. Applications of Hybrid Fans

Hybrid fans provide efficient air circulation in living rooms, bedrooms, and other living spaces. The uniform circulation of air in a room reduces temperature and humidity differences and provides a comfortable living environment. They also feature quietness due to electronic control, supporting a quiet living environment.

2. Office

Offices are places where many people gather, and air quality here is important. Hybrid fans utilize sensor information to replace air at the appropriate time, thus serving to keep the air fresh and improve work efficiency. They also do not produce sounds, allowing workers to maintain their concentration while working.

3. Public Spaces

Hybrid fans are also increasingly being used in public spaces such as commercial facilities, restaurants, and medical facilities. In places where people gather, air quality has a significant impact on comfort and coziness.

Hybrid fans maintain a comfortable space by automatically adjusting the appropriate air volume and rotation speed according to changes in the environment. Proper ventilation is especially important in medical settings where the spread of infectious diseases is a concern. Sensors monitor the environment and help maintain a clean air by providing appropriate ventilation as needed.

Principle of Hybrid Fans

The interior of a hybrid fan consists of roughly two main components:

1. Mechanical Fan

The mechanical fan is responsible for drawing in, compressing, and expelling air through rotating blades.

2. Electronic Control Unit

The electronic control unit processes sensor information to adjust fan speed and airflow, and sends appropriate control signals to the mechanical fan. While the rotating noise of conventional fans often causes noise, hybrid fans can minimize unpleasant noise because they operate at the appropriate speed based on sensor information through electronic control.

Features of Hybrid Fans

Hybrid fans are more efficient and quieter than conventional fans. They are also superior in that they provide a comfortable living space while decreasing the burden on the environment, but of course there are both advantages and disadvantages.

1. Advantages

There are four main advantages of using hybrid fans:

  • They reduce direct airflow from heating and cooling and diffuse it throughout the room.
  • Diffusion of direct airflow reduces the temperature difference between near the ceiling and near the floor, thereby increasing air conditioning efficiency.
  • Increased air conditioning efficiency makes it possible to stay comfortable even if the temperature setting is changed by up to 3°C.
  • Since the power source is the air from the air conditioner, there are no running costs such as electricity bills.

2. Disadvantages

While there are no running costs, the initial investment is large. The unit cost is about 30,000 yen, which is high if multiple units are to be installed.

However, depending on the size and conditions of the room, a certain effect can be expected even if it is installed in only a few places.


Network Rack

What Is a Network Rack?

A server rack is a rack that is similar in shape to a network rack.

As the name implies, a server rack is a rack that houses servers. The size is determined by the U.S. Electronic Industries Association (EIA). The width is 19 inches (=482.6mm) and the height is determined in units of 1U=1.75 inches (=44.45mm). Thus, for a 10U height rack, the height would be 17.5 inches (=444.5mm). However, since there is no depth size specification, it is necessary to select a rack according to the servers to be stored.

On the other hand, network racks have the same shape as server racks, but the difference is that they can accommodate network-related equipment such as routers and switching hubs.

Uses of Network Racks

Network racks, like server racks, are often installed in data centers because they contain routers, network switches, and other network-related equipment necessary for building a network. They are also often installed in dedicated rooms within a company.

They are installed in an environment where temperature and humidity are controlled and dust resistance is taken into consideration.

By operating in such a controlled environment, the stable operation of servers is achieved in the case of server racks, and the stable operation of routers, network switches, etc. is achieved in the case of network racks.

Principle of Network Racks

As described above, network racks are racks for storing network equipment. As with server racks, there are several points to be considered based on the physical shape, location, and intended use.

The first point is installation space. It is quite possible that maintenance or other work may be performed after the network racks are installed, so space must be secured in the surrounding area with this in mind.

The second point is the size of the network racks. Since network racks are used to store equipment to which a large number of cables are connected, the size of the rack must be determined after taking into consideration the space required to accommodate the cables.

The third point is heat control.
Network equipment has a circuit configuration that uses many semiconductors that generate heat, especially CPUs. If the ambient temperature rises, the equipment may malfunction. Therefore, it is necessary to install the equipment utilizing a fan and ensure sufficient heat dissipation paths.

The fourth point is robustness.
The various data managed by the network is extremely important, so it must have excellent load capacity and earthquake resistance. Robustness to continue operation even in the event of a major earthquake is highly required.

Finally, there is expandability.
The possibility of storage should be considered if additional equipment is needed in the future to expand functionality.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to select the most appropriate network racks based on the purpose of use and plans.


Formaldehyde Detectors

What Is a Formaldehyde Detector?

Formaldehyde detectors measure formaldehyde gas concentration in the air. Formaldehyde, a colorless gas with a pungent odor, is commonly found in building materials, household products, and some industrial processes. Exposure can cause eye irritation, respiratory issues, and is considered carcinogenic with prolonged inhalation. Health guidelines recommend keeping indoor formaldehyde levels below 100 μg/m3 (0.08 ppm) to avoid health risks.

Applications of Formaldehyde Detectors

These detectors are crucial for ensuring air quality in residential, commercial, and industrial settings, especially in spaces where formaldehyde-containing products are used or produced. Regulations in many countries mandate formaldehyde monitoring in large buildings, workplaces, and areas where its presence poses health risks, to maintain safe indoor air quality standards.

How Formaldehyde Detectors Work

Formaldehyde detectors commonly use the constant potential electrolysis or photoelectrophotometric method to measure gas concentration. These methods may vary in sensitivity and specificity, potentially detecting other gases like acetaldehyde or alcohols as formaldehyde. The most accurate measurements are obtained through high-performance liquid chromatography, as recognized by health authorities.

  • Constant Potential Electrolysis Method: Measures gas concentration by electrolyzing formaldehyde between electrodes, with the generated current indicating concentration.
  • Photoelectrophotometric Method: Uses test paper that changes color in the presence of formaldehyde, with intensity changes measured by a photoelectric converter to determine concentration.

Choosing a Formaldehyde Detector

Different types of detectors are designed for various monitoring durations, from short-term to long-term exposure assessments. The choice of detector should match the specific requirements for sensitivity, accuracy, and measurement range, which can vary significantly among devices.


Net Sheet

What Is a Net Sheet?

Net Sheets are fall protection sheets.

Mesh or Net Sheets are commonly used at construction sites, high-rise buildings, high-rise condominiums, large shopping malls, and other high-rise structures as fall protection in the event of an accidental fall.

In addition to improving safety, they also serve many other purposes, such as environmental protection, privacy, and aesthetic maintenance.

Uses of Net Sheets

Net Sheets are mainly used to enhance safety. In addition to the traditional net type, mesh type sheets are also commonly used for their good appearance.

There are various products that have been developed for different purposes, such as curing nets used during construction, green nets used on golf courses, and ball nets.

1. Safety Improvement Purposes

One of the main functions of Net Sheets is to improve safety. For example, Net Sheets installed on scaffolds act as a barrier to prevent objects from falling from height.

This not only ensures the safety of workers but can also serve to protect the surrounding environment and passersby. In addition, Net Sheets also protect construction sites from wind and rain, providing an environment in which work can proceed regardless of weather conditions.

2. Privacy Protection Purposes

Net Sheets are also ideal for privacy. Construction projects are often exposed to public scrutiny, which can also raise security concerns.

Net Sheets can protect privacy by shielding the construction site and preventing outsiders from seeing the progress and details of the project.

3. Protection Against Weather Conditions

They help stabilize the work environment by preventing wind and rain from adversely affecting construction operations. This allows work to continue regardless of weather conditions.

Net Sheets are also used for disaster prevention, soundproofing, stabilizing civil engineering work, weed control, and root control.

Principles of Net Sheets

Net Sheets must have high strength to prevent objects from falling or scattering from high places and to protect them from the natural environment. For this reason, special weaving and reinforcement is used to form a strong barrier uniformly across the entire sheet. By dispersing and absorbing the impact of falling objects, the sheets can minimize damage and protect people and goods.

Mesh material is expected to ensure safety due to its durable construction, but the material must be synthetic and flame-retardant. In addition, the material must also be fire-retardant as defined in the Japanese Industrial Standard A8952 (Sheets for Building Construction). This ensures that the flame will not easily spread when in contact with flammables, preventing fire and flame explosions.

Types of Net Sheets

Net Sheets include the net hanger type with easily removable safety hooks and curing Net Sheets for landscape protection during construction. Other types of Net Sheets include Net Sheets for painting work, Net Sheets for soundproofing, Net Sheets for soundproofing while allowing light in, and Net Sheets for disaster prevention.

Depending on the environment in which they are used, there are a wide variety of Net Sheets. In addition, depending on the usability, material, and conditions, special Net Sheets can also be ordered. Thus, in addition to the general use, such as for construction and work at heights, we continue to evolve further, including those that are compatible with comfortable toilets, the latest patented products, those approved by the Temporary Construction Industry Association, and regional products.

How to Choose a Net Sheet

Net Sheet manufacturers offer a variety of sizes and shapes for each manufacturer, and it is important to choose the right one for the needs of your construction project.

1. Material

The material should be durable and strong. Examples are synthetic fibers and special polymers. These are resistant to outside elements and remain effective over a long period of time.

2. Breathability

Breathability is another key consideration. Net Sheets allow proper passage of wind and air, preventing the buildup of moisture and dirt and keeping the construction site environmentally comfortable. Choosing a breathable design will improve work efficiency and worker comfort.