
Bio Filter

What Is a Bio Filter?

 A Bio Filters is a filter used for water treatment, such as wastewater treatment.

They are also used for odor treatment, but the structure and principle differ depending on the application.

Uses of Bio Filters

Bio Filters are mainly used for water treatment and odor treatment.

1. Bio Filters for Water Treatment

Bio Filters are used for water treatment. The main applications are the treatment of domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, and wastewater from the agricultural and livestock industries.

For this reason, they are installed in wastewater filtration facilities. They are also often used in aquatic life tanks. They are suitable as filters for fish farms and household water tanks. 

2. Bio Filters for Odor Treatment

Bio Filters are also used for odor treatment. For example, they are used to remove odors from livestock in pig farms.

Principles of Bio Filters

Bio Filters vary in construction and principle depending on their application.

1. Bio Filters for Turbid Water Treatment

These Bio Filters are used to treat turbid water caused by construction work, etc. They are turbid water filtration filters that use natural coconut fibers and other materials. It is characterized by the fact that it can be used as a vegetation base and decomposes naturally after installation. Bio Filters purify wastewater and odors by feeding them into a filtration layer containing microorganisms.

2. Bio Filters for Wastewater Treatment

Bio Filters used in wastewater treatment facilities consist of a thin film of microorganisms on the surface of the packing material that makes up the filter and in the spaces between the packing materials. The wastewater is filtered through the filter and treated using the biological membrane activated sludge method.

Compared to the activated sludge method commonly used to treat domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater, this method is characterized by a higher BOD removal rate per unit volume of equipment. This makes the equipment smaller and more tolerant of temperature fluctuations, making it easier to maintain and manage.

3. Bio Filters for Aquatic Organisms

Bio Filters for aquatic organisms are often used in fish farms. These Bio Filters are made of porous calcined materials such as glass. The porous filter material is made of an adherent base of microorganisms.

The porous filter material is an excellent substrate for microorganisms to attach, and nitrate-reducing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria, which have nitrifying effects, grow and oxidize ammonia to maintain water quality. 

4. Bio Filter for Odor Treatment

Bio Filters for odor treatment include filters made of coconut husk or wood chips with added organic matter. The system deodorizes odors by passing air containing odors through these filters while sprinkling water on them.

Another type of Bio Filter for odor treatment uses the soil deodorization method. The soil portion that functions as a filter consists of a crushed stone layer with large particles, a sand layer, and a soil layer containing microorganisms.

Odor-containing gases are fed into the lower part of the soil layer by a blower, and are slowly passed through the crushed stone layer, sand layer, and soil layer, where they are decomposed into odorless substances by the microorganisms. If the soil is about to dry out, sprinklers are used to sprinkle water on the soil to prevent the microorganisms from dying.

5. Bio Filters for Aquariums

One of the most familiar Bio Filters in our daily lives is the bottom filter for aquariums. This bottom filter focuses on biological filtration. When using a bottom filter, the key point is how to make the biofiltration function work.

There are three points to keep in mind in order to make the biological filtration function work:

  1. The filter media must be capable of harboring bacteria.
  2. The environment must be well oxygenated.
  3. There must be a strong water flow.

To install an aquarium Bio Filter, first connect an air tube to the bottom filter and place it at the bottom of the aquarium. Then, place gravel or other bottom material on top of the bottom filter to complete the installation.

Water is passed through the bottom sand on the bottom filter using an air pump, etc. to settle bacteria in the bottom sand, which is then used as a filter media.

Other Information on Bio Filters

Cautions for Bottom Filters

Cautions for bottom filters include the following:

1. There is a Limit to the Bottom Bed Material that can be Used.

Fine sand or grains will fall into the bottom filter and will impede water circulation. Also, bottom materials that contain a lot of nutrients are not suitable because the nutrients will diffuse into the aquarium. 

2. Incompatible With Aquarium Plants

In a bottom filter, feces and other debris will also accumulate on the bottom floor. Dirt on the bottom floor will affect the efficiency of the filtration function, so regular cleaning is necessary. The use of rooting-type water plants is not suitable for this type of filter, as they not only obstruct the water flow through the filter, but also make the bottom floor difficult to clean.


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