
Network Rack

What Is a Network Rack?

A server rack is a rack that is similar in shape to a network rack.

As the name implies, a server rack is a rack that houses servers. The size is determined by the U.S. Electronic Industries Association (EIA). The width is 19 inches (=482.6mm) and the height is determined in units of 1U=1.75 inches (=44.45mm). Thus, for a 10U height rack, the height would be 17.5 inches (=444.5mm). However, since there is no depth size specification, it is necessary to select a rack according to the servers to be stored.

On the other hand, network racks have the same shape as server racks, but the difference is that they can accommodate network-related equipment such as routers and switching hubs.

Uses of Network Racks

Network racks, like server racks, are often installed in data centers because they contain routers, network switches, and other network-related equipment necessary for building a network. They are also often installed in dedicated rooms within a company.

They are installed in an environment where temperature and humidity are controlled and dust resistance is taken into consideration.

By operating in such a controlled environment, the stable operation of servers is achieved in the case of server racks, and the stable operation of routers, network switches, etc. is achieved in the case of network racks.

Principle of Network Racks

As described above, network racks are racks for storing network equipment. As with server racks, there are several points to be considered based on the physical shape, location, and intended use.

The first point is installation space. It is quite possible that maintenance or other work may be performed after the network racks are installed, so space must be secured in the surrounding area with this in mind.

The second point is the size of the network racks. Since network racks are used to store equipment to which a large number of cables are connected, the size of the rack must be determined after taking into consideration the space required to accommodate the cables.

The third point is heat control.
Network equipment has a circuit configuration that uses many semiconductors that generate heat, especially CPUs. If the ambient temperature rises, the equipment may malfunction. Therefore, it is necessary to install the equipment utilizing a fan and ensure sufficient heat dissipation paths.

The fourth point is robustness.
The various data managed by the network is extremely important, so it must have excellent load capacity and earthquake resistance. Robustness to continue operation even in the event of a major earthquake is highly required.

Finally, there is expandability.
The possibility of storage should be considered if additional equipment is needed in the future to expand functionality.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to select the most appropriate network racks based on the purpose of use and plans.


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