
Ozone Water Generator

What Is an Ozone Water Generator?

Figure 1. Characteristics of ozone

Figure 1. Characteristics of ozone

An ozone water generator produces low-concentration ozone in water from pure water or air. Ozone, a molecule of three oxygen atoms, is dissolved in water to create ozone water. Its highly oxidizing and reactive nature allows it to break down carbohydrates, making it useful for sterilization, deodorization, and bleaching.

Uses of Ozone Water Generators

Ozone water generators are widely used for sterilizing and deodorizing in food, food service, and medical industries. They are also employed in tap water sterilization to reduce odors and tastes compared to traditional chlorine treatments. However, since ozone decomposes easily, disinfection with sodium hypochlorite is still used for safety reasons. In the semiconductor and solar cell industries, high-concentration ozone is used for metal removal and organic film etching.

Principle of Ozone Water Generators

Figure 2. Types of ozone water generators

Figure 2. Types of ozone water generators

Ozone water is produced through electrical discharge, electrolysis of water, or ultraviolet irradiation. Discharge types, including silent and corona discharge, convert oxygen to ozone via electrical discharge. The electrolysis type generates oxygen and ozone at the anode using lead dioxide or platinum electrodes. Ultraviolet irradiation types produce ozone by dissociating oxygen molecules with ultraviolet light.

Other Information on Ozone Water Generators

1. Principle of Action of Ozone Water

Figure 3. Mechanism of action of ozone

Figure 3. Mechanism of action of ozone

Ozone reacts in water to produce powerful oxidants like OH radicals. These radicals break down organic matter, inactivating cell walls, enzymes, and nucleic acids, leading to sterilization and deodorization effects.

2. Use of Ozone Water in Atomizers

Ozone water generators also convert ozone water into a fine mist, enabling its use for deodorizing and sterilizing small spaces. The mist is distributed effectively in enclosed areas, maintaining sterilization capabilities even after partial decomposition.

3. Quarantine Use of Ozone Water Generators

Ozone water is used for sterilizing and decontaminating in quarantine situations and biological disasters. Its on-site generation capability, harmlessness, and ability to break down into oxygen make it an advantageous solution for pandemic or disaster responses.


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