
CG Software

What Is CG Software?

Ball Grid Array (BGA) SocketsCG software, standing for Computer Graphics software, is used for creating and editing digital images on a computer. Users of this software are commonly referred to as CG creators.

Uses of CG Software

CG software is utilized in various fields, both commercially and for personal entertainment. Applications include television animation, comic and painting creation, video game development, website material creation, graphic design, digital photo editing, and architectural drafting.

Types of CG Software

CG software is primarily categorized into 2DCG and 3DCG software. The cost range varies, and there has been a rise in free software options.

  • 2DCG Software: Used for creating two-dimensional graphics, with popular software like Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • 3DCG Software: Used for creating three-dimensional graphics, mainly for 3D models in games and animation. CAD is a type of 3DCG software.

Principle of CG Software

2DCG software is divided into raster and vector formats, while 3DCG software can be categorized into polygonal and sculptural modeling.

  • Raster Format: CG is created by arranging pixel dots, with software like Adobe Photoshop commonly used. This format allows for complex images but has limitations in scaling.
  • Vector Format: Stores relationships between points as numerical data, suitable for easily deformable designs like logos. Adobe Illustrator is a key example.
  • Polygon Modeling: Defines polygons by connecting vertices and is widely used in 3DCG. It can be supplemented by sculptural modeling for complex expressions.
  • Sculptural Modeling: Intuitive modeling method, akin to sculpting, which is useful for complex models but results in large data sizes.

Other Information on CG Software

1. Functions of CG Software

CG software encompasses various features such as modeling, retopology, and animation functions to enhance efficiency and realism in CG creations.

2. Integrated and Specialized Types of CG Software

CG software is classified into integrated types, offering a complete suite of CG creation tools, and specialized types, focused on specific processes like modeling or sculpting. Integrated software is feature-rich but complex, while specialized software is suitable for beginners or specific complex tasks.


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