
Total Counter

What Is a Total Counter?

Total CountersTotal counters are devices that count and display the number of operations or objects.

A total counter is a counter that only displays the counted values and is used to check the number of production units visually and the number of operations of factory equipment. The count is maintained until it is reset by pressing the reset button or other means.

It does not have a control output corresponding to the number of counts. Use a preset counter if you want to set the number of counts for output.

Uses of Total Counters

Total counters are widely used in industrial applications. The following are some examples of uses for total counters.

  • Checking the number of times a vacuum breaker operates
  • Checking the number of operations of large dewatering equipment
  • Checking the number of batches of presses and conveyors.

Basically, total counters are used for industrial equipment that operates in batches. Since the service life and maintenance frequency of vacuum circuit breakers, etc., may be determined by the number of times they are operated, a total counter is often attached to the equipment. In addition, huge centrifuges and filter presses generally use a counter to count the number of times they are operated.

Principle of Total Counters

There are two types of counting methods used in total counters.

One is an electronic counter that counts by contact signals or pulses in an electric circuit, and the other is an electromagnetic counter that counts by the magnetic force of an electromagnet built into the counter. The two types of counters are used according to the application and other factors.

1. Electronic Counter

Electronic counters input pulse signals from detection devices, such as rotary encoders and photoelectric switches. Since digital circuit data is stored, it is internally processed as a binary number. The display is generally a 7-segment display.

Many products are available with configurable output sensitivity, such as pulse width and dead time. Compared to electromagnetic counters, detection speeds are also faster. However, in many cases, a power supply is required for operation. Products that can be operated by battery or battery power are also available. 

2. Electromagnetic Counter

This counter is operated by an electromagnet built into the counter, which is triggered by pulses of electrical signals emitted by a detection device. The dial is moved and counted by the force of the electromagnet.

Because counting is performed mechanically, these counters generally do not require an external power supply. They are characterized by the fact that they are not easily affected by noise from detection devices. However, the response of counters is slower than that of electronic counters.

How to Select Total Counters

Total counters are selected according to the input method, power supply method, and other factors.

1. Input Method

The input method is the type of input used for counting. Generally, a no-voltage contact input is used.

Counters that can input transistor contacts are also available. In this case, the input power supply for the transistor must be selected. 

2. Power Supply Method

If the total counters themselves require a power supply, it must be supplied. If it is battery-powered, it does not require an external power supply. However, if it is battery-powered, the battery may run out depending on the time of use.

When supplying power, the main power supply specifications are DC24V, AC100V, AC200V, etc. If you wish to use a commercial power supply as it is, select AC100V or AC200V. When used as an operating counter for equipment that has 24VDC as a control power supply, 24VDC specifications may be selected. 

3. Mounting Method

Total counters are often surface-mounted on the control panel. On the back of the counter, a terminal block or the like is mounted and connected to an internal line of the control panel or the like.

The counter is fixed to the control panel by drilling a hole in the counter, cutting a thread, and fastening with screws. Rubber gaskets are provided on the connection surface to protect the inside of the control panel. Fixing through the packing increases airtightness and prevents water droplets from entering the control panel. Depending on the manufacturer, mounting frames and mounting hardware are sold separately. 

4. Reset Method

Total Counters are equipped with a reset button, which can be pressed to reset the count. Products that can be reset by connecting a no-voltage contact are also available. Select a product with a reset contact if you want to reset with a contact output.


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