

What Is a Sickle?

Sickle is an agricultural tool used for cutting grass and harvesting grain.

The blade is thick and sturdy, and the thick handle makes it easy to grip with force. Sickles have a strong impression of being used for weeding, but they were originally made as a tool for harvesting crops.

Sickles specialized for harvesting specific crops, such as a sickle for harvesting asparagus, are also sold today.

Uses of Sickles

Sickles are used for cutting grass and twigs in agriculture and yard work. It is useful not only for ordinary grass cutting but also for tending wooded areas and bamboo groves.

In addition, it can be used in a variety of situations, such as when removing weeds from the soil by their roots, and for harvesting rice, wheat, and other crops. In outdoor activities such as camping, it is sometimes used in place of a knife.

Features of Sickle


1. Ideal for Work in Small Spaces
Even today, when mechanization of agricultural work such as tractors has advanced, sickles are still used in a wide range of fields, such as in narrow spaces where it is difficult to work with machines and in home vegetable gardens.

In harvesting crops and mowing grass, it is possible to work efficiently by using the right sickle for the right purpose. Even in situations where you may not feel the need for a sickle, such as when tending to a garden, a weed-cutting sickle can help you finish your daily weeding work in a much shorter time.

2. Long Use with Proper Maintenance
Sickles become less sharp with use, so maintenance such as occasional polishing is essential. However, with proper maintenance, there is no need to replace the sickle, and the same sickle can be used for a long time, making it economical.


While sickles are convenient, they can also cause injuries depending on how they are used. In addition to using it correctly according to its type, please wear clothing that exposes as little skin as possible and gloves on your hands when using it.

It is also important to keep them out of the reach of small children and other children.

Types of Sickles

1. Grass Sickle

The grass sickle is suitable for cutting soft grass. Because it is light, it is easy to handle with one hand and has the advantage that it does not tire easily even after long hours of work. This is the most common type of sickle among a wide variety of types.

It is distinguished from thin sickles and medium-thick sickles by the thickness of the blade, and there is also a crescent-shaped sickle with a crescent-shaped blade. 

2. Grass-Cutting Sickle

The sickle is characterized by the blade being at an angle nearly perpendicular to the handle. It is used when you want to remove the roots of plants from the soil. Weeding by hand is time-consuming, but with the use of a weed whacker, it is possible to proceed with the work with light force.

The disadvantage is that the blade wears out quickly because of friction caused by the blade’s contact with the soil during use. However, it can be used for a long time through regular sharpening, applying rust inhibitors, and other maintenance.

3. Saw Sickle

The saw sickle is characterized by its jagged and uneven blade like a saw. It is used for harvesting rice, wheat, and other grains. It is especially suitable for harvesting work at the edge of fields where it is difficult to work with a tractor. It is also suitable for mowing hard-stemmed grass, as it can be mowed with light force.

However, since the blade is serrated, it cannot be sharpened with an ordinary whetstone. It can be sharpened with a file for serrated blades to regain its sharpness, but this is more time-consuming than sharpening with a whetstone.

4. Twisted Sickle

The Twisting sickle is characterized by its twisted handle. It can cut grass as if it is scraping the surface of the soil. The usage scenario is almost the same as that of the Grass Cutting sickle.

5. Wooden Sickle

The wooden sickle is characterized by its suitability for mowing hard plants such as silver grass and reeds. Its thick and heavy handle makes it easy to grip with force, and it can also be used for garden tree maintenance.

6. Long-Handled Brushcutter Sickle

The long-handled brushcutter sickle is also called a forestry sickle and is characterized by its long handle. The length of the handle of a sickle is generally 40 cm to 50 cm, but with the long-handled brushcutter sickle, the handle length is around 1 m, so it is possible to work while standing.

It is possible to proceed with the work with less effort than when mowing grass while squatting. It is also convenient because tall plants such as silver grass can be mowed at once.

How to Select a Sickle

It is important to select the appropriate type of sickle for the situation in which it will be used. A thin blade is appropriate for weeding soft weeds, while a thick blade is appropriate for thicker plants. Using different types of sickles depending on the plants to be mowed will minimize the stress on the blade edge. It also makes it easier to maintain the sharpness of the blade and reduces friction between the blade tip and the plant, which makes it possible to work more efficiently.

The properties of sickles vary depending on the material. Specifically, they are classified into the following categories: all-steel, which is relatively inexpensive, steel with good cutting ability, and stainless steel, which is stain- and rust-resistant. Since the characteristics and required maintenance differ depending on the material, it is important to check in advance.

How to Use a Sickle

When using a sickle, hold the handle of the sickle with one hand and the plant to be cut with the other hand. Once the cutting edge is placed on the plant, pull it toward you to cut the plant.

If the sickle has lost its sharpness, grinding it with a whetstone or similar tool will restore its sharpness. Also, if the sickle becomes rusty, rust can be removed by applying a rust remover solution to the rusted area.

Appropriate care will not only keep the sickle sharp but also reduce the level of physical and mental fatigue involved in the work.


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