
Nickel Nitrate

What Is Nickel Nitrate?

Nickel nitrate is a chemical compound with the formula Ni(NO3)2, known for its use in various industrial applications. It exists both in an anhydrous form and more commonly as a hexahydrate Ni(NO3)2・6H2O, with significant potential hazards including fire risk and health effects such as irritation, allergies, and possible carcinogenicity.

Uses of Nickel Nitrate

Nickel nitrate plays a crucial role in manufacturing alkaline and nickel-hydrogen rechargeable batteries, serving as a catalyst, a metal surface treatment agent, and a pigment base for ceramics. Its applications extend to secondary batteries, including nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries, and it is utilized in plating, polymerization catalysts for synthetic resins and fibers, and as a coloring agent for various materials.

Properties of Nickel Nitrate

The anhydrous form of nickel nitrate presents as pale greenish-yellow crystals, with significant solubility in water. The hexahydrate form, a light green crystal, exhibits high water solubility and is also soluble in ethanol but not in ether. Upon heating, it transitions through various stages of hydration to eventually form nickel oxide.

Types of Nickel Nitrate

Available mainly for research and industrial uses, nickel nitrate is typically sold in the hexahydrate form. It comes in various quantities for laboratory research and larger scales for industrial applications, emphasizing the need for careful handling due to its solubility characteristics and potential hazards.

Other Information on Nickel Nitrate

Synthesis of nickel nitrate involves the reaction of nickel oxide or hydroxide with nitric acid, predominantly producing the hexahydrate form. Its reactivity profile underscores its oxidizing nature, highlighting precautions against violent reactions with combustibles and the generation of toxic decomposition products in fire conditions.


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