
Plastic Head Hammer

What Is a Plastic Head Hammer?

Plastic Head Hammers

A plastic head hammer refers to a hammer made of plastic or rubber designed to prevent damage to the object being struck.

A plastic head hammer’s striking surface is made of resin, as the name suggests, and is used in the assembly of wooden products, machinery, and equipment, etc., because it does not scratch the object.

Many hammers are made of metal in the center to ensure striking force. A plastic head hammer is softer than metal hammers, but the tough resin material prevents the head from breaking.

How to Use a Plastic Head Hammer

A plastic head hammer is used in the same way as an ordinary hammer. Some hammers have a plastic head which can be replaced as maintenance.

Since the striking force is smaller than that of metal hammers and shockless hammers, they are suitable for the following uses:

  • When striking objects that are small and require accuracy
  • When you want to hit a surface gently for temporary fixing, etc., so that the hammer can be removed quickly
  • When you do not want to damage the object to be hammered, etc.

It is recommended to use different hammers for different purposes.

How to Select a Plastic Head Hammer

  • Hammer Material
    The material of the Plastic Head Hammer is the most important factor in selecting a hammer. If you make a mistake, the Plastic Head Hammer itself may be damaged. Plastic Head Hammer can be made of plastic or rubber. There are also combination hammers, which combine two materials (metal and plastic), making it possible to have two hammers in one hammer, which is useful for saving storage space.
  • Size
    It is important to select a hammer of a size that is easy to handle when actually holding it and that can be swung accurately. It is also important to match the size of the Plastic Head Hammer head to the size of the workpiece to be handled and the length of the hammer to the size of the work area.
  • Weight
    In general, the heavier the hammer, the higher the striking force, but this requires more strength to lift the hammer, making it difficult to swing accurately if you are not accustomed to swinging it.


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