
L Clamp

What Is an L Clamp?

An L Clamp is a type of clamp that is used to secure a material by sliding one side of the jaw to a certain distance and finally turning the handle to tighten the screw. It is called an L Clamp because the shape of the main bar looks like the letter “L” in the alphabet.

A clamp, also called a fastening tool, is a tool used to secure materials to a workbench or other surface.

The clamp is also sometimes called an F-shape clamp because the combined shape of the arm and the slide part looks like the letter “F” in the alphabet.

Uses of L Clamps

L-shaped clamps are used in a wide range of applications, from general DIY to specialized assembly and fabrication work in civil engineering and construction, furniture manufacturing, sheet metal, and steel industry, etc.

L-shaped clamps are tools for holding materials in place during cutting, drilling, and gluing operations. By holding materials firmly in place, they improve work efficiency and accuracy.

There are various types of clamps other than the L clamp, such as the C clamp, G clamp, ratchet type, and spring type. Each type has its own characteristics, but the L clamp can slide its arms, making it suitable for clamping thicker materials.

Principle of L Clamp

The L clamp clamps materials by moving the jaws of the L-shaped body bar and the jaws of the sliding arms. By turning the handle on the arm to narrow the gap between the jaws, the jaws are tightened against each other and the material is held firmly in place.

L clamps have a sliding arm that allows the user to quickly adjust the width of the opening to suit the material, and although it is not as strong as a C clamp, it is more efficient because the opening does not have to be adjusted by simply tightening the screw as in the case of a C clamp.

Types of L Clamps

1. Standard Type

The mouth opening is adjusted by moving the slide arm up and down. The handle is usually a grip type. 

2. Strong Type

The handle of the slide arm is T-shaped, enabling strong clamping. Also, those with hexagonal slide arm jaws can be further tightened with an Allen wrench after the handle is closed.

3. One-Touch Type

The handle of the slide arm has a ratchet structure and can be tightened in one-touch operation by pulling down the lever.

How to Select an L Clamp

L Clamps are available in various combinations of maximum opening size and depth of throat.

1. Maximum Opening Size

The maximum opening size ranges from 100 mm to 600 mm, and is determined by the thickness of the material to be clamped. L-shape clamps with longer bars are more versatile and can accommodate a wider range of opening widths. However, it is important to select an L-shape clamp with an appropriate length, as a clamp with a longer bar than necessary will be difficult to handle and will take up storage space. 

2. Depth of Emboss

The depth of the L clamp’s embankment is generally one-third to one-half of the maximum opening size. The depth of the L-shaped clamp is about one-third to one-half of the maximum opening size. The depth of the lid is determined by the position of the material to be clamped. If you want to clamp a heavy material in a deeper position, such as when floating a heavy material, select a larger size. 

3.Body Bar Thickness and Material

The thickness of the main bar and material of steel, nickel-chrome plating, and cast iron differ in terms of strength. 

4. Type of Handle to Turn the Screw

There are two types of screw-turning handles: a T-type handle that opens and closes using the same lever principle as a C-type clamp, and a grip type that resembles a screwdriver.

It is recommended to select a handle type in consideration of workability, such as a T-type handle for tightening screws strongly and a grip type for fine-tuning while tightening.


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