
Methyl Formate

What Is Methyl Formate?

Methyl Formate is an organic compound classified as a carboxylic acid ester with the molecular formula C2H4O2. It is also known as methyl methanoate, methyl metanoate, etc. It is known as the lowest molecular weight carboxylic ester in existence.

Methyl format has a CAS registration number of 107-31-3. It has a molecular weight of 60.05, a melting point of -100°C, and a boiling point of 32.5°C.

At room temperature, it is a volatile, colorless, transparent liquid. It has an ether-like sweet odor. Its density is 0.974 g/mL. It mixes freely with organic solvents such as benzene, acetone, and ether, and is approximately 20%~30% soluble in water at room temperature.

Uses of Methyl Formate

Methyl Formate is used as a synthetic raw material for basic chemicals, a fragrance, a solvent, a hardener in molds and cores, a foaming agent, a spraying agent, and a carbon monoxide generator.

As a raw material for the synthesis of basic chemicals, it is used in the industrial synthesis of formic acid, formamide, acetic acid, and DMF (N, N’-dimethylformamide). Its high vapor pressure is also used in some applications as a quick-drying agent.

Historically, it has also been used as a coolant by taking advantage of its decomposition reaction. Until safer coolants were developed, methyl formate was used to replace sulfur dioxide for refrigerator cooling.

In addition, applications exist where it is used as a non-electrolyte solvent in rechargeable batteries. When methyl formate is used as a non-electrolyte solvent mixed with a compound having acrylic groups, the increase in battery thickness during storage at high temperatures can be greatly reduced. Even when mixed with other electrolyte additives, it has been confirmed that the effects are not offset or reduced.

Methyl formate, along with ethyl formate, is a substance that is attracting attention as an electrolyte solvent for new high-performance rechargeable batteries.

Properties of Methyl Formate

1. Synthesis of Methyl Formate

The laboratory process for the synthesis of methyl formate is a condensation reaction of methanol and formic acid. In large scale synthesis, such as in factories, methyl formate is synthesized by the reaction of methanol and carbon monoxide in the presence of a strong base.

2.Chemical Properties of Methyl Formate

Methyl formate has a high vapor pressure (64 kPa at 20°C) and is easily volatile. It has a flash point of -19°C, making it highly flammable.

Although stable under normal handling temperatures and pressures, it may react with strong oxidizers, posing the risk of fire or explosion. When storing, avoid high temperatures and contact with strong oxidizers. 

3. Chemical Reactions of Methyl Formate

It is known that formamide can be synthesized by the chemical reaction of methyl formate and ammonia. The chemical reaction of methyl formate with dimethylamine yields DMF (N, N’-dimethylformamide).

Types of Methyl Formate

Methyl formate is sold mainly as a reagent product for research and development and as an industrial chemical product.

Reagent products for research and development are available in various volumes, such as 100 mL, 500 g, 500 mL, and 2 L. Normally, these reagents can be handled at room temperature.

Industrial chemical products are supplied in drums, pails, and other large factory-friendly packages, and are used for applications such as casting hardeners and CO sources.

Other Information on Methyl Formate

Methyl Formate Safety Information

Methyl formate is highly flammable as mentioned above. It is also known to cause mild skin irritation, strong eye irritation, damage to the central nervous system, damage to visual organs, and irritation to the respiratory tract in humans.


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