
Metal Base Substrates

What Is a Metal Base Substrate?

A metal base substrate is a type of printed circuit board that includes a metal base. This feature has become increasingly important for LED lighting, which requires efficient heat dissipation. As a result, the demand for metal base substrates, such as those made from aluminum and copper, has risen. Unlike standard printed circuit boards, metal base substrates effectively dissipate heat, preventing high temperatures that could shorten the lifespan of components.

Heat dissipation technology is crucial in power electronics as well. Silicon carbide (SiC) substrates, gallium nitride (GaN) substrates, and amplifier substrates all benefit from the use of metal base substrates.

Uses of Metal Base Substrates

Metal base substrates serve various purposes, including substrates for LED lighting, protecting electronic components from heat damage, cooling semiconductor devices in power applications, and functioning in high-temperature environments.

Beyond LED applications, metal base substrates help manage the heat generated by semiconductor elements in power applications, preventing heat damage in hybrid IC automotive electronics, high-density mounting packages, solar power generation systems, and household appliances.

Principle of Metal Base Substrates

The typical structure of a metal base substrate includes an insulating layer atop a metal plate (such as aluminum, copper, or stainless steel), covered by a layer of copper foil. Aluminum and copper, known for their superior heat conduction compared to resins and ceramics, are commonly used metals that enable efficient heat dissipation from LEDs and other devices.

The insulation layer’s thickness is a critical factor in heat dissipation efficiency. A thinner layer enhances heat dissipation but may reduce voltage resistance. The filler content within the insulation layer also influences heat dissipation capacity.

Compared to standard non-metallic FR-4 substrates, which have a thermal conductivity of about 0.38 W/m-K, metal base substrates boast thermal conductivities ranging from 1.1 to 2.5 W/m-K, facilitating faster heat transfer and improved dissipation characteristics.

Types of Metal Base Substrates

There are primarily two types of metal base substrates:

1. Aluminum Substrates

Aluminum substrates, favored for their lightweight and effective heat dissipation, are predominantly used in LED lighting. These substrates consist of copper foil, an insulating layer, and an aluminum base.

There are two variants of aluminum substrates: double-sided aluminum base substrates, designed for single-sided mounting, and double-sided aluminum core substrates, which include an insulating layer and copper foil on both sides of the aluminum base.

2. Copper Substrates

Copper substrates, offering approximately 1.7 times the heat dissipation capacity of aluminum, are ideal for high-heat components. These substrates are heavier and more expensive than their aluminum counterparts, but their superior heat dissipation makes them valuable for specific applications.

Other Information on Metal Base Substrates

Advantages of Metal Base Substrate

1. Superior Heat Dissipation
Metal base substrates excel in heat dissipation compared to traditional FR-4 and CEM-3 substrates, thanks to their high thermal conductivity metal bases.

2. Enhanced Dimensional Stability
With a lower coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) than conventional substrates, metal substrates offer improved stability under temperature variations.

3. Reduced Strain Transmission
The excellent heat dissipation of metal base substrates leads to lower temperature rises and, consequently, minimized distortion in signal transmission.

Metal base substrates are utilized in various applications, including power converters, lighting, photovoltaics, backlighting, automotive LED systems, and household appliances, due to their unique benefits.


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