
Constant Force Spring

What Is a Constant Force Spring?

A constant force spring is a type of spring that generates a consistent load regardless of the distance it is stretched.

These springs are utilized when there is a need to support a constant load. Unlike traditional wire springs commonly found in daily life, which are made of coiled metal wire, constant force springs have a distinctive design. They consist of a thin plate wound around a drum, and when pulled externally, the drum rotates, extending the spring.

Constant force springs have a relatively simple structure, making them easy to design and install. This simplicity can lead to cost savings. When properly designed and manufactured, constant force springs can maintain stable performance over extended periods.

However, it’s essential to note that constant force springs are designed for specific load ranges and may be vulnerable to loads beyond that range. When unexpected loads may be applied, it’s crucial to consider an appropriate safety margin.

Applications of Constant Force Springs

Constant force springs find applications across various industries. Here are some examples:

1. Buildings and Structures

Constant force springs are used for various purposes in buildings and structures. In bridge supports, they help distribute loads evenly, supporting the weight of bridge loads and vehicular traffic. This equalization of load distribution enhances stability.

They are also employed in building foundations to stably support the structure’s weight, mitigate ground subsidence, and reduce the risk of building distortion, particularly in earthquake-prone areas.

2. Door Hinges

Constant force springs are used in mechanisms like door hinges to support a specific weight. This ensures smooth door movement and stable operation during opening and closing, particularly for larger doors.

3. Weight Adjustment of Industrial Products

In industrial machinery and production lines, maintaining consistent product weight is sometimes necessary. Constant force springs are often employed to achieve this by keeping the product’s weight constant. This ensures uniform product quality and stability in the production line.

Additionally, it helps prevent machinery malfunctions and issues arising from fluctuating product weights.

Principle of Constant Force Spring

Constant force springs are specialized springs designed to support a constant load, based on fundamental principles of mechanics. The key principles involved are Hooke’s Law and the law of action-reaction.

Hooke’s Law is a fundamental concept in mechanics that describes the linear relationship between stress and displacement for elastic materials. According to this law, stress and displacement are proportional within the elastic deformation range. Constant force springs are designed based on Hooke’s Law and achieve their ability to support a constant load by generating a reaction force through deformation when a load is applied.

In addition, constant force springs are often adjusted to provide a consistent displacement within the specified load range. Achieving equilibrium between the external force applied to the constant force spring and the reaction force generated by the spring is crucial. This equilibrium allows for the support of a constant load.

Constant force springs are designed to maintain a constant load by utilizing Hooke’s Law and ensuring equilibrium between external forces and reaction forces. By selecting appropriate materials and dimensions and manufacturing constant force springs to suit their intended purpose, structures and devices with high stability and reliability can be achieved.

How to Select a Constant Force Spring

When choosing a constant force spring, several essential factors should be considered. Here are some examples:

1. Spring Material

The material of the constant force spring affects its elastic properties and durability. Commonly used materials include steel or stainless steel. The choice of material should align with the specific application’s requirements, taking into account factors like elastic deformation range and strength.

2. Drum Material

The material of the drum on which the constant force spring is wound is crucial. The drum is responsible for winding and holding the spring, so it must be robust and durable. Materials like steel or hard plastic are often used for the drum. The choice of drum material can impact the spring’s applicability and durability, so it should match the operational environment and purpose.

3. Rated Load

The load rating of a constant force spring indicates the range of loads it is designed to support. The selection of a constant force spring should consider the expected load applied to the equipment or structure in which it will be used. Exceeding the load rating can result in unexpected deformations and potential safety and performance issues.

4. Dimensions

Dimensional parameters, including length, outside diameter, and the number of turns, are critical in constant force spring design. These dimensions influence stiffness, deformation, and stress distribution. Careful consideration of these dimensions is essential to meet specific application requirements.


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