
Anti-Static Gloves

What Is an Anti-Static Glove?

An anti-static glove is designed to prevent the buildup and discharge of static electricity. In various manufacturing processes, static electricity can lead to serious accidents like explosions and fires, as well as damage to electronic components. Anti-static gloves are made from materials like copper-coated synthetic fibers, carbon fibers, and conductive resins to dissipate static charges effectively.

Uses of Anti-Static Gloves

Anti-static gloves are crucial in environments prone to static electricity, such as in the manufacturing of electronic components and powder products. Approximately 20% of static-related accidents are caused by static electricity from workers and their clothing. Thus, these gloves are part of a broader range of static-preventive measures, including conductive floors, mats, shoes, and clothing. They are particularly effective in reducing the risk of static generation through hand contact with products.

Principles of Anti-Static Gloves

Static electricity can be a significant hazard, particularly in industries dealing with flammable liquids, solvents, and powders. For example, in the petroleum refining and chemical industries, even small static discharges can ignite flammable substances. Similarly, in environments where fine powders are handled, the risk of ignition increases with smaller particle sizes, as these can be ignited with the minimal energy from static discharges.

Anti-static gloves mitigate these risks by maintaining the human body’s charged potential below 100 V, preventing static buildup. Additionally, conductive gloves can ground metal tools through the worker, providing an extra layer of safety.


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