
Air Quality Monitors

Overview of Air Quality Monitors

Air quality monitors are devices designed to assess the air quality within an environment by measuring various parameters, including gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds, as well as atmospheric conditions such as temperature, humidity, and particulate matter like PM2.5. These monitors are essential for ensuring air safety and comfort in various settings, from indoor spaces to industrial sites.


These monitors are utilized across multiple fields, including environmental monitoring, workplace safety, and in the maintenance of HVAC systems. They play a crucial role in identifying air quality issues, aiding in the prevention of pollution-related health problems.

Operating Principles

The functionality of air quality monitors is based on the detection of specific air quality indicators using advanced sensors. Technologies employed include infrared absorption for carbon dioxide, non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) for carbon monoxide, piezoresistive sensors for atmospheric pressure, and various humidity sensors for moisture levels. Temperature is typically measured with NTC thermistors, sensitive to minute changes in heat.

Types and Standards

Air quality monitors are categorized into two main types: those for outdoor use, assessed by the Air Quality Index (AQI), and those for indoor environments, evaluated through Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standards. The AQI offers a standardized measure to gauge outdoor air pollution levels, while IAQ focuses on ensuring the health and comfort of indoor spaces.


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