
Explosion Proof Motors

What Is an Explosion Proof Motor?

Among machines that use electricity, electric machines and equipment used in factories and plants are extremely dangerous because they handle high voltages such as 100 VAC and 200 VAC. Especially in explosive or hazardous atmospheres or in dusty areas that can cause dust explosions, sparks generated by electrical machinery and equipment can ignite gas or dust.

As a result, accidents such as explosions and fires may occur.

Therefore, explosion-proof electrical equipment must be used in such hazardous locations or atmospheres. Motors often used in factories and plants are no exception. Explosion proof motors are motors that can be used safely in such hazardous atmospheres.

Based on a standard called the “Guideline for Explosion-Proof Guidance for Factory Electrical Equipment,” these motors are designed and manufactured so that they can be used safely and securely in hazardous and explosive atmospheres.

These motors are used in many places where hazardous or explosive atmospheres are likely to occur, such as chemical plants and petrochemical factories.

They may also be used in other outdoor applications.

Uses of Explosion Proof Motors

Motors are widely used in pumps, blowers, and other industrial machinery, and are so directly connected to industry that it is no exaggeration to say that there is no factory or plant that does not use a single motor or that does not have a single motor.

However, because they operate at high voltage and high current, if flammable gases, large amounts of steam, or large amounts of dust are present, or if steam or other substances are present, they can enter the interior and cause an explosion, creating a dangerous situation.

Similarly, when used outdoors, rain and other elements can enter the product, creating a dangerous situation.

Explosion proof motors can be used safely under such conditions. They are widely used in factories that handle flammable hazardous substances, such as in the petrochemical industry, and in factories that handle other flammable substances.

Explosion-proof motors are also sometimes used when motors are used outdoors because of the danger of rain getting inside.

Principle of Explosion Proof Motors

Explosion proof motors are not merely sealed or isolated inside. Broadly classified, there are three types of Explosion proof motors based on the type of construction of their explosion-proof motor.

The first is the safety-increase explosion-proof motor. These motors are designed to prevent ignition sources and can be used in hazardous atmospheres.

Other types are called “internal pressure explosion-proof” and are protected from flammable gases by constantly injecting (purging) inert gases, such as nitrogen or air, into the inside. This ensures that the internal pressure is always higher than that of the ambient environment, eliminating the risk of flammable gases getting inside, so that even in hazardous atmospheres, the device can be used without any problems.

However, this structure requires gas purging, so equipment for that purpose is necessary.

Finally, there is the explosion-proof type. This type has a special construction so that if flammable gas gets inside and causes an explosion, the case or cover will not be damaged and the explosion will not become an ignition source.

The choice of which of these motors to use is not an easy one, and must be determined by the atmosphere in which it will be used.

If the atmosphere is hazardous, the frequency and duration of flammable gases that cause the hazard must determine the type of motor to be purchased and used.


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