
Fluid Sensors

What Are Fluid Sensors?

Fluid Sensors are devices that detect and measure the flow of liquids and gases.

Fluids are broadly classified into liquids and gases. Fluid Sensors are devices that use physical phenomena to detect the flow or presence of these fluids. Fluid Sensors are capable of high-speed measurement and real-time data provision.

They can accurately capture instantaneous changes and fluid behavior, and immediately analyze and display the data.

Applications of Fluid Sensors

Fluid sensors are mainly used in chemical and petroleum plants where liquids are transferred in pipes or stored in tanks.

1. Industrial Process Control

Fluid Sensors play an important role in industrial process control. For example, it is essential to accurately measure and control the flow and pressure of liquids and gases in manufacturing lines and chemical plants.

Fluid Sensors are expected to improve productivity and quality control due to their high measurement accuracy and real-time data provision.

2. Environmental Monitoring

Fluid Sensors also play an important role in environmental monitoring. They can be used to measure water quality, atmospheric gas composition, humidity, etc.

They contribute to environmental protection and resource management by monitoring the quality of groundwater and rivers, detecting hazardous substances in the atmosphere, and controlling soil humidity in agriculture.

3. Medical Diagnosis

Fluid Sensors are also indispensable in medical diagnosis. They measure biological samples such as blood, urine, and breath, and are used for diagnosis and monitoring. They are incorporated into blood pressure monitors, exhaled gas analyzers, body fluid analyzers, and other devices to provide accurate data to improve the accuracy of medical care and support effective treatment.

4. Automotive

Applications in the automotive industry include the measurement of engine coolant and brake fluid levels and flow rates, as well as airbag gas supply. Fluid Sensors are also used to control fuel injection and exhaust systems, contributing to improved fuel economy and reduced emissions.

Principle of Fluid Sensors

There are various types of general flow sensors, but typical principles include thermal, vibration, and pressure sensors.

1. Thermal Sensors

Fluid Sensors use the thermal conductivity of the fluid to measure the flow rate. There is a heating element and a measuring element inside the sensor, which detects how much heat emitted from the heating element is transferred by the Fluid Sensors. The faster the fluid flows, the more heat is transferred, which is detected by the Fluid Sensors and used to calculate the flow rate.

2. Vibration Type Sensor

Fluid Sensors can measure flow rate by detecting vibrations caused by fluid flow. The sensor has an oscillator, which vibrates due to pressure changes caused by Fluid Sensors. The sensor detects the characteristics of the vibration and measures it as flow rate for accurate flow measurement.

3. Pressure Sensor

Pressure sensors detect changes in pressure in Fluid Sensors. The weight of the fluid in the tank is detected as pressure.

There are two types of pressure sensors: the pressure-type that measures the pressure itself (absolute pressure) and the differential pressure-type that measures the difference from atmospheric pressure or a certain pressure (differential pressure). Although they are easy to use, they cannot respond to changes in the specific gravity of a liquid.

Characteristics of Fluid Sensors

Fluid Sensors have several features that make them useful in a variety of applications:

1. High Sensitivity and Accuracy

Fluid Sensors have high sensitivity to detect minute changes and minute amounts of fluid. Furthermore, they have high measurement accuracy and repeatability, and can provide accurate data. This ensures reliable results even when measuring minute amounts of sample or minute flows.

2. Durability and Stability

Fluid Sensors are also characterized by their durability and stability. Special materials and coatings make them resistant to corrosion and wear. They also minimize the effects of environmental fluctuations and provide stable measurement results. This enables stable operation over a long period of time.

3. Wide Measurement Range

Fluid Sensors are capable of a wide range of measurements. They can measure various parameters such as flow rate, pressure, and temperature. There are also multifunctional sensors that measure multiple parameters with a single device. Such a wide measuring range is suitable for measurements according to different requirements.


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