
Bucket Elevators

What Is a Bucket Elevator?

A bucket elevator is a device that lifts powders and other materials upward and discharges them into a silo or belt conveyor. A bucket conveyor that performs vertical conveyance is called a bucket elevator.

Liquids, such as water, can be pumped, but solids cannot be pumped. To transport solids, they are scooped up by buckets and carried upward like an elevator to be processed by a machine.

Uses of Bucket Elevators

Bucket elevators are used to lift and transport solids vertically. They are used for loading raw materials into machines at factories and for loading ore at mines onto conveyor belts.

The materials to be transported range from grains such as rice and wheat to soybeans and livestock feed. The size, shape, and material of the bucket varies depending on the amount of material to be transported. The method of discharging the material after transport also varies depending on the material. When discharging, not all materials can be completely discharged, and some may remain in the bucket.

Principle of Bucket Elevators

In a chain-type bucket elevator that uses a chain to lift the bucket, the bucket is attached to an attachment attached to the chain. Several buckets are attached to the chain, and the chain rotates up and down to lift the bucket.

The buckets are fed into the conveyor belt conveyor, which then scoops up the material and lifts it.

The bucket is made of metal, which is strong enough for transporting heavy ores, etc. In addition to metal, there are also nylon and polyethylene buckets, which can carry acidic materials that would corrode metal.

When carrying powder, there is a risk of dust explosion. The smaller the particle size of the powder, the more surface area it has, so reactions can occur at once. For example, iron powder will explode in the worst case, but even flour can cause a dust explosion under the wrong conditions. Dust explosion precautions should be taken when working with powders.


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