
Induction Lamp

What Is an Induction Lamp?

Electrodeless lamps are officially called electrodeless discharge lamps and are sometimes referred to as Everlite. With no electrodes, these lamps can be used for up to 100,000 hours and have a longer life than LEDs. They are also preferred as light that is gentler on the eyes than LED lighting.

They save energy and can reduce running cost expenses, such as lamp replacement and installation, but they often require installation work and have a high initial cost.

Many overseas manufacturers, led by those in China, manufacture and sell these lamps, and they are more widely used overseas than in Japan.

Applications of Induction Lamps

Because induction lamps are characterized by their long life, they are used in expressways, gymnasiums, tunnels, suspension bridges, factories, and various other facilities. 

To use induction lamps, ballasts must be installed close to the lamps, and in some cases, installation is not feasible because of the electrical work required. Although there are still not that many examples of installation, induction lamps have been attracting attention in recent years because they can contribute to further energy savings in lighting equipment.

Principle of Induction Lamps

Simply put, induction lamps combine the principles of electromagnetic induction and electric discharge to brighten the surrounding area through high-frequency discharge generated by an inverter.

A high-frequency current is passed through the coil of the induction lamp, generating a magnetic field in the ferrite core. The magnetic field generates an electric field inside the lamp. The electrons emitted by the electric field collide with the minute amounts of mercury particles inside, emitting ultraviolet light, which is converted into visible light by the phosphor-coated inside the lamp, causing it to glow. The ultraviolet light is converted into visible light by the phosphor coating inside the lamp, and the lamp can be used for a long period without any change in brightness because there are no parts that wear out like the filaments of conventional lamps.

Since induction lamps have a low heat generation temperature of 80-90°C, they do not interfere with the effectiveness of air conditioning during the hot summer months. Furthermore, power consumption is low, about 30% of that of mercury lamps. They have a long life span of 60,000 to 100,000 hours and are highly durable. Ballasts are required for use.

Electrodeless lamps require high-frequency current, but low-frequency current types have been developed in recent years.


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