
Soundproof Rooms

What Is a Soundproof Room?

A soundproof room is composed of sound insulation, damping, and sound absorption materials. The compsition of a soundproof room is as follows.

Sound insulating material blocks sound by bouncing it back. Vibration-damping material suppresses vibration caused by sound. Sound absorbing material prevents reverberation noise caused by sound bouncing back. These three elements are essential in designing a soundproof room, and the soundproof panels used in the walls and ceiling of a soundproof room are made of a combination of these materials.

In addition, a soundproof room is an enclosed space that requires ventilation and heat removal. Therefore, the soundproof room is ventilated with ventilation fans, and silencer ducts are installed to prevent sound leakage. Silencer ducts are like automobile mufflers that allow air to pass through without making noise.

Types of Soundproof Rooms

1. soundproof room for noise control

Pumps, blowers, and various types of machine tools generate a great deal of noise. By enclosing such equipment in a soundproof room, noise is prevented from leaking out. In factories and facilities, there are “Guidelines for the Prevention of Noise Hazards” for workers, and environmental measurement results must be evaluated for each management category.

[design criteria]

Simply enclosing the noise source in a soundproof room will not be effective. The sound waves of noise sources are diverse, and installation conditions, ventilation, heat generation, workability, maintainability, budget, and vibration effects must all be considered. The characteristics of the noise source are measured by “sound level meters” and “vibration meters,” and the required amount of sound insulation is set and designed.

2. soundproof room for acoustic measurement

Soundproof rooms are used to measure the sound of gears, motors, and speakers manufactured and developed by various manufacturers. Contrary to noise control, the soundproof room is used to prevent the sound outside the room from entering the room. Sound level meters and other instruments are used for measurement. In order to measure a small sound, an environment must be created that is quieter than the sound.

[design criteria]

The amount of sound insulation and sound absorption performance is set according to the noise level generated by the object to be measured and the sound pressure level at each frequency. The shape, size, and equipment required vary depending on the measurement method, such as the distance from the object to be measured to the microphone receiving point, and the method of installation of the object to be measured.


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