
Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit

What Is a Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit?

A mixed-signal integrated circuit, also known as a mixed-signal IC, represents a type of integrated circuit that is adept at handling both analog and digital signals within the same chip.

While digital signals operate on binary values (0 and 1), representing discrete states, analog signals encompass a continuum of values, offering a representation of more complex, continuous waveforms. Mixed-signal ICs excel in processing these inherently different types of signals concurrently, showcasing their versatility.

Applications like audio processing and sensor data interpretation in smartphones are prime examples of mixed-signal IC utilization. Audio interfaces deal with analog signals, such as those from microphones or speakers, which are continuous. Conversely, the smartphone’s data processing and communication functions revolve around digital signals, emphasizing binary data manipulation. Mixed-signal ICs are specifically engineered to bridge these domains, facilitating seamless conversion, processing, and management of both analog and digital signals.