
Scintillation Crystal

What Is a Scintillation Crystal?

A scintillation crystal is a specialized type of crystal designed to absorb radiation energy and convert it into visible light.

Notable examples include sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)), cesium iodide (CsI(Tl)), bismuth germanate (BGO), and lutetium-yttrium aluminum perovskite (LuYAP). These crystals operate by absorbing radiation, which excites electrons within the material. As these electrons return to their ground state, they emit photons, producing a visible light signal.

Scintillation crystals are instrumental in various applications, including medical imaging techniques like X-ray CT and PET scans, radiation measurement in scientific research, and non-destructive testing in industrial settings. They are key components in devices that combine scintillators with photomultiplier tubes and electronic circuits to achieve high efficiency in radiation detection, superior energy resolution, and rapid response times.