
Antistatic Bar

What Is an Antistatic Bar?

An antistatic bar is a device designed to eliminate static electricity from objects that have become charged.

This device typically works by either applying high-voltage electricity or generating static electricity through friction to neutralize static charges upon contact with the object. The principle behind its operation is the creation of a corona discharge from high-voltage applied to its metal components, which releases electrons into the air. These electrons then neutralize the static charge on objects, effectively removing static electricity.

Antistatic bars are crucial in various industries to mitigate problems associated with static electricity, including in the manufacturing of electronics and plastic products, the logistics sector for packaging, medical facilities’ operating rooms, inspection rooms, and more. Their construction includes components such as metal rods or brushes, high-voltage power supplies, and control units, offering key benefits such as high efficiency in static removal, fast processing times, and safety for use around humans.


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