
Excimer Laser

What Is an Excimer Laser?

An excimer laser is a specialized type of laser that generates ultraviolet light through the combination of noble gases and halogens. This technology is known for its precise and high-energy light emission.

These lasers typically emit light in the ultraviolet spectrum at wavelengths such as 193nm, 248nm, 308nm, and 353nm. The laser light is produced by a process called ‘excitation,’ where a mix of gases, typically including halogens like fluorine and chlorine and noble gases such as xenon and argon, is energized to a higher state. This energization leads to the emission of ultraviolet light when these excited molecules return to a lower energy state.

Excimer lasers have a wide range of applications, including in the industrial sector for tasks like semiconductor lithography, where they play a critical role in the manufacturing of microelectronic devices. In the medical field, particularly in ophthalmology, they are essential for procedures such as LASIK surgery, where they are used for precise corneal reshaping.


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