
Vortex Tubes

What Is a Vortex Tubes

A Vortex Tube is a device capable of separating compressed gas into two streams of high temperature and low temperature airflow.

It is industrially used as a compact pinpoint cooling device capable of generating ultra-low temperature air around -40°C to -60°C. As it does not require refrigerants and has no moving parts, it is easy to handle. The Vortex Tube offers straightforward post-processing compared to methods involving solutions or oil cooling. Being environmentally friendly, it does not require substances such as Freon gas.

However, since compressed gas needs to be separately provided, equipment like a compressor is necessary. It is also known by other names, such as Vortex Tube, Ranque-Hilsch Tube, and Hilsch Tube.

Applications of Vortex Tubes

Vortex Tubes find primary application in Vortex Coolers. Vortex Coolers are devices used as cooling tools in industrial production settings. Some notable applications include:

  • Cooling of cutting tools during metal cutting.
  • Cooling in tool sharpening (chips, drills, bits, etc.).
  • Cooling of various electronic devices (control panels, etc.) and electronic components.
  • Cooling of heat seals.
  • Cooling of electrical control equipment.
  • Cooling at soldering points.
  • Cooling of gas samples.
  • Cooling in drilling and cutting operations.
  • Cooling in milling operations.
  • Cooling in surface polishing.
  • Cooling in tire polishing.
  • Cooling in plastic processing and polyethylene film processing.
  • Cooling apparel for use in high-temperature workplaces.
  • Heat protection equipment for hot work in industries like steel manufacturing.

Additionally, Vortex Tubes can extract not only cold air but also warm air, making them suitable for both cooling and heating applications. An example of a specific application is dental dryers.

Principles of Vortex Tubes

A Vortex Tube operates based on the principles of the formation of a vortex, compression, expansion, and pressure differences generated by the high-speed rotation of a gas. The specific separation mechanism and flow are as follows:

  1. Formation of Spiral Flow
    Compressed gas (air) is injected into the vortex chamber from a nozzle, causing the gas to rotate rapidly along the pipe wall.
  2. Generation of Pressure Difference
    Due to the formation of spiral flow along the pipe wall, the area near the Vortex Tube’s wall experiences high pressure, while the central part experiences low pressure.
  3. Temperature Drop
    As a result of the pressure difference, compressed air moves toward the center. During this movement, the expansion of compressed air occurs, leading to a temperature drop.
  4. Separation and Outflow of Air
    Friction between the gas and the wall causes a gradual reduction in the rotational speed of the gas. High-temperature gas flows out of the Vortex Tube from the outer circumference of the flow rate control valve cone, while low-temperature gas is drawn into the center from the tangential nozzle, flowing out through the extraction orifice.

The obtained cold air temperature and cooling capacity vary based on the pressure, temperature, and airflow of the compressed air used, as well as the ratio of the flow rates of cold and hot air adjusted by the Vortex Tube’s valve.

Structure of Vortex Tubes

Vortex Tubes are devices that do not require moving parts or refrigerants. The typical structure consists of the following components:

  • Vortex Chamber
    A long, straight cylindrical structure.
  • Tangential Nozzle
    Located at one end of the vortex chamber along its circumference.
  • Flow Rate Control Valve
    Conical in shape, attached opposite to the tangential nozzle.
  • Orifice
    Attached to the nozzle side of the vortex chamber, serving the purpose of extracting low-temperature gas.

Types of Vortex Tubes

There are various types of Vortex Tubes available with differences in temperature range, flow rate, cooling capacity, output temperature, flow capacity, noise level, etc. Products with nozzles are easier to handle than those without. Additionally, products with enhanced structures, such as incorporating spiral fins inside the tube, have been developed for improved efficiency. Due to the variety of products developed and sold for different applications, it is essential to select the appropriate one based on the intended use.


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