
Nanoimprint Machine

What Is a Nanoimprint Machine?

A nanoimprint machine is a device that performs nanoimprinting to form ultrafine circuit patterns.

It is mainly used for creating ultra-fine circuit patterns for semiconductors.

Uses of Nanoimprint Machines

Nanoimprint machines are used to create ultra-fine circuit patterns for semiconductors and other devices. Nanoimprint machines make it possible to easily mass-produce minute patterns, making it possible to create microcircuits, which used to be difficult and costly.

In addition to the semiconductor field, nanoimprinting is also used in fields such as biotechnology and displays. They are also being used for research and development purposes at universities, research institutes, and other research institutions, as well as to create prototypes that meet the conditions and specifications of production sites.

Principle of Nanoimprint Machines

A nanoimprint machine is a device that realizes nanoimprint technology. The nanoimprint machine consists of a substrate coated with glass or resin, a mounting base, and a mold with an ultrafine pattern installed opposite the mounting base.

The essential components are the pressing mechanism, which presses the mold onto the substrate, and the curing mechanism, which cures the glass or resin. In other words, the mold is pressed against the molten glass or resin on the substrate to transfer the shape of the mold.

The glass or resin to which the shape of the mold has been transferred is hardened by the curing method to form a glass or resin layer with an ultra-fine pattern on the substrate. Furthermore, nanoimprint machines are generally large and space-consuming, but nanoimprint machines that are compact enough to be carried around are now available.

Other Information on Nanoimprint Machines

1. Nanoimprint Technology

Nanoimprint technology is a technology that transfers a shape to glass or resin by pressing a mold with an ultra-micro pattern engraved by microfabrication onto the glass or resin. This technology enables the mass production of identical parts with ultra-micro patterns in a short time.

2. Differences in Curing Methods Depending on the Type of Resin

There are two types of resins used for the resin layer on the substrate of nanoimprint machines: “thermoplastic resin” and “light-curable resin.” Thermoplastic resins melt when heated to a high temperature and cure again when cooled.

On the other hand, “light-curable resins” are resins that cure by light exposure, and UV-curable resins are typical examples. Therefore, nanoimprint machines can be used for curing either by cooling or by exposure to light such as ultraviolet light.

Some nanoimprint machines have one or both of these methods.

3. Resin Supply Method

In nanoimprint machines, most of the resin layers on the substrate to be nanoimprinted are formed by uniformly applying resin onto the substrate. With this method, there are concerns about problems such as sweet edges of the pattern depending on the pattern shape and resin curing speed when forming a pattern.

What is being implemented is a method that applies inkjet printer technology to the supply of resin on the substrate. That is, using inkjet printer technology, the optimum amount of molten resin is jetted out and applied only to the area corresponding to the pattern shape on the substrate to form a resin layer.

At this time, the optimum supply volume of molten resin is determined and incorporated into the equipment, taking into consideration the appropriate amount of resin for the pattern, the speed at which the resin flows into the pattern, the curing speed, and other factors.

4. Nanoimprint Machines and Lithography

Among semiconductor manufacturing equipment, equipment using lithography is well-suited for creating ultra-fine patterns. With this equipment, light is applied according to the pattern on the resin layer uniformly applied on the substrate. In other words, the system cures only the areas exposed to the light to create a pattern, and the pattern is completed by developing and removing the unwanted areas.

In this method, light exposure is performed by reduced projection exposure according to the circuit pattern. This reduced projection exposure is controlled by a lens system, but the problem is that the lens system is difficult to control and the equipment is large.

With nanoimprint machines, however, the mold with the ultrafine circuit pattern is pressed against the resin layer and exposed to light all at once, eliminating the need to control the lens system. This enables the manufacture of semiconductors with ultra-fine circuit patterns with a very simple operation, and expectations for nanoimprint machines are growing.


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