

What Is an Easy-Laser?

The Easy-Laser is a device that uses a laser to perform centering and leveling measurements.

It measures shaft misalignment by irradiating a laser beam onto the rotary axes of connected rotating equipment. Adjustments can be made while checking the parallelism and perpendicularity of equipment and parts. Misalignment in the connection of rotating shafts can distort the shafts and load on the equipment, resulting in malfunctions. Using an Easy-Laser to measure and check the shafts will prolong the life of the equipment. It also improves the efficiency of maintenance and inspection work, thereby reducing costs.

Highly-accurate measurements can be easily performed without the need for experienced and knowledgeable craftsmen.

Uses of the Easy-Laser

The Easy-Laser is widely used in machine tools for shaft centering, checking and adjusting parallelism and horizontality, etc. It is also used to adjust rotating equipment with chains, roll equipment, gas and steam turbines, etc. Shaft centering is the process of adjusting the rotational axes of two machines connected by a shaft so that they are on the same line during operation. For rotating equipment, it is important to correct any misalignment of the rotation axis.

Principle of Easy-Laser

Easy-Laser utilizes the principle of laser light, in which light does not diffuse but travels straight ahead and illuminates a single point. There is a laser transmitter that emits a laser beam and a laser receiver that detects the position of the emitted laser, and a bracket is provided for stable installation of the two. The system also consists of software for displaying the measured values as data and handling them on the terminal.


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