

What Is a Betfighter?

Betfighters are pesticides used on crops and are one of the fungicides.

It is a granule hydrate, which means that it is dissolved in water. Granule hydrate is characterized by the fact that the granules quickly disintegrate and mix with water when put in water, and there is little foaming.

They are also characterized by their high prophylactic efficacy against mildew and blight and their long residual efficacy (the length of time that a pesticide remains effective after spraying). Both mildew and blight occur on various vegetables, fruit trees, and flowering plants, including onions, squash, radishes, broccoli, potatoes, cassia, and grapes, making scientific control with “betfighters” effective.

Uses of Betfighters

The major purpose of using betfighters is for the prevention of downy mildew and blight on applicable crops for which they are registered.

1. Downy Mildew

Downy mildew is a disease caused by a fungus (filamentous fungus) that causes white or yellow spots on the leaves of crops. As the disease progresses, black spots appear on the leaves and mold develops on the underside of the leaves, leading to death of the plant in the worst case.

Downy mildew often occurs during periods of high humidity and low temperatures. It is especially common during the rainy season and autumn rains, and it spreads quickly, so care is needed.
It is also more likely to occur when there are dead leaves at the base of the plant, in an environment with poor ventilation, or in soil that is poorly drained.

Since the disease is caused by fungus (filamentous fungi), spraying with fungicides is highly effective in preventing the disease. Other methods of prevention include widening the space between plants to improve ventilation and clearing away dead leaves at the base of the plant. Mulching is also effective in preventing the fungus (filamentous fungi) in the soil from splashing onto the crops when it rains.

2. Blight

Plague, like mildew, is also caused by mold (fungus). Early symptoms include brown or black spots on leaves that look as if they have been soaked with water, and brown wilting of the leaves when dry. As the disease progresses, the fruits rot, the leaf spots become moldy, and in the worst case, the plant dies.

Eggplant, tomato, potato, and other eggplant crops are especially susceptible to the disease. The conditions under which the disease occurs are similar to those of downy mildew: high humidity and temperatures around 20°C (68°F) are said to be the most likely conditions for outbreaks. As with downy mildew, the rainy season and autumn rains are similar to the outbreak conditions, so care should be taken.

Fungicides are effective in preventing mildew, which is caused by fungi (filamentous fungi). In addition, since the pathogen lives in plant residues in the soil, it is important to take crop residues that have once contracted the plague out of the field and dispose of them without mixing them with the soil in the field.

Characteristics of Betfighters


  • High initial infection suppression effect, which can suppress disease development even after the pathogen has entered the plant (before disease symptoms appear).
  • Because of its excellent penetration and trans-locability, even if the spraying is uneven, the chemical is effective throughout the entire plant, and a high preventive effect can be expected both inside and outside the plant.
  • Depending on the registered crop, the application period is up to the day before harvest, which facilitates the smooth flow from spraying to shipping.


  • Costly chemicals and spraying equipment.
  • Fewer crop registrations are available for spinach, Chinese cabbage, and other crops that are often grown in the winter.
  • When choosing betfighters, it is important to consider whether the results are worth the cost.

Other Information on Betfighters

Precautions for Use

  • It cannot be mixed with or sprayed together with alkaline pesticides such as Bordeaux solution.
  • The number of times it can be used in one cultivation is limited. In addition, the total number of applications of pesticides with the same ingredients (simoxanil, benzabaricarb sopropyl) is fixed, so care must be taken with the number of applications of other pesticides as well.
  • The effective life of the pesticides is 3 years after manufacture, so they must be used up within the effective life of the pesticides.
  • When spraying, gloves and masks should be worn and care should be taken to avoid direct contact with the eyes, nose, and skin.


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