
Test Equipment

What Is Testing Equipment?

Testing equipment is a generic term for equipment used to examine material properties such as strength and hardness, and to verify the performance of products that have been developed and designed.

Since testing equipment provide experiments and confirmations, they are used for processes that do not create added value, but they are definitely important for companies to confirm the durability of products or to obtain data for development and design.

Difference Between Testing Equipment and Testing Instruments

1. Testing Machine

A testing machine is a piece of equipment used for experimentation and verification. It incorporates complex mechanisms, devices, etc., and requires programming and operation. 

2. Testing Equipment

Testing equipment refers specifically to the tools and instruments used for experiments and checks.

Types of Testing Equipment

Types of testing equipment can be broadly classified into two categories:

  • Material testing equipment, to examine material properties such as strength and hardness of materials
  • Performance testing equipment, to examine performance such as output and fuel consumption of products.

1. Material Testing Equipment

Material testing machines include the following:

  • Tensile Testing Machines
    Tensile testing machines pull materials to examine its tension, yield point, breaking point, etc.
  • Compression Testing Machine
    Compression testing machines are used to examine stress and strain by crushing and breaking materials.
  • Bending Tester
    A bending tester is used to examine the strength and deformation of a material by applying force to it and bending it until it is deformed.
  • Torsion Testing Machine
    A torsion testing machine examines the torque at which deformation occurs and the number of revolutions until the material breaks by twisting it while holding both ends of the material.

2. Performance Tester

Depending on the product, a variety of performance testers can have a variety of items to examine.

The following is an example of an automobile performance tester:

  • Output Tester
    An output tester measures the output of an engine or motor. This is an important test that is greatly related to the performance of a car in terms of speed and load capacity.
  • Emission and Fuel Consumption Tester
    An emission and fuel consumption tester is used to measure emissions during operation and fuel consumption. The fuel efficiency test measures fuel efficiency according to the situation, such as maximum fuel efficiency and fuel efficiency in city driving.
  • Noise Measurement Tester
    A noise measurement tester is used to measure driving noise. There are two types of tests: one examines the noise produced by the vehicle itself, such as engine revolutions and exhaust noise, and the other examines differences in noise levels caused by road surface conditions and different types of tires.


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