
Individual Product Identification

What Is Individual Product Identification?

Individual product identification involves tagging products for tracking in distribution or factory settings, aiding in managing goods flow and processes.

1. Fields of Use of Individual Product Identification

Widely used in logistics, retail, and production, these systems manage products by serial and manufacturing equipment numbers, tracking their flow and location.


In logistics, tags are attached to products and transport components like pallets for combined management and location control.


Retailers use tags for inventory management and theft prevention.

Production Sites

At production sites, tags are attached to raw materials and finished products for comprehensive tracking of materials, processes, and current status.

2. Individual Product Identification System

The system includes individual product identification, detection equipment, and software.

Individual Product Identification

Methods include RFID tags, QR codes, bar codes, color bar codes, and image traceability, each with unique advantages and applications.

Detection Equipment

Detection devices vary based on identification methods, such as RFID readers or gates for RFID tags and apps or dedicated readers for QR codes.


Software links objects and information, organizing and managing data read by readers.


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