
Grafting Clip

What Is a Grafting Clip?

A grafting clip is a tool used in the process of joining two plant segments, known as the scion and the rootstock, to promote growth as a single plant. These clips are commonly used in agriculture, home gardening, and horticulture.

Uses of Grafting Clips

Grafting clips are used to secure the scion and rootstock together in vegetables and fruit trees like cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, grapes, eggplants, and large chrysanthemums.

Features of Grafting Clips


  • User-friendly, and suitable for beginners and the elderly.
  • Protects the scion and rootstock from damage.
  • Available in various sizes for different plant thicknesses.
  • Lightweight and gentle on plants.
  • Durable against ultraviolet light and can be reused.


  • Often sold in large quantities, which may be excessive for small-scale gardeners.

Types of Grafting Clips

Grafting clips come in three main types: tube type, clip type, and pin type.


Tube-type grafting clips are transparent and flexible, allowing for easy alignment and natural detachment as the plant grows.


Clip-type grafting clips resemble clothespins and are adjustable to the stem thickness. They are suitable for a wide range of plants, including tomatoes and melons.


Pin-type grafting clips are inserted through the center of the cut surfaces and are effective for both diagonal and flat grafting. They are known for increasing work efficiency and ease of use for beginners.

How to Use Grafting Clips

When grafting, cut both the scion and rootstock at an angle to ensure a tight fit. Tube-type clips are used for tube grafting, while clip-type clips are suitable for split and nominal grafting.

How to Select Grafting Clips

Choose the appropriate type and size of grafting clip based on the seedling type, shape, and thickness. Product descriptions often include recommended plant types as a reference.

Other Information on Grafting Clips

Advantages of Grafting

  1. Reduces the risk of continuous cropping damage.
  2. Facilitates the growth and management of taller plants.
  3. Helps in shortening the harvest period and increasing fruit yields.

Grafting onto related rootstock species can increase resistance to diseases and pests, contributing to healthier plant growth.


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