
Neem Cake

What Is a Neem Cake?

A neem cake is a fertilizer and soil conditioner derived from the remnants of neem oil extraction. Neem oil is obtained from the fruit of the neem tree, primarily found in India. The solid byproduct, rich in active ingredients like azadirachtin, is formed into neem cakes. These cakes are effective in fertilization, soil improvement, and promoting beneficial microorganism growth, conducive to root development.

Uses of Neem Cakes

Neem cakes are widely used for pest control in gardening, vegetable gardening, and agriculture. They are particularly effective against soil-damaging insects like centipedes and aphids. Besides pest control, neem cakes enhance soil quality, making them suitable for developing new agricultural lands and various plants, including vegetables like tomatoes and eggplants, and flowers such as roses.


1. Plant Protection: Neem cakes protect plants from pests and diseases. Azadirachtin disrupts pest growth hormones, preventing molting and egg-laying, and reducing appetite.

2. Safety: Being plant-derived, neem cakes are safe for plants, soil, humans, and animals. They’re sometimes used in livestock feed or even as tea, serving as a natural insecticide.

3. Soil Improvement: Neem cakes encourage the growth of actinomycetes, beneficial microbes that control pathogens and decompose organic matter, thus preventing soil diseases and improving plant rooting and nutrient absorption.


1. Short-lived Effect: The efficacy of neem cakes lasts about one to two months, requiring regular application. For more efficient long-term results, combining with other fertilizers is recommended.

2. Preemptive Use Necessary: Neem cakes should be applied at the time of sowing or planting, as they are less effective post-pest outbreak. Planning is essential for effective use.

Types of Neem Cakes

Neem cakes vary based on the part of the neem fruit used: whole fruit, seeds, or kernel after seed de-shelling. The kernel-only type has the highest concentration of active ingredients. Additionally, there are varieties combined with tobacco, herbs, or marigolds.

How to Choose Neem Cakes

Select neem cakes based on your specific needs and purchase quantities that can be used within six months, as the active ingredients degrade over time. Store them in a cool, ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

How to Use Neem Cakes

Apply neem cakes to the soil about once a week, spreading them shallowly rather than mixing them deeply. For immediate pest control, consider using neem oil, which acts faster and can be diluted and sprayed on plants for pest prevention and nourishment.


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