
Exterior Material

What Is an Exterior Material?

An exterior material is a crucial building component that significantly influences a building’s appearance. They protect against various environmental factors such as weather, ultraviolet rays, extreme temperatures, hazardous substances, fire, earthquakes, flooding, lightning, and snow.

Common exterior materials include siding, mortar, tile, concrete, and autoclaved lightweight concrete panels (ALC). Siding is further categorized into metal siding (primarily made of aluminum and steel plates), ceramic siding (composed of baked fiber and cement), and wood siding (mainly made of lumber).

Uses of Exterior Material

Exterior materials are used extensively on a building’s surfaces, including the roof. Selection should consider factors like cost, quality, appearance, and maintenance. In recent years, siding, tile, and ALC have become increasingly popular in various construction projects, including housing. Their factory manufacturing ensures stable, consistent quality, along with favorable delivery and cost performance.

Developments in highly functional products have enhanced the quality of exterior materials. For instance, some exterior materials feature a photocatalyst layer that breaks down dirt using sunlight and washes it away with rain, reducing maintenance needs. In terms of building design and streetscape harmony, the use of tiles and bricks can be beneficial for their aesthetic appeal and cost-effectiveness.


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