
Stainless Steel Sash Window

What Is a Stainless Steel Sash Window?

A stainless steel sash window is a type of building material where the sash—a strip typical of some window frames—is made of stainless steel. Unlike commonly used aluminum sash windows, stainless steel ones offer greater strength and a mirror-like appearance. Although aluminum is often preferred for its lower cost, stainless steel is occasionally chosen for its aesthetic and durability.

Stainless steel, despite being typically more expensive than aluminum per unit weight, offers advantages in terms of strength and appearance. However, its greater specific gravity makes it more expensive when compared to equal quantities. Consequently, stainless steel sash windows are often used alongside aluminum ones.

Uses of Stainless Steel Sash Windows

Stainless steel sash windows, made from iron alloyed with chromium, provide excellent corrosion resistance and enhanced strength. However, the material’s hardness makes it challenging to work with, and its higher price compared to aluminum limits its use.

Commonly, these windows are used in building entrances, such as in condominiums, commercial facilities, and offices, especially where strength is required, like escalator platforms. They also serve as specified fire prevention equipment, functioning as fire doors to prevent the spread of fire within a building. In such applications, a combination of stainless steel sashes and heat-resistant tempered glass is essential. Since it is not covered by exterior materials or walls, it is easy to check inside during rescue operations. Their rust resistance also makes them ideal for buildings near the sea.

Features of Stainless Steel Sash Windows


1. High-Grade Appearance: Surface finishing options include mirror and hairline finishes, each providing a luxury feel unmatched by aluminum sashes.

2. High Durability: The inherent strength of stainless steel makes it suitable for heavy-duty applications like office building entrances and commercial facility facades.


1. Difficult to Process: The hardness of stainless steel complicates intricate processing, making it less suitable for residential windows where precision is crucial.

2. Heavy Weight: The material’s weight requires reinforced installation points in residential settings, as the windows may become too heavy to operate manually.

How to Choose Stainless Steel Sash Windows

Stainless steel is ideal for large facilities requiring high-grade, tall entrances, such as office buildings, hospitals, and universities. These windows are often used for revolving doors and as part of curtain wall frames for exterior finishes. However, due to their low thermal conductivity, they are less suitable for detached houses. When selecting stainless steel sashes, consider the surface finish, color, and harmony with the building’s overall appearance.

Other Information on Stainless Steel Sash Windows

1. Surface Finish of Stainless Steel Sash Windows

Options include a mirror finish, a hairline finish with fine stripes, and a soft vibration finish polished in a circular motion. The hairline finish is particularly effective in high-traffic areas for hiding fingerprints and minor imperfections.

2. Coloring Stainless Steel Sash Windows

Standard painting methods are ineffective on stainless steel. An alternative is to submerge the steel in chemicals to create an oxide film, offering a wide range of color options while maintaining the metal’s aesthetics.


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