

What Is Maleimide?

Maleimide is an organic compound derived from maleic acid, featuring two carbonyl groups, and is represented by the chemical formula C4H3NO2.

It is a white, powdery solid at room temperature and pressure, soluble in water, ethanol, and other organic solvents. Maleimide is synthesized by reacting maleic anhydride with zinc chloride and heating. Various maleimide derivatives, such as N-phenylmaleimide, are used as resins and cross-linking agents.

Some maleimide derivatives, including N-phenylmaleimide, are classified as poisonous and toxic.

Uses of Maleimide

Maleimide is utilized in biological research for protein and peptide modification. It reacts with cysteine residues, which contain thiol groups, to form covalent bonds. This reactivity is also employed in cross-linking agents for polymers and gels.

Maleimide derivatives are widely used for various applications.

Typical derivatives include:

  • Bismaleimide
    Bismaleimide exhibits excellent hardness and is used as a strength resin. It is reactive, allowing for easy integration into other materials to enhance strength. Bismaleimide is used not only as a resin but also potentially as a polymerization initiator, preventing volatilization of decomposition products.
  • N-Phenylmaleimide
    N-Phenylmaleimide is known for its sterilizing and photosensitive properties, along with various polymerization characteristics. It is used in applications such as photosensitive resins and disinfectants, besides its general use as a resin and intermediate.

Properties of Maleimide

Maleimide is a colorless crystalline solid that is heat-sensitive and decomposes upon heating. It is virtually insoluble in water but soluble in polar solvents like alcohol and acetone. Maleimide also exhibits absorption bands in the ultraviolet and visible light spectrum.

It is highly reactive with compounds containing thiol groups, forming covalent bonds through Michael addition and thiol-ene reactions.

Due to these properties, maleimide finds applications in various fields, including biological research and synthetic organic chemistry.

Structure of Maleimide

Maleimide, an organic compound, has the molecular formula C4H2NO2.

Its imide ring is planar and resonance-stabilized, allowing electron distribution throughout the ring due to resonance effects. This resonance stabilization makes maleimide highly chemically reactive.

A carbon-carbon double bond within the maleimide molecule plays a crucial role in certain chemical reactions, such as the Diels-Alder reaction.

Other Information on Maleimide

How Maleimide Is Produced

Maleimide can be synthesized using different methods, with two common methods detailed below:

Synthetic Method Using Maleic Anhydride and Urea
This method involves mixing maleic anhydride and urea in a 1:1 molar ratio and heating. It is widely used in industry due to its simplicity and use of inexpensive materials.

Synthetic Method Using Maleic Anhydride and Ammonia
Here, maleic anhydride is mixed and heated with ammonia. While this method yields a high product yield, handling ammonia is challenging, and costs are higher than the urea method. Therefore, the method using maleic anhydride and urea is often preferred on an industrial scale.


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