
C11000 Copper

What Is C11000 Copper?

C11000 Copper is a copper alloy with a copper content of 99.90% or more. It has high electrical conductivity and excellent thermal conductivity.

C11000 Copper is also used in various fields such as electrical wiring, machine parts, and construction materials because of its light specific gravity and high corrosion resistance. Furthermore, it has excellent workability and can be processed into various shapes, such as plates, rods, and tubes.

It is one of the most widely used copper alloys with excellent performance for a variety of applications.

Uses of C11000 Copper

The main applications of C11000 copper are as follows:

1. Electrical and Electronic Components

C11000 Copper is widely used in the manufacture of electrical and electronic components due to its high electrical conductivity and plasticity. Examples include coils, transformers, connectors, wiring, and printed circuit boards.

A transformer is an electrical component that uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to convert voltage or current. A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board-shaped component that serves as the base for an electric circuit. Generally, a printed circuit board (PCB) is made of glass fiber reinforced resin or polyimide resin, on which a thin layer of copper foil is attached and on which conductive patterns are printed. 

2. Building Materials

C11000 Copper is also used as a building material because of its beauty and durability. Examples include doorknobs, railings, sinks, bathtubs, and ceiling and wall decorations.

3. Thermal Conductive Material

Due to their high thermal conductivity, they are used as thermally conductive materials. Examples include heat exchangers, heat sinks, and coolers.

4. Other Applications

Automotive parts, ship parts, processing machinery, medical equipment, etc.

Properties of C11000 Copper

The main properties of C11000 copper are as follows:


C11000 Copper is highly conductive because copper itself is an excellent electrical conductor. Copper is one of the metals with very low electrical resistivity and has the highest electrical conductivity among metals.

C11000 Copper is an alloy based on high-purity copper, which allows the high electrical conductivity of copper itself to be enhanced. Tough pitch copper also has fine crystalline particles, which have fewer gaps that obstruct the movement of electrons between crystalline particles, resulting in higher conductivity. In addition, heat treatment makes it possible to form the crystal particles uniformly, which improves conductivity. Heat treatment makes fine crystalline particles exist in close proximity to each other, which prevents the movement of electrons, resulting in higher conductivity. 

2. Processability

C11000 Copper is easy to work because of the uniform distribution of fine crystal particles and good malleability and ductility. Its low strength and high plasticity also make it easy to deform and hold its shape, and its high thermal conductivity allows the heat generated during processing to escape evenly and suppresses temperature rise.

Malleability is the property of a metal that is easily deformed by forging, rolling, or other forces when it is processed. Ductility is the tendency of a metal to be deformed by being pulled or stretched. Plasticity is the property of a metal that allows it to deform and maintain a new shape under pressure or force. In other words, it is the ability of a metal to maintain its new shape without retaining its original shape when deformed. 

3. Corrosion Resistance

C11000 Copper is an alloy based on high-purity copper, which has its own corrosion resistance. Copper is generally stable against many oxides and hydroxides, and furthermore, the oxide film formed on the copper surface makes it a corrosion resistant material. In addition, the fine and uniform crystalline particles stabilize the microstructure within the material and enhance its corrosion resistance. Special heat treatment keeps the crystal particles uniform, so corrosion resistance increases after heat treatment. 

4.Thermal Conductivity

C11000 Copper is a material with high thermal conductivity due to its fine and uniform crystal particles. In addition, copper itself is a good thermal conductor, which also makes C11000 copper a good thermal conductor. Copper itself is an efficient conductor of heat. Copper atoms are densely packed, so the distance between atoms is short and heat energy is easily transferred.

C11000 Copper is an alloy based on high-purity copper, and in addition to the thermal conductivity of the copper itself, special manufacturing methods are used to form fine crystal particles. Therefore, heat conduction inside the material is smooth, resulting in high thermal conduction performance. In addition, the high uniformity of the crystal particles ensures uniform heat transfer, resulting in high heat conduction throughout the material.

5. Excellent Corrosion Resistance

C11000 Copper is an alloy based on high-purity copper, a material with excellent corrosion resistance. In addition, special heat treatment gives it a uniform crystalline particle structure, further enhancing its corrosion resistance. In addition, C11000 copper has antibacterial properties against microorganisms, making it an excellent material for corrosion resistance. 

6. Antimicrobial Properties

C11000 Copper has the same antimicrobial properties as other copper materials. Copper has excellent antimicrobial properties and is known to kill many types of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. The antimicrobial properties are attributed to the ions present on the surface of copper.

C11000 Copper also has high purity and uniform crystalline particles, resulting in high antimicrobial performance. The surface of C11000 copper also tends to release copper ions that can damage cell membranes and enzymes. This makes it suitable for applications requiring antimicrobial properties in fields such as medical devices and food processing equipment.

Other Information on C11000 Copper

Alternatives to C11000 Copper

Alternatives to C11000 copper include copper-nickel alloys and silver-plated copper. These materials also have high electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance, but their properties, such as workability and thermal conductivity, differ from those of C11000 copper, making C11000 copper more suitable for some applications.


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