
Midget Cutter

What Is a Midget Cutter?

A midget cutter is a tool for cutting soft copper wire materials such as iron wire, galvanized iron, and stranded wire.

When cutting, the cutting edges do not pass each other like scissors, but rather the edges engage each other, crushing the wire as they cut. Midget nippers and string cutters are similar tools.

Midget nippers are almost the same in the structure of the midget cutter. However, the cutting ability of a midget nipper is higher than that of a midget cutter. The blade portion is angled, allowing cutting from the base of the wire material. String cutters also have the same basic structure as a midget cutter. However, the cutting edge has a special shape suitable for cutting cable wires and wire ropes.

How to Use Midget Cutters

Place the soft copper wire to be cut between the blade and the center of the midget cutters and hold it in place.

Then, grasp the handle by hand and close the blade to cut. When cutting thicker soft copper wire, it is easier to hold the wire as far back as possible from the blade and fix it in place for easier cutting.

If there is a large gap between the soft copper wire to be cut and the blade, and the wire cannot be cut off, loosen the adjusting nut, then adjust the height of the adjusting bolt to the appropriate position while checking the opening of the blade tip. By eliminating the gap between the wire rod and the blade, smooth cutting can be achieved.

How to Choose Midget Cutters

When selecting midget cutters, be sure to check the maximum cutting capacity and the materials that can be cut. Also, select midget cutters whose blade material, structure, and functionality are suitable for the environment and purpose of the work. The following is a summary of points to consider when selecting midget cutters:

  • Blade Material
    Midget cutters with a blade made of stainless steel are resistant to rust and do not attract rust when cutting rusty wire, making them suitable for use outdoors in the rain or at sites where they are likely to get wet. Rust on the blade portion can also be prevented by simply washing it with water after use.
    Midget cutters, whose blades are made of copper, are sharp and durable. Therefore, they can be operated like scissors with one hand on the handle to cut a wire rod quickly with little effort.
  • Functionality
    For use in high places, a midget cutter that is designed to be attached to a carabiner that can be attached to a waist belt and has a hole for attaching a safety rope to prevent it from falling is useful. If the midget cutter is not designed to be attached to a carabiner, it can be attached to the waist belt by separately preparing a tool holder for the midget cutter.


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