
Lead Pliers

What Are Lead Pliers?

Lead PliersLead pliers resemble pliers, but the tip shape is characterized by a thin plate. They are well-suited for gripping thin wires in tight spaces and bending sheet metal. The gripping portion is also plate-shaped, reducing the likelihood of damaging the object being held. The sturdy and broad tip provides a strong grip, contributing to stable work and precise processing.

On the other hand, they do not have the cutting ability of ordinary pliers or radio pliers.

They are designed for very detailed work and feature a lineup of different tip shapes and sizes.

Uses of Lead Pliers

Lead pliers have a very thin tip that does not interfere with adjacent materials, parts, or other objects. Therefore, the desired part can be grasped smartly. They are especially useful for precisely gripping metal wires such as electric wires, iron wires, and copper wires.

In addition, because it can firmly grip and process materials with flat shapes, it is useful for crafting tin plates and other materials.

Furthermore, their scratch-resistant characteristics enable them to handle models, decorative items, and precision instruments. They are also useful for gripping hot or dirty objects that cannot be touched with bare hands.

How to Choose Lead Pliers

Although these tools are simple, such as gripping powerfully and applying force, they are equipped with various innovations.

  • Knurling
    Some products are equipped with knurling to prevent slipping and improve holding power. If you grip a soft material too hard, there is a risk of vertical lines.
  • Tip Shape
    There are two shapes: straight to the tip and bent only at the tip. The bent tip may be suitable for use in tight spaces.
    There are also two types of tips: one with a beveled tip and one without a beveled tip. The beveled-tip variant is anticipated to offer a firmer grip with reduced slippage. However, opt for the flat type without a beveled tip if avoiding damage to the object is a primary concern.
  • Grip
    In instances where the grip is utilized for extended periods, it is advisable to opt for a handle design that minimizes fatigue. Some products are made of elastomer or other resin materials to reduce fatigue.
  • Long-Term Use
    The tip is usually processed in a two-piece process, where the body and the tip are joined to form a handshake. On the other hand, there are lead pliers with a three-piece sandwich joint between the body and the tip to enable stable, long-term work on hard materials.


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