
Digital Picking System

What Is a Digital Picking System?

Digital Picking SystemsA digital picking system is an advanced method where digital displays are installed on warehouse shelves to guide the picking process.

This system allows workers to accurately pick items based on digital instructions, even without prior knowledge of the products. Picking, the process of selecting and moving products or parts from storage for further processing, is essential in warehouse and factory operations.

Digital picking systems are categorized into DPS (digital picking system) for single order picking and DAS (digital assort system) for batch order picking. Both are collectively known in the broader sense as digital picking systems.

Uses of Digital Picking Systems

Essential in various sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, and retail, digital picking systems streamline operations in shipping and distribution centers, including those for food, apparel, and e-commerce. DPS is particularly beneficial for operations handling a wide variety of products in small quantities, while DAS suits environments distributing large quantities of fewer products to consistent destinations.

Features of Digital Picking Systems

Equipped with indicators on shelves and containers, these systems use LEDs to display item counts and locations, enhancing energy efficiency. They enable error reduction, improve efficiency regardless of worker skill level, and facilitate a paperless environment. However, the digital control of item locations can limit the flexibility of storage arrangements. To optimize costs, combining digital picking systems with handy terminals for less frequently shipped items can be effective.

How to Choose Digital Picking Systems

Selecting the right digital picking system involves assessing suitability for your operations, expected benefits, costs, and implementation timeframe. A trial period is crucial to evaluate system effectiveness.

1. Suitability for Picking Operations

Verify the system’s compatibility with your picking methods, whether single or batch order picking, ensuring it can adapt to order variations.

2. Productivity Improvement

Evaluate whether digitalization will enhance productivity and identify which functions will benefit specific tasks, such as picking guides and work history management on tablets.

3. System Convenience

Consider the ease of use and additional features of the system, including device management for multiple tablets and automatic problem reporting, to ensure high operational convenience.


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