
PLM System

What Is a PLM System?

A PLM (product lifecycle management) system is a system that centrally manages product information, including product design data, specifications, parts data, instructions at the manufacturing site, manufacturing performance information, purchasing information, and supplier information.

It is also called a product life cycle management system. By managing product development and manufacturing processes it has the advantage of improving product quality, shortening development time, and increasing productivity.

Similar product management systems include PDM (products data management) systems, but while PDM systems manage information in the design and development process, PLM systems manage information related to the entire product process, from planning, design, manufacturing, procurement, sales, and maintenance. PLM systems manage information related to the entire product process, from planning to design, manufacturing, procurement, sales, and maintenance by linking them together.

Uses of PLM Systems

PLM Systems are used to maximize profitability during the entire product life cycle. In other words, PLM systems help companies increase revenue and reduce costs by bringing products to market earlier by shortening development periods; it reduces manufacturing costs by linking and managing parts data, and procurement and manufacturing information. It also works by improving product quality by sharing customer feedback information at all stages of the process. PLM is a system that helps companies increase revenues and reduce costs.

For this reason, PLM systems were introduced early on in the manufacturing industry in general, and in particular in the assembly and manufacturing industries, such as the electrical and electronics industry, the automotive industry, and the aircraft industry, where parts data and parts procurement information are important. Since then, the use of PLM systems has expanded and is used in a variety of fields, including parts, molds, construction materials, medical care, and food products.

In addition, with the recent spread of communication through the Internet of Things (IoT: Internet of Things), there is a movement to use PLM System to manage and utilize data obtained through IoT, which is also attracting attention.

Principle of PLM Systems

PLM systems are equipped with various functions to manage and utilize information centrally from each process of the product lifecycle, such as product planning, sales, design, manufacturing, procurement, sales, and maintenance.

1. Project Management Function

This function manages product projects, schedules, and resources. It may also include portfolio management and budget management at the product planning stage. Functions that can manage progress against plans are primarily used by project managers and can be useful for resource allocation and coordination. 

2. Data Management Functions

This function is equivalent to a PDM (products data management) system. It manages design data, a bill of materials (BOM), design change management, configuration management, quality management, and supply chain management. It has the ability to manage and share information on products leads to speeding up the development process and strengthening quality control. 

It can be integrated with drawing tools (CAD: computer-aided design) and analysis tools (CAE: computer-aided engineering), which are necessary functions for product design.

3. BOM Management Function

In addition to the design BOM, the PLM System also manages the manufacturing BOM, which is created by the manufacturing department.

The manufacturing BOM includes not only the parts that make up the product but also auxiliary materials such as paints, sealing materials, and packaging materials used at the manufacturing site.

4. Process BOP Management Function

This function manages the bill of process (BOP) in the manufacturing stage. By sharing manufacturing processes and work instructions, it contributes to improving work efficiency at the manufacturing site and standardizing work so that work can be performed even by non-experts.

It manages the number of man-hours per process and allows for the trial calculation of processing costs necessary for costing and the optimal allocation of man-hours according to the skills and experience of workers.

How to Select a PLM System

When choosing a PLM System, there are five key factors to consider:

1. Alignment With the Company’s Business Areas

Because PLM Systems vary in function and configuration depending on the solution/package, the selection of a solution must be appropriate for the product areas, scale of production, and implementation requirements of the company’s offerings. Enhanced management functions will lead to improved safety, quality, and workability.

2. System Scalability

As companies continue to expand their business, PLM Systems must be scalable to allow companies to respond to changes. Especially in the case of improved product performance, there is always a need to improve the functionality of the management system as well. It is advisable to choose a system that allows easy addition of new functions and new modules.

3. Security

Since a PLM System contains important information held by a company, security is extremely important. Therefore, it should have features such as access control, data encryption, and backup functions.

4. Availability of Customer Support

Customer support is an important aspect of implementing a PLM system. It is advisable to choose a service that provides prompt and appropriate support in case of problems.


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