


高真空中で物質を蒸発させて、これを基板に貼り付ける方法を分子線エピタキシー(英:Molecular Beam Epitaxy 略:MBE)と呼びます。主に半導体などを製造するときに使用される方法で、非常に高い結晶品質と薄膜の均一性が得られる点が特徴です。分子線エピタキシーを実行するために、対象物を加熱する装置をクヌーセンセルと呼びます。







1. るつぼ


2. ヒーター


3. シール部



4. シャッター





1. 昇温可能温度


2. 使用可能真空度


3. るつぼ容量


4. シャッター制御



Network Interface Card

What Is a Network Interface Card?

A network interface card (NIC), also known as a LAN card, network adapter, or Ethernet adapter, is a device enabling a computer’s connection to a network.

The NIC is crucial for processing at the physical layer, facilitating communication with other computers. Primarily, there are two categories of NICs: Ethernet and wireless. Ethernet NICs are used for connections to wired LANs, whereas wireless NICs provide connectivity to wireless LANs, including Wi-Fi networks.

Functionally, NICs translate data packets from the computer into electrical signals for transmission across the network. Conversely, they convert incoming electrical signals from the network back into data packets that the computer can process.


Modem Card

What Is a Modem Card?

A modem card provides modem functionality, enabling a computer’s internet connection either internally or through expansion slots.

This technology divides into two categories: analog and digital. Analog modem cards interface with analog communication lines, whereas digital modem cards operate with digital lines. Their primary function is to convert digital signals from the computer to analog for transmission over communication lines and vice versa, translating analog signals into digital formats the computer can process.

Significant advantages of modem cards include their greater expandability compared to computers’ built-in modems, ease of replacement in case of failure, and cost-effectiveness over internal modems.


Integrated Circuit Card

What Is an Integrated Circuit Card?

An integrated circuit card (IC card), also known as a smart card, is a card embedded with integrated circuits (ICs) that records information (data) and performs computations.

IC cards are categorized into two types: contact and contactless. Contact IC cards necessitate physical contact with a reader/writer for data read/write operations and find applications in cash cards and credit cards. On the other hand, contactless IC cards use electromagnetic waves for data transfer without requiring direct contact with a reader/writer, serving in electronic money systems and IC transit cards.

IC cards comprise components such as microchips, memory, and antennas. The microchip, acting as the CPU, manages data processing and encryption. Memory is allocated for storing user-related information and encryption keys. Antennas facilitate data communication in contactless IC cards.


Barcode Card

What Is a Barcode Card?

A barcode card is a card that records necessary information in a barcode, allowing the retrieval of required data by scanning it with a dedicated terminal.

The card itself is printed with a barcode, and the encoded information can be easily retrieved by reading the reflected light with a dedicated reader. Key features include ease of scanning, information capacity, durability, and cost-effectiveness, making it suitable for various applications such as retail stores, libraries, event venues, loyalty cards, and membership cards.

When choosing a barcode card, factors to consider include its intended use, information capacity, durability, and cost. Depending on the application, it may be necessary to select the appropriate materials and printing methods.


Adapter Card

What Is an Adapter Card?

An adapter card is an expansion board inserted into the expansion slot of a computer to add functionality.

It is composed of connectors, chipsets, memory, and other components, facilitating communication with devices and data processing. Adapter cards transmit and receive data between devices and the computer bus, expanding functionality. They are used in computers, servers, embedded systems, among others, to expand functionality by inserting them into the computer’s expansion slots.

The operation proceeds as follows: when the adapter card is inserted, power is supplied, and the chipset is initialized. Connection with the device is established, enabling data transmission. Key features include expandability, versatility, cost-effectiveness, and ease of upgrade.


Sample Board

What Is a Sample Board?

A sample board is a board used primarily during the development stage of electronic devices or systems to test functionality and performance.

Typically, it is equipped with specific chips, microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, etc., allowing developers to create prototypes and verify their operation using these components.

Sample boards are mainly utilized in research and product development settings. Examples of specific applications include IoT (Internet of Things) device development, prototyping of embedded systems, and building sensor networks. In these fields, sample boards are essential for verifying functionality and performance before creating actual products or systems.


Programming Board

What Is a Programming Board?

A programming board is a hardware platform used to develop and execute programs to control electronic devices.

Its main components include a processing unit, memory, input/output ports, and power supply. The processing unit executes the program, memory stores data, input/output ports handle communication with external devices, and the power supply provides the necessary power for the board’s operation.

Programming boards are used by writing programs using programming languages, then writing them onto the board and supplying power. They find applications in education, hobbies, industries, home appliances, and more. In operation, programs are executed by the processing unit, data stored in memory is read and written, and communication with external devices is conducted through input/output ports.


Electric Panel Board

What Is an Electric Panel Board?

Electric panel board is a panel used for power supply and control.

This panel operates through components such as breakers, wiring, residual-current devices (RCDs), and voltmeters. Breakers protect circuits from overcurrents and short circuits, while wiring distributes power to various circuits. RCDs prevent electric shock to humans, and voltmeters monitor the status of the electrical system. It finds applications in homes, offices, factories, commercial facilities, and public facilities.

In operation, power supplied by the electric utility is transformed into low voltage by a transformer and distributed to various circuits through breakers. RCDs detect leakage currents and disconnect the power supply. Additionally, voltmeters monitor the status of the electrical system. It is also possible to control power supply using timers or switches as needed.


Oriented Strand Board

What Is an Oriented Strand Board?

Oriented strand board (OSB) is a panel-shaped building material made by processing wood into thin, long fiber-like strands, aligning them directionally, and then laminating and bonding them.

While similar to plywood, it is characterized by a more random fiber arrangement and manufacturing process. OSB demonstrates strength and durability through elements such as fiber directionality, adhesive, and laminated structure. By laminating fibers with directional alignment, it achieves high strength and rigidity, and using durable adhesives enhances the overall panel strength. Additionally, stacking multiple layers increases thickness and strength.

It finds applications in various sectors such as structural panels, interior materials, furniture, and packaging materials. Particularly as structural panels, it is widely used for structural components such as walls, floors, and roofs.