
Carpenters’ Square

What Is a Carpenters’ Square?

A carpenter’s square is a right-angled, folded shape, consisting of straight longitudinal and transverse measures, connected at precise right angles to each other. It is often made of metal and used to measure the length of one side of a piece of wood or steel. It is also used to draw an accurate straight or curved line using the deflection and steel properties of that metal.

Uses of the Carpenters’ Square

Because of its structure, carpenters’ squares are tools mainly used by carpenters, architects, and other craftsmen who work with building materials. Many timbers and steel materials are round, and they are used to measure rectangular square posts with a length of one side that can be easily obtained from the measurement of their cross sections, or for advanced measurement purposes in carpentry work.

In fact, the history of the Carpenters’ Square is ancient. It is said that carpenters’ squares have been widely used in China since the Han Dynasty and in Japan since the Heian Period (794-1185), and books related to carpentry were published in the Edo Period.

Principle of the Carpenters’ Square

The principle of the carpenters’ square is that the front side has a metric scale in millimeters, and the back side has a number obtained by multiplying the number on the front side by the square root (root) of 2 and dividing by the circumference of the circle. The former number is sometimes referred to as the square root and the latter number as the round root.

Most carpenters’ squares are made of metals such as brass (brass), stainless steel, and copper, and the above scales are usually found on both long and short right-angled measures.

As an example of how to use this system, if you apply the carpenters’ squares to the diameter of a log, you can see at a glance the length of one side of the square or the circumference of that log that you can obtain from it. However, it is not easy to determine the diameter of a log that is not a circle accurately.

Therefore, using the carpenters’ square to define the circumference angle, the right angle of the carpenters’ square is placed on the circumference of the log, and the long and short sides of the carpenters’ square is marked where it intersects the circumference of the log. Repeat this process to find the approximate center of the log, which is not exactly a circle.

Another advanced use of the carpenters’ square, other than for measuring right angles, is to determine the appropriate combined length of roof slopes and columns with non-right angles by cleverly using the relationship between the square root numbers of similar triangles.

Architects, carpenters, and other professionals should choose a product that guarantees high dimensional accuracy.


Vacuum Fluorescent Display

What Is a Vacuum Fluorescent Display?

Vacuum Fluorescent Displays

Vacuum fluorescent displays (VFDs) are a type of display technology that uses an electron tube mechanism to illuminate a phosphor coating, producing light. Developed in 1966 by Noritake Ise Electronics in Japan, VFDs were a precursor to LEDs in displaying information on electronic devices.

Applications of Vacuum Fluorescent Displays

VFDs are utilized in various fields, from home appliances and automotive displays to amusement products and digital signage. Their vibrant blue-green light enhances visibility and aesthetic appeal, functioning well in diverse temperature conditions.

Principle of Vacuum Fluorescent Displays

A VFD operates by heating a filament to emit electrons, which then collide with a phosphor coating to produce light. This process involves components such as the filament, grid, and anode within a vacuum glass tube, allowing for precise control over which segments light up.

How to Choose a Vacuum Fluorescent Display

When comparing VFDs with other display technologies like LCDs, LEDs, and Organic EL displays, consider factors such as viewing angles, contrast ratios, operating temperatures, cost, and display density. While VFDs offer unique benefits such as high visibility and low-temperature performance, they may suffer from phosphor degradation and burn-in over time.


Binding Machinery

What Is Binding Machinery?

Binding Machinery

Binding machinery is used to bundle cardboard boxes, books, and other packages for easy transportation. Some binding machines are also used to secure larger pallets.

There are two types of binding machinery: those that hang PP bands and weld the ends together (also called packing machines), and those that hang strings and tie the ends together (strapping machines).

Binding machinery can be used to improve the efficiency of packaging operations, prevent accidents due to variations in precision, and reduce costs.

Uses for Binding Machinery

Binding machinery is used in factories, distribution warehouses, financial institutions, bookstores, and many other locations to improve packaging operations.

Binding machinery using PP bands is suitable for packing and securing corrugated cardboard boxes. They are often used primarily in logistics-related settings. Binding machinery using string is used for more general purposes, such as product packaging.

In general products, the object to be bundled is carried to the machine, placed on the machine, and operated.

Principle of Binding Machinery

In the most commonly used foot-pedal type binding machinery, the object to be bound is placed on the machine stand, and a foot pedal activates the motor. This, in turn, rotates the arm and wraps the PP band or cord around the object. The end of the band is crimped to hold the PP band in place, while the cord is tied and cut for products that use cord.

Binding machinery does not use a sequencer, which is the mainstream machine control system, but is driven by a cam, so it requires more detailed adjustments than other machines. In addition, because they are driven by a machine, regular lubrication is essential to maintain their functionality.

Semi-automatic binding machinery is the same up to the point where the object to be bound is placed in the machine, but there are no pedals or switches, and binding is performed by inserting the binding tape into the designated location.

Although less efficient than fully automatic binding machinery, these machines are more compact because they do not require a binding arm.


Abrasive Compound

What Is an Abrasive Compound?

Abrasive Compounds

An abrasive compound is a product used to sharpen or polish material surfaces, typically available in powder or granular form, but also used in a broader sense when mixed with water or oil.

In the past, abrasives were made by grinding natural materials like garnet. Nowadays, most abrasives are artificially manufactured, with materials such as granulated alumina, silicon carbide, diamond, and others being used depending on the material being processed and the intended purpose.

The abrasive compound is rarely used alone. For greater convenience, they are often hardened with a bonding agent and used as artificial grinding stones, or adhered to paper or cloth and used as abrasive sheets.

Uses of Abrasive Compounds

Abrasive compounds are used to polish metal and plastic surfaces to improve dimensional accuracy and luster.

Abrasive compounds are mainly defined by particle size (grain size). In general, abrasives with larger grain sizes are used first, as they offer superior processing speed, and then smaller ones are used according to the required accuracy.

While abrasive compounds are commonly used on flat surfaces, they can also be applied to process curved surfaces and inside diameters by affixing a brush, etc., coated with abrasive compounds, to a rotating body.

Principle of Abrasive Compounds

Abrasive compounds are processed to reduce the surface irregularities by gradually scraping the material surface with hard fine particles.

There are two types of abrasive processes: the fixed abrasive method, which uses a tool with abrasive compound particles fixed with a bonding agent, and the loose abrasive method, which uses abrasive particles in a discrete state.

In the fixed abrasive method, the abrasive grains are fixed and cut into the workpiece, resulting in superior polishing time and processing efficiency.

On the other hand, the loose-grain method allows the abrasive grains to tendon the workpiece, resulting in a more precise machined surface.

Rough grinding is used to ensure high efficiency, dimensional accuracy, and shape accuracy, and uses abrasives with relatively low particle size and high hardness. Fine grinding is a process used to reduce surface roughness and uses high particle size and soft elastic abrasives. Rough polishing is used to shape the surface to be polished, and fine polishing is used to polish and mirror the surface.

The appropriate abrasive compound material and particle size should be selected depending on the material of the surface to be polished and the degree to which the surface is to be polished.

Characteristics of Abrasive Compounds

There are several types of abrasive compounds, each of which has different hardness and reactivity.

The most commonly used abrasive compound is corundum crystal alumina, which is used in combination with zirconia or titanium to provide hardness and toughness and is mainly used for polishing iron and stainless steel.

Abrasives made from silicon carbide are harder and tougher than alumina and less expensive than diamond. As a result, they are widely used for polishing metals and non-metals. However, they are not suitable for polishing iron and stainless steel.

Like silicon carbides, they react with iron and nickel and lose their performance, so their use is limited to specific applications. 


Pressure Reducer

What Is a Pressure Reducer?

Pressure Reducers

A pressure reducer valve, as the name suggests, is a control valve designed to decrease the pressure of a specific fluid. It achieves this by lowering the pressure of the fluid as it flows from the primary side while maintaining a constant pressure on the secondary side.

This helps to reduce fluid pulsation and water hammer. Of course, it is also used to reduce the supply pressure that is too high for the intended use to an appropriate pressure.

When fluid passes through the valve plug and seat in the pressure reducer valve, it is squeezed, creating resistance and a pressure loss. This pressure loss is used to reduce the pressure and set the pressure.

Uses of Pressure Reducers

Pressure reducers are used in everyday life, but they are not often seen. Examples of their use include the primary side of pipes and tanks, water faucets, and steamers.

If the pressure is high enough to enter a tank or other equipment, there is a risk of rupture. This can be prevented by installing pressure reducers. In addition, if the faucet that is used daily is supplied directly with high-pressure water, the water will gush out with great force as soon as the faucet is turned on, making it impossible to wash hands. Furthermore, if the high-pressure steam is not fully utilized, the energy loss will be too large, and the product may melt or deform due to the excessively high temperature.

Features of Pressure Reducers

There are two types of pressure reducers: direct-acting and pilot-operated. The direct-acting type is used for small to medium flow rates, while the pilot-operated type is used for high flow rates.

The direct-acting type adjusts and maintains pressure by balancing the fluid pressure against the spring inside the valve. The force applied to the spring can be adjusted by operating the valve’s adjusting screw. The fluid pressure flowing through the valve plug pushes the spring back through the diaphragm. When these forces are balanced, the secondary side pressure is maintained. The pilot-operated type uses two pressure reducers of different sizes to regulate and maintain pressure; the pressure of the secondary side fluid is detected by the smaller pressure reducer valve, and the larger pressure reducer valve is activated by that pressure.

The direct-acting type has a simple internal structure and is characterized by relatively few failures. It also has little pulsation and requires no pressure differential for operation. However, it is not suitable for locations with large offsets and large flow rate fluctuations.

The pilot-operated type has a complicated internal structure and may malfunction due to a small amount of dust, etc. Also, it requires a pressure differential to operate. However, it has a small offset and can handle large flow rates. Furthermore, the rangeability (ratio of the minimum flow rate to the maximum flow rate that can be adjusted by the valve) is large.


Fixed Resistor

What Is a Fixed Resistor?

Fixed Resistors

A fixed resistor is an electrical resistor whose resistance is fixed and cannot be varied.

A resistor refers to a circuit element that controls the current value. If the circuit resistance were 0Ω, the circuit would be short-circuited and a large current would flow. To prevent this, a resistor is inserted to control the appropriate current.

Resistors include variable resistors, whose resistance value can be freely changed, and semi-fixed resistor, whose resistance value can be adjusted.

Usage of Fixed Resistors

Fixed resistors are basic circuit elements used in all kinds of electronic circuits and have a variety of applications. Specific uses are as follows:

  • Current limiting in electronic circuits
  • Voltage divider
  • Detecting current values
  • Pull-up and pull-down resistors that set the voltage of digital signals
  • Active filter circuits combined with capacitors and operational amplifiers
  • Circuit protection in the event of lightning surges and other inrush currents

Principle of Fixed Resistors

When a current passes through a resistor, electrons repeatedly collide with atoms in the resistive element. With each collision, the speed of electron movement decreases, resulting in a decrease in the number of electrons passing through in a given time. Since the number of electrons passing through per unit of time is the current value, it can be said that the collision with the resistive element is the essence of resistance.

Also, when electrons collide with atoms, part of the energy of the electrons is converted into heat, which is Joule heat. Ohm’s law: “voltage = current × resistance” holds true between the current flowing through fixed resistors, the applied voltage, and the resistance value. Based on this, when designing a circuit, select fixed resistors with an appropriate resistance value based on the applied voltage and current value.

When a current flows through fixed resistors, a potential difference is generated at both ends of the resistor, and the power calculated by the current value x potential difference is consumed as Joule heat. If this power consumption is excessive, the resistor may burn out, so care should be taken.

The specifications of fixed resistors specify the rated power, which is “the maximum value of power that can be consumed continuously.” Fixed resistors are used at 50% or less of the rated power, and components should be selected based on this.

Types of Fixed Resistors

Fixed resistors can be classified into the following three types in terms of structure.

1. Leaded Type

The leaded type has lead wires connected to the electrodes at both ends of the fixed resistors and designed to be soldered by passing the lead wires through holes in a printed circuit board. Resistors can be further classified into the following types according to the material of the resistive element.

Carbon Film Resistors
Resistors with carbon adhered to the surface of porcelain or other materials as a resistive element, also called carbon resistors. The surface of the porcelain has spiral grooves, and the resistance value is set by changing the width and length of these grooves.

Because they are inexpensive, they are widely used in general circuits, but they have a large resistance error, with the usual product having an accuracy of about 5% of the nominal resistance value. They are also inferior to metallic resistors in terms of noise generation.

Metal Film Resistors
A resistor with a metal resistive element formed on the surface of porcelain. There are two types: a thick-film type, in which a resistive element paste is fired, and a thin-film type, in which the resistive element is vapor-deposited. Thick-film type has a small error margin of about 1%, and thin-film type has a higher accuracy of 0.05%.

They are used in measuring instruments, audio products, etc., where accurate resistance values are required.

Metal Oxide Film Resistors
These resistors are made of metal oxide, such as tin oxide formed on the surface of porcelain as a resistive element. They are mainly used in medium power circuits such as power supplies because of their excellent heat resistance and ability to handle relatively high power.

Metal Glaze Film Resistors
This type of resistor uses a mixture of metal, metal oxide, and glass as the resistive element, and its thick film structure provides stable characteristics and resistance to environmental changes. They also have excellent corrosion resistance. This resistive element is used not only in leaded type but also in chip resistors.

2. Surface Mounting Type

The surface-mount type, which does not come with lead wires, is intended for surface mounting. Since this method of mounting components on the surface of the board can reduce the board space, it was actively used in electronic devices that require miniaturization at first, but now surface-mount type components have become the mainstream.

From the structural aspect, surface mount type resistors can be classified into two types: rectangular chip resistors and cylindrical chip resistors.

Rectangular chip resistors
Resistors use metal glaze as a resistive element.

Cylindrical chip
Originally, it was a leaded resistor with the lead wire removed, but now it is a resistor with a carbon film or metal film resistive element.

Cylindrical type was first popularized as surface mount type resistors, but square chip resistors are now widely used due to their ease of use in the soldering process.

3. Wire-Wound Resistors

A wire-wound resistor is a resistive element made of metal wire wound in a spiral shape. The structure of winding a uniform metal wire with a fixed length allows for highly accurate resistance value setting and a large power capacity. Moreover, by appropriately selecting the resistive element, the change in resistance value due to temperature change can be suppressed.

However, because of its winding structure, it exhibits coil inductance characteristics with respect to AC current, and the higher the frequency, the greater the impedance, which results in a smaller current. This characteristic has an adverse effect in the high-frequency range, so non-inductive winding may be used to prevent this.

Metal Clad Resistors
This term refers to metal-clad resistors. It is a wire-wound resistor with a metal cladding. Since they are intended to be used in high power circuits, some are equipped with a heat sink or heat dissipation fins to prevent heat generation.

Enameled resistors
A metal wire that serves as a resistive element is wound around a core made of porcelain or other material, and an enamel exterior is attached to protect it. Because of its heat-resistant structure, this type of resistor is used in applications where heat generation is inevitable.

Incidentally, enamel is a glassy glaze baked at high temperature on the surface of metallic materials such as iron, aluminum, and stainless steel.

Cement resistors
A wire-wound resistor is housed in a porcelain case and covered with cement. A similar structure is sometimes used for oxide film resistors. Since they are strongly protected by cement, they are very strong against heat and vibration. It is used for high power circuits.


Optical Glass

What Is Optical Glass?

Optical Glass

Optical glass is glass made of silica stone or silica sand, mainly composed of silicon (silicon), and contains very few impurities that could compromise its transparency.

Because it is homogeneous and has few air bubbles or scratches, it is used in optical devices that transmit light, such as lenses and prisms. BK7 is used mainly in the visible region, while fused quartz or synthetic quartz is used in the ultraviolet region.

There are various grades of synthetic quartz, and it is important to note that the transmittance, especially in the ultraviolet region, varies depending on the material and grade.

Uses of Optical Glass

Optical glass is often used for optical elements that transmit light, such as lenses, prisms, optical filters, and window plates for detectors. It is also used for light propagation in light guides and optical fibers. Optical glass is also used in exposure devices, which are important equipment in semiconductor manufacturing.

As the integration of semiconductor devices increases, the purity and precision of optical glass must be further improved. Radiation shielding window glass, which shields only against radiation, is also used in a variety of fields, as glass properties can be changed by additives.

Applications in research and experiments are as follows:

1. Basic Research

In basic research, optical glass can be used as a substrate, and samples can be coated or deposited on the glass for spectroscopic measurements. Graphene, a two-dimensional material that has attracted much attention in recent years, has also been transferred onto optical glass and is now available for sale. Graphene is usually fabricated on copper substrates. However, by transferring it onto glass substrates, it can be used in various spectroscopic studies due to its ability to observe transmitted light.

2. Optical Experiments Using Lasers

Optical glass may also be used in optical experiments using lasers. For example, optical glass is used as a reflector. In general, glass has a higher refractive index at the wavelength of blue light compared to red light, and of the light that passes through it, blue light travels faster than red light.

Therefore, optical glass can also be used to control the wavelength dispersion of pulsed light in pulsed lasers to increase (chirp) or decrease the pulse width when dealing with light that exists in a specific region on the time axis, as in pulsed lasers.

Principles of Optical Glass

Among types of optical glass, synthetic fused silica has no internal bubbles or scratches, is highly transparent, and can transmit light in the ultraviolet region. Synthetic quartz used to be the optical element for transmitting ultraviolet light in the past. However, recent technological advancements have enabled the development of products that achieve ultraviolet light transmission through resin.

In addition to transmittance at each wavelength and foreign matter, optical glass is important not only for its transmittance but also for its non-uniformity of refractive index. This is caused by the linear or layered formation of glass material with a refractive index that differs from the principal refractive index. For example, consider a lens, which is an optical component that bends and focuses light. The greater the difference in refractive index between the lens and air, the more light bends, and the closer the lens can focus light (shorter focal point), the smaller the optical system can be.

Cutting and polishing are the most common manufacturing methods. However, for fused silica glass, which has a low melting point, molding or press molding may be used for inexpensive mass production. Whether optical polishing is applied to one or both sides is selected at the time of order placement, and prices vary.

Other Information on Optical Glass

Refractive Index of Optical Glass

The refractive index of optical glass is larger in the ultraviolet region than in the infrared region and has a smooth dispersion. This dispersion varies depending on the glass material and is very important in optical experiments using the refractive index.

For example, the refractive index of synthetic quartz is approximately 1.48 at wavelengths around 340nm, 1.457 at 650nm, and 1.452 at 900nm. The refractive indices of BK7 are approximately 1.54 near 340nm, 1.514 near 650nm, and 1.509 near 900nm. The dispersion of the refractive index can be checked in advance, as each manufacturer provides it.

The wavelength dispersion of the pulsed light of a pulsed laser is affected by the above difference in refractive index. The group velocity dispersion of the pulses can be controlled by the material and the thickness of the glass. Therefore, the pulse shape can be designed based on the information of the difference in refractive indices of each wavelength.


Low Carbon Steel Wire Rod

What Is Low Carbon Steel Wire Rod?

Low Carbon Steel Wire RodLow Carbon Steel Wire Rod, denoted as SWRM (Steel Wire Rod Mild), contains approximately 0.12 to 0.30% carbon and has a tensile strength of less than 490. There are eight types, ranging from SWRM6 to SWRM22, based on carbon content.

Uses of Low Carbon Steel Wire Rod

Primarily used for drawing nails and small objects, these wire rods are suitable for products such as nails, rivets, iron wire, barbed wire, galvanized iron wire, welded wire mesh, construction fittings, and small screws. Due to its low carbon content and variation in precision, it is not recommended for precision-required applications or in low-temperature environments.

Characteristics of Low Carbon Steel Wire Rod

Low Carbon Steel Wire Rods are available in eight types, with carbon content ranging from SWRM6 to SWRM22:

  • SWRM6: Extra mild steel with carbon content up to 0.08%. Used for ordinary steel wire and nails.
  • SWRM8: Extra mild steel with carbon content up to 0.10%. Used for steel wires and nails.
  • SWRM10: Carbon content of 0.08-0.13%. Used for hard-drawn iron wire.
  • SWRM12: Carbon content of 0.10-0.15%.
  • SWRM15: Carbon content of 0.13-0.18%.
  • SWRM17: Carbon content of 0.15-0.20%. Mild to semi-mild steel.
  • SWRM20: Carbon content of 0.18-0.23%. Semi-mild steel.
  • SWRM22: Carbon content of 0.20-0.25%. Highest hardness and tensile strength among Low Carbon Steel Wire Rods.

These wire rods are used in various applications due to their versatility and range of mechanical properties.


Wire Rod

What Is a Wire Rod?

Wire Rods

Wire rods are coiled wire-like metal materials.

There are two types of wire rods: hot-rolled (as-rolled) and steel wire (wire). Rods are classified as soft wire rods, high carbon wire rods, piano wire, welding rod core wire, cold forging wire rods, and stainless steel wire rods.

By rolling using multiple hot rolling mills, steel billets are processed into smaller diameters ranging from 5 to 20 mm. Wire drawing is used to further reduce the diameter. Annealing (heat treatment) and pickling (descaling and lubrication) are often performed before wire drawing.

Usage of Wire Rods

1. Ordinary Steel Wire Rods

Wire rods are mainly used for products that do not require much strength, such as wires, nails, wire mesh, and screws. They are also useful as wire netting material for fixing fish reef stones, fixing tetrapods on embankments, and fixing rocks on cliff slopes.

2. Special Wire Rods

Used for steel cables requiring high toughness and durability, steel stranded wires, wire spring materials, and tire core materials called steel cords. Wire rods are also useful for covered arc welding rods and core wires for welding, as well as for structural members used in construction, such as poles and piles (main and auxiliary bars).

Features of Wire Rods

Wire rods are characterized by their electrical conductivity, tensile strength, flexibility, corrosion resistance, temperature resistance, electromagnetic shielding, and plasticity. These characteristics indicate their adaptability to electrical signal transmission, mechanical requirements, and environmental conditions.

For example, highly conductive materials such as copper and aluminum are suitable for powering electrical cables and equipment. On the other hand, stainless steel is used when corrosion resistance is important, and flexible materials are used when flexibility is required.

Types of Wire Rods

Wire rods are widely used in various industrial fields and there are different types depending on their properties.

1. Mild Steel Wire

Mild steel wire is a type of steel consisting of iron and a certain percentage of carbon. It has a good balance between flexibility and strength, making it suitable for a wide variety of applications. The manufacturing process for mild steel wire involves hot-rolled rolled wire rods that are cooled and then drawn in a wire drawing machine.

Due to its flexibility, mild steel wire is widely used as metal steel and springs. It is also an important material in construction machinery manufacturing and is processed into various shapes and sizes due to its ease of handling and processing. Although inferior to hard steel in terms of strength, it is an indispensable material in situations where its flexibility is required.

Furthermore, it can be used to make bolts, nuts, and nails. Bolts are also useful not only for automotive and mechanical applications but also for anchor bolts for building foundations.

2. Hard Steel Wire

Hard steel wire is a type of steel that has a higher carbon content than mild steel wire. With its unique properties, it is widely used in various industrial fields. The manufacturing process for hard steel wire begins with patterning the iron carbide Fe3C (cementite) metal structure to create a fine, micron-spaced pearlite structure. The wire is then drawn to further reduce the spacing of the pearlite and increase its strength.

Hard steel wire containing 0.65 to 0.95% carbon has increased hardness due to its crystal structure and carbon arrangement, making it capable of withstanding use in special environments and under high loads. This hard steel wire is called a high-carbon rod and is used as the core of concrete structures, suspension ropes for long-span bridges, and steel cords for the rubber interior of tires.

3. Nonferrous Wire Rods

Wire rods made of materials other than steel have a variety of properties. The main types are copper-clad steel wire, copper wire for electrical use, and phosphor bronze wire.

Copper Clad Steel Wire
Copper-clad steel wire (CP wire) is steel wire covered with copper. This construction combines the high conductivity and strength of copper. It is used where high electrical conductivity is required, such as in electrical wiring. It is also flexible and easy to handle.

Copper Wire for Electrical Applications
Electrical copper wire (FR wire) is made from high-purity copper and has very high conductivity and flexibility. Like copper-clad steel wire (CP wire), FR wire is used where high electrical conductivity is required.

Phosphor Bronze Wire
Phosphor bronze wire (PBW) is a steel wire made of an alloy of copper and phosphorus. It has excellent corrosion resistance and is used in humid environments or where it is susceptible to corrosion. It is available in round, square, flat, and knurled wire shapes.

When used with plating, the plating layer is made of tin and various solder compositions with different melting points.

How to Select Wire Rods

When selecting wire rods, various factors should be considered depending on the application and requirements. The following are the main points to consider when selecting wire rods.

1. Conductivity and Electrical Resistance

If conductivity is required, choose a highly conductive material. For example, CP wire or FR wire. The lower the electrical resistance, the smoother the current flows and the higher the efficiency.

2. Strength and Hardness

When strength is required for structures and machine parts, choose hard steel or strong alloys. This makes the material durable and resistant to loads.

3. Flexibility and Pliability

When wire rods are required to be bendable and flexible, mild steel or special alloys should be selected. This is especially important when used as cables or springs.

4. Corrosion Resistance and Adaptability to the Environment

If rods may be subject to moisture or corrosion, it is advisable to choose materials with high corrosion resistance (e.g., stainless steel, and phosphor bronze).


High-Pressure Hose

What Is a High-Pressure Hose?

High Pressure Hose

A high-pressure hose transports fluids like liquids and gases under high pressure. Made from flexible materials such as rubber or plastic, these hoses withstand pressures above 0.1 MPa.

Applications of High-Pressure Hoses

High-pressure hoses are indispensable in various sectors for tasks such as surface cleaning, machinery maintenance, construction, agriculture, automotive care, stone processing, and firefighting. Their ability to deliver powerful cleaning and maintenance capabilities makes them valuable in professional and domestic settings alike.

Principle of High-Pressure Hoses

Constructed with a multi-layered structure, high-pressure hoses feature an inner fluid transmission layer and a reinforcement layer made of steel wire or fiber to prevent bursting. This design ensures durability and resistance against the internal pressure exerted by the transported fluids.

Types of High-Pressure Hoses

  • Wire-Braided Hose: Known for its steel wire reinforcement, this type offers high-pressure resistance, making it ideal for hydraulic systems and construction equipment.
  • Spiral Hose: Features a spiral reinforcement pattern, providing durability and flexibility for agricultural and industrial use.
  • PTFE Hose: Made from polytetrafluoroethylene, these hoses resist chemicals and high temperatures, suitable for pharmaceutical and chemical applications.
  • Airless Paint Hose: Designed for paint and coating applications, ensuring uniform application through a specialized structure.
  • High-Temperature Hose: Suitable for transferring steam and hot liquids in high-temperature environments, made from heat-resistant materials.

Other Information on High-Pressure Hoses

The material composition of high-pressure hoses, typically synthetic rubber or high-strength textiles, is crucial for their ability to handle internal pressures effectively. Selection depends on the specific application needs, including resistance to abrasion, chemicals, and temperature variations.