

What Is Erythritol?


Figure 1. Basic Information on Erythritol

Erythritol is a natural sugar alcohol with the chemical formula C4H10O4.

Examples of natural sugar alcohols other than erythritol include xylitol and sorbitol. Erythritol is found in fruits and mushrooms, as well as in fermented foods such as wine, soy sauce, sake, and miso.

Industrially, it can be produced from corn or wheat starch by fermentation with yeast. Its sweetness level is about 75-80% that of sugar. It is recognized as having zero calories under the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Energy Evaluation Act.

Uses of Erythritol

Erythritol has almost no calories and is effective in reducing obesity and blood sugar levels when substituted for sugar. Therefore, it is mainly used as an alternative sweetener to sugar.

Examples of common foods containing erythritol include candy, gum, and soft drinks. It can be used as a specific health food to reduce the occurrence of tooth decay or as a sweetener in foods for the sick, such as diabetics.

Furthermore, because of its heat-dissipating effect, erythritol is also used as a cosmetic ingredient in lotions and other moisturizing preparations.

Properties of Erythritol

Erythritol has a melting point of 121°C and a boiling point of 329-331°C. It is a colorless solid. Erythritol absorbs heat by dissolution and has a strong cooling effect.

Erythritol is expressed as HO(CH2)(CHOH)2(CH2)OH. Its molar mass is 122.12 g/mol and its density is 1.45 g/cm3.

Other Information on Erythritol

1. Production of Erythritol

Industrially, erythritol is first obtained from corn by hydrolysis of starch to obtain glucose. The glucose is then fermented by Candida magnoliae, Aureobasidium, Moniliella tomentosa var. pollinis, and other strains of bacteria. Erythritol can be produced by fermentation with

Genetically engineered mutants of Yarrowia lipolytica can produce erythritol by fermentation. Using glycerol as a carbon source, the yield can be increased up to 62% by high osmotic pressure. 

2. Isomers of Erythritol


Figure 2. Isomers of Erythritol

Threitol is a diastereomer of erythritol. It is a four-carbon sugar alcohol with the chemical formula C4H10O4. It is mainly used as a synthetic intermediate for various compounds. It has a melting point of 88-90°C, a boiling point of 331°C, and a density of 1.0151 g/cm3.

In vivo, threitol is found in the edible mushroom, Naratake (Armillaria mellea), which has a density of 1.0151 g/cm3. It is also present in Alaskan beetles (Upis ceramboides) and can be used as a cryoprotectant (anti-freeze).

3. Related Compounds of Erythritol


Figure 3. Related Compounds of Erythritol

Pentaerythritol, like erythritol, is a tetravalent alcohol classified as a sugar alcohol. Industrially, it can be used as a raw material for rosin esters, synthetic lubricants, alkyd resins, and explosives.

Erythritol tetranitrate is made by nitration of erythritol with a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and nitrate or with a mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Similar to the high-performance explosive penthrite, it is an explosive compound sensitive to friction and shock. It is used in mixtures with other explosives and should be handled with care as it readily explodes.



What Is Ethanolamines?

Ethanolamines is the generic name for three different compounds: monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, and triethanolamine.

When simply referring to ethanolamines, we are referring to monoethanolamine, which is 2-aminoethanol. Monoethanolamine is a liquid with an ammonia odor, viscosity, and hygroscopicity. It is also known as amino ethyl alcohol or colamine.

Ethanolamines are classified as a Class 4 hazardous material. Monoethanolamine is also designated as a deleterious substance and should be handled with care.

Chemical Formula C2H7NO
English Name Ethanolamines
English Name Alias Monoethanolamine
Molecular Weight 61.08
Melting Point 10 ~ 10.5℃

Uses of Ethanolamines

1. Monoethanolamine

Monoethanolamine is widely used as an emulsifier because it is soluble in water and oil. It can also be used in synthetic detergents, metal corrosion inhibitors, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural chemicals. In addition, monoethanolamine is used to gas clean gas mixtures to remove acidic gases.

2. Diethanolamine

Diethanolamine can be used as an emulsifier in detergents, cosmetics, and waxes, and as a wetting agent in textiles.

3. Triethanolamine

Triethanolamine is used as a base catalyst in condensation reactions, in organic synthesis reactions, as an emulsifier, plasticizer, anti-corrosion additive, and humectant. It is also used in analysis as a collector of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere.

Properties of Ethanolamines

Ethanolamines have the properties of both alcohols and amines. Monoethanolamine has a density of 1.012 g/cm3, a melting point of 10.3°C, and a boiling point of 170°C.

Diethanolamine has a density of 1.090 g/cm3, a melting point of 28.0°C, and a boiling point of 217°C. Triethanolamine has a density of 1.126 g/cm3, a melting point of 20.5°C, and a boiling point of 208°C. Ethanolamines dissolve well in water and acetone. Due to its basic nature, it absorbs acidic gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). It can also react with fatty acids to yield esters.

Structure of Ethanolamines


Figure 1. Structure of Ethanolamines

1. Monoethanolamine

Monoethanolamine is both a primary amine and a primary alcohol. Its chemical formula is C2H7NO and its molar mass is 61.08 g/mol.

2. Dino-Ethanolamine

Diethanolamine has a secondary amine and two hydroxy groups in the molecule. Its chemical formula is C4H11NO2 and its molar mass is 105.14 g/mol.

3. Triethanolamine

Triethanolamine has a tertiary amine and three hydroxy groups in the molecule. Its chemical formula is C6H15NO3 and its molar mass is 149.188 g/mol.

Other Information on Ethanolamines

1. Synthesis of Ethanolamines


Figure 2: Synthesis of Ethanolamines

Monoethanolamine can be obtained by the reaction of ethylene oxide and ammonia. However, depending on the reaction conditions, diethanolamine and triethanolamine can also be produced. The ratio of compounds produced can be controlled by changing the stoichiometric ratio of the raw materials.

2. Related Compounds of Ethanolamines


Figure 3. Compounds With the Substructure of Ethanolamines

Ethanolamines are found in the common structure of antihistamines. Specifically, in the first-generation antihistamines diphenhydramine, phenyltoloxamine (Percogesic), and doxylamine (Unisom), ethylamine is linked to diphenylmethane. It is also the ethylamine substructure linked to diphenylmethane in percogesic and doxylamine (Unisom).

It is still considered an effective substance for allergic diseases. Ethanolamines are abundant in phospholipids and are also found in biological membranes.



What Is Indium?

Indium is a metallic element belonging to genus 13 of the periodic table, with the element symbol In and atomic number 49.

It has a density of 7.3 and a melting point of 156.4°C, which is quite low for a metal. Indium is named after the word Indigo because of the dark blue color of its emission spectrum.

It does not occur naturally as a single mineral but is found in small amounts in sulfides, primarily in flash zinc ore, and is recovered as a byproduct of zinc and lead smelting. It is one of the rarest and most precious metals. Despite its scarcity, its demand is growing, making its availability and cost an issue.

Chemical Formula In
Atomic Number 49
English Name Indium
Molecular Weight 114.818
Melting Point 156.6°C

Uses of Indium

The main applications of Indium are liquid crystal displays and touch panels. Due to its structure, LCD panels require transparent electrodes, and indium tin oxide is used for these transparent electrodes. Indium tin oxide, commonly known as ITO, is a compound of indium oxide (In2O3), an oxide of indium, and tin oxide (SnO2).

Thin films (ITO films) made of indium tin oxide (ITO) have both visible light transmittance and electrical conductivity and are often used as transparent electrodes in LCD panels. In addition, indium can be doped into silicon and germanium to make p-type semiconductors.

Indium is also soft and ductile even at room temperature, making it very easy to bond to glass and metals. This makes it useful as a sealing material that can be used in low-temperature environments and as a solder for low-melting-point alloys.

Properties of Indium

Physical properties are band blue-white or silver-gray and soft enough to be cut with a knife. It is very stable in air at room temperature. Chemically, it is easily attacked by acids but is stable against alkalis.

Compounds of indium include indium oxide, indium phosphide, indium arsenide, and indium antimonide. Indium also exists in two mass numbers, 113 and 115, with 113 being a stable isotope and 115 being a radioactive isotope.

However, in nature, indium with a mass number of 115 accounts for about 95% of the total mass of indium, making it an unusual element in that it is more abundant as a radioactive isotope than as a stable isotope. However, radioactive isotopes with a mass number of 115 have an extremely long half-life of 441 trillion years and can almost be called stable isotopes.

Indium is therefore used in a wide variety of electronic components, but its radioactivity has never been a problem.

Other Information About Indium

1. Dangers of Indium

Deaths from interstitial pneumonia have previously been reported for ITO made from indium, and several cases of interstitial pneumonia have been reported among workers who handle ITO. In response, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) announced in 2010 measures to prevent health problems due to work involving the handling of indium and tin oxides.

2. Production of Indium

Mines in Hokkaido, Japan, used to be the world’s largest producer of indium, but now China is the largest producer. Other countries with significant production include South Korea, Canada, and Japan.

However, the rapid increase in the number of indium mining sites and processing plants to meet modern demand has led to environmental destruction. Therefore, measures are being taken in Japan to promote the recycling of indium and the use of alternative materials.



What Is Isophorone?

Isophorone is an organic compound with the chemical formula C9H14O and a cyclic ketone structure.

It is found naturally in cranberries, and its CAS number is 78-59-1. It has a molecular weight of 138.21, a melting point of -8.1°C, and a boiling point of 215.2°C. It is a clear colorless pale yellow liquid at room temperature.

The odor is described as peculiar. The density is 0.92 g/mL. It is extremely soluble in ethanol, acetone, and ether, and virtually insoluble in water.

Uses of Isophorone

The main uses of isophorone are in solvents, paints, and raw materials for agrochemicals. Solvents include adhesives, copolymers, coatings, finishes, and insecticides, while paints include inks, paints, and lacquers.

Other applications include synthetic intermediates, preservatives for wood products, and waterproofing agents for floors. In agriculture, isophorone is used as a solvent for acid amide herbicides. The use of isophorone as a solvent is said to have been discovered in the process of finding a way to treat acetone, a byproduct of the production of phenol by the cumene process.

Isophorone is a synthetic intermediate of isophorone diisocyanate (C12H18N2O2, CAS No.: 4098-71-9), which is known as a raw material for polyurethane resin coatings in the paint field, and isophoronediamine (C10H22N2, CAS No.: 2855-13-2), which is known as a raw material for epoxy resin curing agents in adhesives, CAS No.: 2855-13-2), which is known as a raw material for epoxy resin curing agents in adhesive applications.

Properties of Isophorone

Isophorone is a flammable liquid with a flash point of 90°C and a spontaneous combustion point of 462°C. It is stable under normal handling. Although isophorone is considered stable under normal handling, combustion in the event of a fire will produce toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Since it reacts with strong oxidizers, oxidizing agents, and strong bases, mixing with these substances should be avoided in storage. Note that isophorone dimerizes by undergoing a [2+2] photocycloaddition reaction when exposed to sunlight in aqueous solution.

Types of Isophorone

Isophorone is sold primarily as a reagent product for research and development and as an organic solvent for industrial use. Reagent products are available in a variety of volumes, such as 5mL, 25mL, 100mL, 500mL, and 1L, and are offered in volumes that are easy to handle in the laboratory. These reagent products can be stored at room temperature.

As an industrial solvent, it is sold in large packages to factories. Packages include 1L cans, 4L cans, 18L cans, drums, containers, and tank trucks.

Other Information on Isophorone

1. Synthesis of Isophorone

Isophorone is synthesized by the self-condensation of three molecules of acetone. The specific synthetic flow is as follows.

  1. Two molecules of acetone dehydrate after aldol condensation to form mesityl oxide.
  2. Another molecule of acetone enolates and then undergoes Michael addition to this intermediate.
  3. Cyclization and dehydration produce isophorone.

The respective yields of mesityl oxide and isophorone depend on the reaction conditions.

2. Regulatory Information on Isophorone

Isophorone is a flammable liquid, as mentioned above, and is therefore a compound designated as a “Hazardous Substance, Class IV, Petroleum No. 3, Hazardous Rank III” under the Fire Service Law.

It is also designated as a “Hazardous and Noxious Substance to be Notified by Name” and “Hazardous and Noxious Substance to be Labeled by Name” under the Industrial Safety and Health Law, and as a “Priority Assessment Chemical Substance” under the Law Concerning the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc., and is also designated under the Marine Pollution Control Law.



What Is Isoprene?

Isoprene is a hydrocarbon with two double bonds.

In nature, it is formed from mevalonic acid, an intermediate substance formed from sugar. Polyisoprene, a polymer of isoprene, is naturally obtained from the sap of the rubber tree in the tropics and is also called natural rubber.

Industrially, isoprene is produced as a byproduct of the thermal cracking of petroleum-derived naphtha and can be used as a raw material for polyisoprene rubber, a type of synthetic rubber used in automobile tires.

Chemical Formula C5H8
English Name Isoprene
Molecular Weight 68.12
Melting Point -145.9 °C

Uses of Isoprene

Isoprene is mainly used as a raw material for polyisoprene rubber and butyl rubber, which are synthetic rubbers. Approximately 70% of polyisoprene rubber is used in automobile and aircraft tires.

In addition, its high biocompatibility allows it to be used in the medical field. Specifically, it is used in rubber bags for ultrasound machines and components for blood circuits.

In addition to synthetic rubber, isoprene is used as a raw material for geraniol and linalool, as a raw material for fragrances, and as a raw material for agrochemical intermediates such as chrysanthemum acid.

Properties of Isoprene

Isoprene has a melting point of -145.95°C and a boiling point of 34.067°C. It is a colorless liquid that is highly volatile at room temperature. It has an odor similar to that of rubber or city gas. It is highly flammable and combustible, and there is a risk of explosion when present in atomized form in the atmosphere.

Structure of Isoprene

Isoprene is a type of diene with two double bonds. Its chemical formula is C5H8 and its molecular weight is 68.12. It is also called 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene.

Other Information on Isoprene

1. Polyisoprene Synthesis

Isoprene was first isolated by pyrolysis of natural rubber. Industrially, about 800,000 tons of isoprene are produced each year. Ninety-five percent of the isoprene produced is used as a monomer for the synthesis of cis-1,4-polyisoprene, an artificial natural rubber.

Natural rubber is an addition polymer composed of 100,000 to 1,000,000 isoprene molecules. The basic structure is almost exclusively cis-1,4-polyisoprene. However, natural rubber may contain a small amount of trans-1,4-polyisoprene, a stereoisomer of cis-1,4-polyisoprene. In addition, natural rubber contains trace amounts of fatty acids, proteins, and inorganic substances.

2. Natural Compounds With Isoprene as the Structural Unit

Natural organic compounds called isoprenoids and terpenoids have isoprene as their structural unit. As living substances, they are made by insects, plants, bacteria, and fungi, and are the names given to compounds with 10 carbons found in essential oils. The molecular formula of these hydrocarbons is (C5H8)n, expressed as a multiple of isoprene.

Examples of isoprenoids and terpenoids include limonene, which has two isoprene units, and farnesol, which has three isoprene units. Limonene and farnesol can be used as flavoring agents; vitamin A, which is composed of four isoprene units, is also a terpenoid.

3. Functional Isoprene Units in Natural Compounds

The precursors required for the biosynthesis of terpenes and terpenoids also contain isoprene units. In biological systems, the functional isoprene units are dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate. Isopentenyl diphosphate is an isomer of dimethylallyl diphosphate.



What Is Isobutylene?

Isobutene is a hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C4H8 and four carbon atoms in a branched form.

It is also called isobuthylene or 2-methylpropene. It is one of the three isomers of butene and is the most chemically reactive of the three. It is therefore one of the most important raw materials in petrochemistry.

Isobutylene is extremely flammable and creates an explosive mixture with air. It is classified as a hazardous material and must be handled and managed with care.

Uses of Isobutylene

Isobutylene is widely used as a synthetic intermediate in the petrochemical industry.

When isobutylene is added to methanol or ethanol, methyl tert-butyl ether and ethyl tert-butyl ether, which are used as gasoline additives, can be produced. Alkylation of isobutylene yields Isooctane, which is added to gasoline.

Isobutylene is also used in the manufacture of synthetic resins, synthetic rubbers, and various plastics.

Properties of Isobutylene

Isobutylene has a melting point of -140.3°C and a boiling point of -6.9°C. It exists as a colorless gas at room temperature and pressure. It is highly flammable and explosive. Its ignition point is 465°C. It is insoluble in water.

Structure of Isobutylene

Isobutylene is composed of two methyl groups attached to one carbon atom of ethylene. The specific formula is CH2=C(CH3)2. Its molar mass is 56.11 g/mol and its density is 0.5879 g/cm3.

Structural isomers of isobutylene include 1-butene and 2-butene; 2-butene has geometric isomers, cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene. Isobutylene can be separated by physical or chemical methods due to its small molecular size.

Other Information on Isobutylene

1. Production of Isobutylene

Butenes are produced by catalytic cracking as a byproduct of ethylene and propylene, producing C4 fractions with a total weight of less than 10%. After the recovery of butadiene, the main fraction is isobutylene, which is around 40%. The remainder is 1-butene at more than 20 percent and 2-butene at 20 percent, with a mixture of n-butane and isobutane. However, the formation ratio of the components changes with the adjustment of catalytic cracking.

2. Synthesis of Isobutylene

Isobutylene can be isolated by reaction with sulfuric acid in a petroleum refinery stream; it can also be produced by dehydration of tert-butyl alcohol or catalytic dehydrogenation of isobutane. It can also be synthesized from acetone, cellulose, and xylose.

Isobutene is also produced as a by-product of the ethenolysis of diisobutylene during the synthesis of neohexene.

3. Reactions of Isobutylene

Isobutylene can be used as a raw material for methacrolein. When methanol or ethanol is added to isobutylene, methyl tert-butyl ether or ethyl tert-butyl ether is formed. Commercially, tert-butylamine is produced by zeolite-catalyzed amination of isobutylene.

Isooctane can be synthesized by alkylation of isobutylene. The Friedel-Crafts reaction with phenol or 4-methoxyphenol yields dibutylhydroxytoluene and butylhydroxyanisole from isobutylene.

Polyisobutylene can be produced by polymerization of isobutylene. Butyl rubber is a copolymer of isoprene and isobutylene.



What Is Isoquinoline?

Isoquinoline (chemical formula: C9H7N) is a heterocyclic aromatic compound consisting of a benzene ring fused to a pyridine ring.

It is an isomer of the chemical compound quinoline, which is also called 2-azanaphthalene or 2-benzazine because of its structure. Many naturally occurring organic compounds containing nitrogen atoms, and alkanides, have the structural skeleton of isoquinoline. In a broad sense, isoquinoline refers to a variety of substances with this skeleton.

In Japan, isoquinoline is not designated as a substance under the Fire Service Law or the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law.

Chemical Formula C9H7N
English Name Isoquinoline
Molecular Weight 129.16
CAS No. 119-65-3

Uses of Isoquinoline

1. Pharmaceuticals

Isoquinoline and its derivatives are mainly used in the pharmaceutical field. Examples of specific uses include use in anesthetics, antihypertensives, and vasodilators.

Chemicals such as quinisocaine are in practical use and exert local anesthetic effects by blocking nerve sodium channels.

Drugs such as quinapril are in practical use. This drug lowers blood pressure by disabling the enzyme that synthesizes angiotensin, a substance that induces high blood pressure.

A drug called papaverine is used. This drug dilates blood vessels by acting on receptors such as acetylcholine receptors that exist in the smooth muscles controlling blood vessel and intestinal movements. Its main mechanism of action is by blocking the influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle.

Other pharmaceutical uses include antimalarial, antifungal, and antiseptic.

2. Dyes

Isoquinolines are also used as raw materials in the synthesis of dyes, and many substances such as isoquinoline dyes have an isoquinoline skeleton. Isoquinolines absorb the appropriate wavelength of light and are easily synthesized into a wide variety of derivatives, resulting in the synthesis of a wide variety of dyes.

In addition, isoquinolines are used as synthetic raw materials in the manufacture of pesticides for insecticidal applications. Isoquinoline has a tertiary amine moiety, which acts by inhibiting cholinesterase in insects and significantly increasing their acetylcholine levels.

Other uses of isoquinoline are in the manufacturing industry, where it is useful as a catalyst in the manufacture of polyimide film and as a corrosion inhibitor.

Properties of Isoquinoline

Isoquinoline has a melting point of about 26°C. When melted, isoquinoline is in a colorless oily state, but less pure samples may have a brown color. Like many nitrogen-containing compounds, it has a strong odor. Because of its pyridine ring, it is weakly basic, with a pKb of approximately 8.6.

Isoquinoline is insoluble in water but has high solubility in ordinary organic solvents such as ethanol, diethyl ether, and carbon disulfide. However, it can dissolve well in dilute acids because the nitrogen atoms in the molecule are protonated.

Structure of Isoquinoline

Isoquinolines have a structure that contains a nitrogen atom in the aromatic ring. Therefore, like pyridine, which also has a nitrogen atom in the aromatic ring, the carbon at position 2 is more susceptible to electrophilic substitution reactions.

It also has a higher electron density than the benzene and naphthalene rings, making it more reactive to electrophilic substitution reactions than these molecules.

Other Information on Isoquinoline

Synthesis of Isoquinoline

Isoquinolines are obtained industrially by extraction from coal tar, but in the laboratory, there are various synthetic methods.

The first is synthesized by reacting benzylamine with glyoxal acetal using the Pomeranz-Fritsch reaction. This method is a very good way to obtain unsubstituted isoquinolines.

The second is the Pictet-Spengler reaction to synthesize tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives from various benzylamine derivatives and aldehydes, followed by dehydrogenation.



What Is Isooctane?

Isooctane is one of the branched compounds of the eight-carbon saturated hydrocarbons.

In the fuel industry, it is called 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. Because of its stable combustion, it is used as a standard for octane rating (octane rating or octane number). Under the Fire Service Act, it is classified as a Class 4 Hazardous Substance, Petroleum No. 1.

Chemical Formula C8H18
English Name Isooctane
Molecular Weight 114.23

Uses of Isooctane

Isooctane is used as a standard fuel (octane number 100) to measure octane number. It can also be used as a blending material for the production of high-octane gasoline. High-octane fuels have low anti-knock properties and are therefore suitable for running automobile engines.

Other applications include use as “solvents,” “extraction solvents,” “solvents for organic synthesis,” “aerosol solvents,” “agents for correction fluids,” “metal cleaners,” “inks,” “paints,” and “adhesives. Furthermore, it can be used as a “solvent for analysis” such as in high-performance liquid chromatography.

Properties of Isooctane

Isooctane has a melting point of -107°C and a boiling point of 99°C. It is a colorless liquid at room temperature and pressure and is found in trace amounts in petroleum.

It is insoluble in water but will mix with hydrocarbon solvents in any proportion.

Structure of Isooctane

Isooctane’s molecular formula is C8H18, its molecular weight is 114.23, and its density is 0.69 g/cm3. It has a branched structure with three methyl groups attached to pentane. The specific formula is CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH(CH3)2.

There are 18 different structural isomers. However, if stereoisomers are also considered, there are 24 isomers.

Other Information on Isooctane

1. Synthesis of Isooctane

Isooctane can be produced by alkylation of isobutane with isobutylene. It can also be obtained by dimerizing isobutylene with sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid and hydrogenating the resulting diisobutylene. 

2. Isooctane in Octane Number

The octane number is a numerical value that expresses the resistance of gasoline to auto-ignition and knocking in the engine. The higher the octane number, the higher the knock resistance and anti-knock properties.

The octane number of isooctane, which has relatively high knock resistance among gasoline components, is 100, and that of n-heptane, which has low knock resistance, is 0. In other words, the octane number of a sample is the volume ratio of isooctane in a mixture of isooctane and n-heptane. In general, saturated hydrocarbons with more branches have higher knock resistance.

3. Structural Isomers of Isooctane

Main Chain: C8, C7
Octane, with 8 carbons in the main chain, is a structural isomer of isooctane. The structural isomers with 7 carbons in the main chain include 2-methylheptane, 3-methylheptane, and 4-methylheptane, which have one side chain.

Main Chain: C6
The structural isomer of isooctane with 6 carbons in the main chain includes 3-ethylhexane, which has one side chain. There are also 2,2-dimethylhexane, 2,3-dimethylhexane, 2,4-dimethylhexane, 2,5-dimethylhexane, 3,3-dimethylhexane and 3,4-dimethylhexane with two side chains.

Main Chain: C5, C4
Structural isomers of isooctane with 5 carbons in the main chain include 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane and 3-ethyl-3-methylpentane, which have two side chains, and 2,2,3-trimethylpentane, 2,3,3-trimethylpentane, and 2,3,4-trimethylpentane, which have three side chains.

Additionally, there is 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane, which has four side chains, as a structural isomer with four carbons in the main chain.


Isobutyl Alcohol

What Is Isobutyl Alcohol?

Isobutyl alcohol (IBA), a branched-chain alcohol, has the structural formula (CH3)2CHCH2OH and a molecular weight of 74.12. It is a clear, colorless liquid at room temperature with a characteristic odor similar to that of magic ink or markers. IBA is almost insoluble in water but soluble in most organic solvents.

In IUPAC nomenclature, isobutyl alcohol is more formally known as 2-methyl-1-propanol, although ‘isobutyl alcohol’ is widely accepted in industrial and patent publications. Its isomers include 1-butanol, 2-butanol, and tert-butyl alcohol.

Naturally, isobutyl alcohol is a major component of tea leaves, like black and green tea, and is also found as an aromatic ingredient in various foods such as fruits.

Chemical formula C4H10O
English name 2-Methyl-1-propanol
Molecular weight 74.12

Uses of Isobutyl Alcohol

Isobutyl alcohol is primarily used as a raw material in organic synthesis. It serves as the starting material for isobutyl acetate, used in lacquers, and paints, and as a flavoring agent in the food industry. Isobutyl acetate is noted for its pungent, fermented-like odor at high concentrations.

Additionally, IBA is used in the production of various chemical esters, including isobutyl acrylate, isobutyl phthalate (DIBP), and isobutyl methacrylate, which are used as plasticizers in plastics and rubbers, and as dispersing agents. It is also a solvent in chemical reactions, paints, and inks, reducing the viscosity of paint and preventing oil separation. Furthermore, IBA is added to gasoline as a cleaner and used in waxes and cleaning products.

IBA can be directly applied to fuel blendstocks, and it can be blended with or substituted for high-octane gasoline, ethanol, and other oxygenated fuel compounds. It is also a raw material for fragrances, pharmaceuticals, and analytical reagents, and is increasingly used in biofuel production, particularly in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Properties of Isobutyl Alcohol

Isobutanol is a primary alcohol with properties similar to its isomer 1-butanol. It has a melting point of -108°C, a boiling point of 108°C, a flash point of 30°C, and a specific gravity of 0.8 g/mL (at 25°C). Its refractive index is n20/D 1.40, and it is liquid at room temperature. Isobutanol is miscible with many organic solvents like ether and alcohol, with a water solubility of 87 g/L (at 20°C).

Other Information on Isobutyl Alcohol

1. Isobutyl Alcohol Production Process

Isobutanol is produced by the reduction of isobutyraldehyde ((CH3)2CHCHO), formed by hydroformylation of propylene (CH2CHCH3). It is also a fermentation product of carbohydrates and a decomposition product of industrial chemicals.

2. Legal Information

Isobutanol is classified as an inflammable liquid and petroleum, non-water soluble liquid under the Fire Service Law.

3. Handling and Storage Precautions

Handling and storage precautions for isobutanol include:

  • Storing in a cool, well-ventilated place with the container tightly closed.
  • Using explosion-proof equipment and avoiding heat, sparks, and other ignition sources.
  • Use only in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.
  • Wearing protective gloves and glasses, and avoiding inhalation of mists or vapors.
  • Washing hands thoroughly after handling and taking precautions against ignition by electrostatic discharge.
  • Removing contaminated clothing and washing skin under running water if exposed.
  • Rinsing eyes cautiously with water for several minutes in case of eye contact.

Isoamyl Alcohol

What Is Isoamyl Alcohol?

Isoamyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with a whiskey-like aroma.

Its chemical formula is C5H12O, its molecular weight is 88.15, and its CAS number is 123-51-3. Isoamyl alcohol is the common name for 3-Methyl-1-butanol, also known as Isopentyl alcohol.

It is an organic compound and one of the isomers of pentanol. It is a colorless liquid that decomposes on heating or combustion. It has a characteristic odor and is found naturally in alcoholic beverages and fruits.

Isoamyl alcohol is a component in banana oil production, a naturally occurring ester, and is also produced industrially as a flavoring agent. It is a common fusel alcohol produced as a major byproduct of ethanol fermentation.

Uses of Isoamyl Alcohol

In molecular biology, isoamyl alcohol is used as a reagent in the extraction of nucleic acids. Isoamyl alcohol is used as a flavoring agent in processed foods because of its characteristic whiskey-like aroma.

Isoamyl alcohol derivatives are also used as flavoring agents, including isoamyl acetate, which has a banana-like fruity odor, and isoamyl butyrate, which has a sweet fruity odor.

Isoamyl alcohol’s derivative, isoamyl nitrite, is useful as a medicine. It is used to treat angina pectoris and other heart problems and as an antidote for cyanide.

Properties of Isoamyl Alcohol

Isoamyl alcohol has a melting point of -117°C, a boiling point of 131°C, and a density of 0.82 g/cm3. It is insoluble in water and readily dissolves in organic solvents.

When the vapor is passed through a red-hot tube, it decomposes into acetylene, ethylene, propylene, and other compounds. It is also oxidized by chromic acid to isovaleraldehyde and forms adduct crystals against calcium chloride and tin (IV) chloride.

Other Information on Isoamyl Alcohol

1. Production Process of Isoamyl Alcohol

Isoamyl alcohol can be synthesized by the condensation of isobutene and formaldehyde. Isoamyl alcohol is obtained by hydrogenation after the formation of prenol.

   CH3C(CH3) = CH+ HCHO → CH3C(CH3) = CHCH2OH

Isoamyl alcohol can be separated from fusel oil by shaking with strong salt water and separating the oily layer from the salt water layer. After distillation of the oily layer and collection of the fraction boiling between 128-140°C, the product can be further purified by the following procedure: shaking the product with hot lime water, separating the oily layer, drying the product with calcium chloride, and distilling to collect the fraction boiling between 132-135°C.

2. Regulatory Information

Isoamyl alcohol is classified under the Fire Service Act as a hazardous material, Class 4, Petroleums No. 2, non-water soluble, and requires caution when used. Under the Industrial Safety and Health Law, it is classified as a Notifiable Substance (Cabinet Order No. 48), a Labeled Substance (Cabinet Order No. 48), a Hazardous and Inflammable Substance, a Class 2 Organic Solvent, etc. under the Ordinance on Prevention of Organic Solvent Poisoning, a Working Environment Measurement Standard, and a Working Environment Evaluation Standard.

3. Handling and Storage Precautions

Handling and storage precautions are as follows

  • Keep the container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place.
  • Keep away from heat, sparks, flames, and other ignition sources.
  • Take precautions when heating the product due to the risk of fire and explosion.
  • Avoid contact with oxidizing agents, reducing agents, alkali metals, and alkaline earth metals.
  • Use only outdoors or in well-ventilated areas.
  • Burning may emit toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
  • Wear protective gloves, protective glasses, protective clothing, and protective masks during use.
  • After use, remove gloves appropriately to avoid skin contact with the product.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after handling.