
Surface Roughness Measuring Gauges

What Is a Surface Roughness Measuring Gauge?

Surface Roughness Measuring Gages

Surface roughness measuring gauges are measuring instruments used to evaluate the state of microscopic irregularities on the surface of a workpiece as a numerical value.

In the past, surface roughness was evaluated subjectively by inspectors visually or by touching the surface with their fingers or fingernails. A surface roughness measuring gauge makes it possible to control the desired condition of a workpiece surface using quantitative values.

Uses of Surface Roughness Measuring Gauges

Surface roughness measuring gauges are mainly used to analyze minute surface irregularities, for example, to check the finish of metal products. Surface roughness is especially important for metal products that come in contact with other parts, and is a very important factor in the field of tribology, which specializes in friction and wear.

Surface roughness is often used to evaluate the sliding surfaces of mechanical parts and the rolling surfaces of rotating shafts and bearings. It is also used in a wide range of other fields, such as medical care, research and development, and production sites.

Principle of Surface Roughness Measuring Gauges

Surface roughness measuring gauges are classified into the following two types. Since there are significant differences in the shapes and materials that each method is good at measuring, appropriate operation is required according to the purpose.

1. Contact Type

The contact type is measured by directly touching the object to be measured with a stylus. Although this method provides measurement results of the surface profile itself, it is not possible to measure a shape smaller than the diameter of the stylus or a part that cannot be physically touched, such as a narrow part where the stylus cannot enter.
In addition, since direct contact is involved, the stylus needs to be replaced periodically, which may damage the object to be measured. In particular, when measuring hard objects such as metals, the stylus may be damaged if it is accidentally pressed with more force than necessary. Handle with care.

2. Non-contact Type

The non-contact method uses light instead of a stylus to perform measurement. Typical examples are the confocal method, which measures by reading the reflected light of irradiated light, and the white interference method, which measures by interference fringes created by synthesizing the reflected light of the object to be measured and the mirror when white light is irradiated.
The non-contact method is characterized by its short measurement time, but it cannot measure well in areas where light cannot reach or in shapes where reflection cannot be obtained properly. It is necessary to measure from multiple directions by changing the placement of the object to be measured, or by cutting a portion of the part to allow light to reach it.

Other Information on Surface Roughness Measuring Gauges

1. Definition and Parameters of Surface Roughness

There are a great many definitions and parameters for evaluating surface roughness, but the best known is arithmetic mean roughness, which is written with the symbol Ra. It is often used because it is an image of calculating the average value of an uneven surface. In some cases, parameters other than arithmetic mean roughness may be desirable, such as in bearings, where the depth and size of the grooves that collect oil may affect the function of the part.
Other known parameters include maximum height roughness (Rz) and ten-point average roughness (Ry). Roughness parameters are defined in ISO and JIS, but they have been revised several times, so care should be taken when looking at old drawings.

2. Trouble With Touch Needles

In general, the stylus of contact-type surface roughness measuring gauge is subject to wear and requires periodic replacement. If the tip of the stylus is chipped, it cannot measure correctly, so it is important to check it periodically with a magnifying glass.
The material used for the stylus is diamond or sapphire, which are very hard materials that may damage the surface of the object to be measured. Particular care should be taken when repeatedly measuring the same spot or moving the stylus at a high speed.


Surface Temperature Sensors

What Is a Surface Temperature Sensor?

A surface temperature sensor is a device designed to measure the temperature of an object’s surface.

There are two types: a contact type, which measures by physically contacting the object, and a non-contact type, which measures without physical contact. These sensors find applications in various fields.

Uses of Surface Temperature Sensors

The applications of surface temperature sensors vary depending on whether they are contact or non-contact types.

1. Contact-Type Surface Temperature Sensor

Thermocouples, a representative type of contact-type surface temperature sensors, are primarily used in research, and testing, and as built-in sensors in equipment, machinery, and production lines. Another common contact-type surface temperature sensor is the “thermistor,” widely utilized in electrical appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners, making it one of the most widely used surface temperature sensors in mass production.

2. Non-contact Surface Temperature Sensor

The typical non-contact surface temperature sensor detects the amount of infrared radiation emitted by the object to measure temperature without direct contact.

Principle of Surface Temperature Sensors

Here, we explain the principles behind contact-type surface temperature sensors using “thermocouples” and “thermistors,” as well as non-contact-type surface temperature sensors using “infrared detection sensors.”

1. Surface Temperature Sensor Using a Thermocouple

A thermocouple is a temperature sensor made from two different metal conductors. It operates based on the phenomenon that when both ends of the conductors are connected to form a closed circuit and different temperatures are applied to the contact points, a voltage is generated between the metals. In other words, temperature sensors using thermocouples detect temperature by converting the generated voltage into temperature. This method is advantageous for its rapid response, cost-effectiveness, and wide temperature range measurement capability.

2. Surface Temperature Sensor Using a Thermistor

Surface temperature sensors using thermistors rely on the property of the thermistor element, whose resistance changes with temperature. Temperature is measured by monitoring the resistance and converting it into temperature values.

3. Surface Temperature Sensor Using an “Infrared Detection Sensor”

Non-contact surface temperature sensors that employ “infrared detection sensors” detect infrared radiation emitted by the object to measure temperature. These sensors are commonly used to measure human body temperatures and other applications where contactless temperature measurement is required.

Additional Information on Surface Temperature Sensors

1. Lifespan of Contact-Type Surface Temperature Sensors (Thermocouples)

Contact-type surface temperature sensors, like thermocouples, have a limited lifespan. Continuous use without awareness of this limitation may result in inaccurate surface temperature readings. The lifespan of a thermocouple varies depending on temperature, atmosphere, and metal type.

For example, in an oxidizing atmosphere below room temperature, a precious metal thermocouple susceptible to corrosion and rust may last approximately 2,000 hours, while a more robust base metal thermocouple can last around 10,000 hours. However, when operated at the upper temperature limit of each metal, their lifespans are significantly shorter, ranging from about 50 to 250 hours.

Special attention is needed when using thermocouples in surface temperature sensors for electrical appliances and industrial products. For instance, in a furnace or kiln application, if the thermocouple deteriorates and erroneously senses a lower temperature, it can lead to unnecessary costs as gas or other substances are burned to raise the temperature. Moreover, thermocouples are less accurate at extremely high temperatures, necessitating periodic maintenance and replacement.

2. Types of Non-contact Surface Temperature Sensors

Non-contact surface temperature sensors are categorized into two types:

  • Non-contact Thermometers: Used to measure human body temperatures and other applications.
  • Infrared Temperature Sensors: Employed for measuring temperatures of objects that are hazardous to approach due to high temperatures or those in motion.

Non-contact surface temperature sensors measure temperature by assessing the intensity of infrared radiation emitted by the object. They are invaluable in industrial applications due to their rapid response and instantaneous temperature measurement capabilities.

However, it’s important to note that there is a sensitivity difference between “non-contact thermometers” and “infrared temperature sensors” of approximately ±1°C, with “non-contact thermometers” having relatively lower sensitivity. As a result, human body temperature is best measured using a “non-contact thermometer,” which includes error compensation functions to account for variations in body structure and humidity.

Nonetheless, these non-contact surface temperature sensors have limitations; they may not accurately measure the temperature of materials that do not emit infrared radiation, such as metals. Additionally, they may struggle to provide accurate readings in humid environments, where water vapor can absorb the emitted infrared radiation, affecting lens-based measurement accuracy. Regular maintenance is advised in such cases. However, as mentioned earlier, “non-contact thermometers” come with correction functions to mitigate these issues.


Steam Generators

What Is a Steam Generator?

A steam generator is a device that produces steam by heating water. There are two types of steam generators: one uses electricity to heat water to produce steam, and the other uses heat generated by a turbine or combustion furnace, if available, to heat water to produce steam. There are two types of methods that use electricity to obtain steam: electrode and electric heating. Also, there are devices that generate super-heated steam by further heating saturated steam and heated steam is used as a power source for steam engines and power generation, as well as for sterilization and drying.

Uses of Steam Generators

Steam generators are used in food production plants, ceramic product manufacturing plants, chemical product manufacturing plants, and medical equipment manufacturing sites. The main examples of use are heating and sterilization of food products, heating of ceramic and chemical products, and sterilization of powerful equipment using steam generated from steam generators. When selecting a steam generator, it is necessary to consider the amount of steam to be generated, steam pressure, type of steam to be generated, steam temperature, power consumption, size, and ease of maintenance.

Principle of Steam Generators

The steam generator consists of a feed water section, a steam generator section, and a steam discharge section. The steam generating section can be classified into electrode type, electric heating type, and external heat supply type, depending on the generation method. The principle of operation of each is explained below.

  • Electrode Type
    Consists of a container containing water and two electrodes. The water used should not be distilled water, but water that contains impurities. In operation, when voltage is applied to each of the electrodes, energy is generated by the movement of impurities, and this energy causes the water to evaporate, resulting in vapor. Depending on the type of water used, salt may adhere to the electrodes.
  • Electrothermal Type
    The electrothermal type consists of an electric heating rod connected to a power source and a container containing water. During operation, the electric heating rod generates heat when electricity is applied to it, and the water is evaporated by the heat generated to produce steam.
  • External Heat Supply Type
    At plants with gas turbines, steam turbines, fuel furnaces, etc., the heat generated by these turbines is recovered to heat water to produce steam. If the heat from external sources is not sufficient to generate steam, additional heating or other means are used.

Steam Flowmeter

What Is a Steam Flowmeter?

Steam Flowmeters

A steam flowmeter is an essential measurement device used for determining the flow rate of steam. Steam, which is a gaseous form of water with thermal energy, plays a crucial role in various industrial processes and energy management. Accurately measuring its flow rate is of paramount importance in these applications.

Steam flowmeters are employed to precisely control steam supply, enhancing process stability and efficiency. Maintaining appropriate steam flow rates can boost productivity and conserve energy resources.

Moreover, these instruments facilitate steam system maintenance and fault detection. By monitoring steam flow with precision, they enable early detection of steam leaks and other issues, contributing to improved system reliability and extended equipment lifespan.

Applications of Steam Flowmeter

Steam flowmeters are instrumental devices used across diverse industrial sectors. Here are some key applications:

1. Power Plants

In power plants, steam flowmeters are used in steam turbine power generation to measure steam flow from boilers. This allows for accurate electricity generation metering and efficiency optimization. Additionally, these flowmeters find use in gas turbines within cogeneration systems, where waste heat from gas turbines is converted into steam for dual energy production.

2. Iron and Metal Smelting Plants

Steel mills use steam flowmeters to control oxygen injection into blast furnaces, a vital process for converting iron ore into iron. These flowmeters are also common in metal refineries, where waste heat from exhaust gases is converted into steam, enhancing overall efficiency.

3. Food Processing Plants

Food processing facilities rely on steam flowmeters to regulate the supply of steam for heating equipment and jacketed tanks. Accurate control of steam ensures product quality and heating efficiency in this industry.

Principle of Steam Flowmeter

Steam flowmeters operate on a basic principle that involves measuring changes in physical parameters proportional to steam flow rate. The specific parameters measured may vary depending on the flowmeter’s type and sensor, including steam temperature, pressure, vibration, or heat dissipation.

Types of Steam Flowmeter

Various types of steam flowmeters are available, each with unique characteristics. Here are some common types:

1. Differential Pressure Type

The differential pressure steam flowmeter calculates steam flow by measuring the pressure difference caused by flow obstruction devices installed in the steam pipe. Devices like orifice plates and pitot tubes are commonly used. This type offers cost-effective solutions, even for large pipe diameters. Orifice plates, in particular, are compact, lightweight, and easy to install.

However, differential pressure steam flowmeters restrict steam flow, leading to pressure drops that should be considered during meter selection or design.

2. Ultrasonic Type

Ultrasonic steam flowmeters estimate flow rates by analyzing the phase changes of ultrasonic waves reflected off steam. They consist of a transmitter emitting ultrasonic waves and a receiver. These flowmeters offer contactless flow measurements with no pressure loss.

3. Vortex Type

Vortex steam flowmeters determine flow rates by monitoring the number and frequency of Karman vortices generated within the pipe. They consist of a vortex generator and a vortex detection sensor. These flowmeters have no moving parts, ensuring robustness and extremely high measurement accuracy.


Steam Boilers

What Is a Steam Boiler?

Steam boilers are machines that boil water and supply it as high-temperature steam.

Most steam boilers are used as heat sources. They are used in a wide range of fields, from indoor heating to food sterilization. The steam was water originally, so the chemical hazard is low compared to many other heat sources.

Uses of Steam Boilers

Steam boilers are used for both industrial and residential purposes. However, they are most often used for industrial purposes. Specific uses of steam boilers are listed below.

  • Sterilization of food in the food industry
  • Generation of steam for power generation
  • Product drying in chemical and paper plants
  • Drying of laundry in the laundry
  • Heat retention in hot springs and bathing facilities
  • The heat retention of the electrolytic solution in electrolytic smelting
  • For indoor heating and hot water supply

Steam locomotives are another example of uses of steam boilers, as they also have a built-in steam boiler to obtain engine power. However, they have become increasingly rare in recent years.

Principle of Steam Boilers

Steam boilers generate steam in most cases by evaporating water through fuel combustion. The boiler consists of a drum, combustion equipment, flue, water supply equipment, etc.

1. Drum

The drum stores pure water, which is mixed with steam during operation. The pure water inside the drum is designed to flow back to the combustion unit. Water heated by the combustion unit is separated into steam and pure water inside the drum.

2. Combustion Device

The combustion device burns fuel, and the fuel is supplied at regular intervals and mixed with air for combustion. It also has the function to stop fuel supply automatically in the event of abnormalities such as poor combustion or low water level in the drum.

3. Flue

The flue is a pipe for exhausting air after combustion. A ventilator is installed in the flue to adjust the airflow rate according to the fuel supply. If there is a lot of dust or oxides in the flue gas, a dust collector or desulfurization/denitrification equipment is installed in the flue.

4. Water Supply System

The water supply system supplies water to the drum, and in most cases, the water is pumped by a water supply pump. Since a large amount of metal ions in the water can deteriorate a boiler, a water purification device may be attached to the boiler.

Other Information on Steam Boilers

1. Steam Boilers for Business Use in the Past

Steam is necessary for all manufacturing industries, but it is not suitable for transportation over long distances. Therefore, steam boilers are almost always installed adjacent to demand facilities.

Since paper mills and petrochemical plants consume large amounts of steam, fossil-fueled steam boilers were installed in these plants around 1970. In many cases, power generation was combined with steam generation to make effective use of excess steam.

Since 2000, the use of steam boilers has been on the decline due to soaring crude oil prices and increasing social pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, petrochemical plants still make effective use of steam boilers and power generation facilities because of the oil and gas generated as byproducts.

2. The Future of Commercial Steam Boilers

Water is a very effective heat transfer medium and indispensable to industry. Since steam returns to water after leakage, it tends to have less impact on the human body and the environment compared to chemicals and toxic substances. Furthermore, it is a natural raw material that is in inexhaustible supply.

Recent news reports indicate that some major manufacturers are withdrawing from the business of manufacturing large boilers for commercial use. This is because there are not many companies newly constructing large boilers. Steam boilers for power generation that use fossil fuels will likely continue to decrease in the future for the sake of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is difficult to imagine that steam will disappear in the future because of its excellent properties as a heat-transfer medium.


Load Measuring Instruments

What Is a Load Measuring Instrument?

Load Measuring InstrumentsA load measuring instrument is a device used to measure the force that pulls or pushes an object.

Typical types of load measuring instruments include force gauges, load cells, and torque transducers, each of which can detect different types of forces.

For example, force gauges measure the force generated by pushing and pulling, load cells are used as force transducers, and torque gauges measure rotational and torsional forces.

Uses of Load Measuring Instruments

Load measuring instruments are used to express the hardness of materials numerically, the magnitude of forces generated when operating equipment, and the magnitude of forces applied to various objects.

1. Force Gauge

Force gauges are mainly used when they are handheld and exert a direct push-pull action on the object to be measured. For example, it is used to measure the force applied during actions such as opening and closing a fastener or a shutter.

Also, by fixing a force gauge on a stand, uniform and reproducible measurement is possible. And it is also used for hardness test and opening/closing test of the object to be measured.

2. Load Cell

Load cells are mainly used as transducers for load measuring instruments attached to equipment and other devices. The size and shape of the load cell used varies depending on the object to be measured, ranging from small to large shapes.

3. Torque Transducer

Torque transducers are used to measure rotational torque and twisting force. The measurement is made by holding either the object to be measured or the torque meter with the hand and performing a tightening or opening/closing motion on the one not being held.

In many cases, it is used to measure the opening and closing force of a cap or the screw tightening action force. Other applications include measuring the output torque of engines, etc., and the load torque of rotating machinery.

Principle of Load Measurement Instruments

Force gauges are used to measure force generated by pushing and pulling, peeling, friction, and so on. There are two types of force gauges: one uses a spring, and the other has a built-in load cell.

The spring-loaded type mechanically indicates the amount of deformation of a spring due to load. The load cell converts the measured force into an electrical signal and converts it into a numerical value. There are several conversion methods, of which the strain gage type is the most commonly used.

This method uses strain gages that can measure strain from the amount of deformation caused by the force applied. In addition, the piezo piezoelectric, thin metal film, capacitance, and optical fiber types are also used in some cases.

Torque meters measure force in rotational motion by sensing changes in the torsional angle of a rotating shaft as a phase difference, which is converted into an electrical signal.

Other Information on Load Measuring Instruments

1. Load Measuring Instruments and Load Cells

Load measuring instruments with digital displays will utilize load cells to detect the load. A load cell is a load sensor with a strain gage attached to a metal part. The metal part of the load cell is designed according to the load capacity, and the amount of deformation of the metal due to the load is converted into a change in resistance value by the expansion and contraction of the strain gage, which is then electrically amplified and converted into a load value. The amplified load is displayed on a digital readout.

Load measuring instruments using load cells have a high accuracy in displaying load values. However, the load measuring instrument’s load cell part must be handled with care because the metal is susceptible to plastic deformation due to impact or overloading. It is important not to drop the load cell, give it a shock, or overload it.

2. Tension Gauge

Tension gauges are load measuring instruments used to measure the tension of drive belts, chains, and other moving parts. Tension refers to the force pulled between two points, and is calculated using the distance between the two points, the load applied perpendicular to the direction of tension, and the “deflection” of the belt or other object due to this load.

In addition to transmission belts, the tension force of paper in printing presses, thread tension in weaving, and the tension force of steel plates sent from a steel plate roll to a press are also measured in the same way. There are two types of tension gauges: analog and digital.

There are those that can simultaneously measure the amount of deflection, and those that hold a defined two-point distance as the mechanism of the gauge and display the tension in a proprietary standard. It may also refer to the digital or analog force gauge itself.


Freight Elevators

What Is a Freight Elevator?

A freight elevator is designed for transporting machinery and luggage, optimizing space usage by eliminating the need for a separate machine room. The control panels and drive units are installed within the elevator shaft, enhancing building design flexibility and efficiency.

Customization options for freight elevators include various sizes, door opening methods, speeds, and capacities, tailored to specific operational needs, such as load capacity, floor access, and loading/unloading times.

Uses of Freight Elevators

Freight elevators are essential for transporting large cargoes across different industries, designed with efficiency and ease of use in mind. Some models feature glove-friendly button layouts. While there is a limit to the weight they can carry, these elevators are pivotal in buildings with multiple floors or underground levels, facilitating the movement of goods in warehouses, distribution centers, factories, and large commercial establishments.

Principles of Freight Elevators

Modern freight elevators can be designed without a machine room, a shift from traditional models that required space-consuming machine rooms, often on the building’s top floor. This advancement removes previous constraints related to building height, machine room location, and architectural design, offering more freedom in building layout and elevator placement.

Types of Freight Elevators

Beyond standard freight elevators, there are specialized types for different purposes, including medical and welfare facilities for transporting patients on beds or stretchers, and automotive elevators used in parking facilities to move vehicles.

How to Select Freight Elevators

Selection of freight elevators, especially when intended for use with forklifts, requires careful consideration of the combined weight of the cargo, forklift, and operator to ensure the elevator’s load capacity is not exceeded. Unlike parcel elevators, freight elevators may also accommodate operators or handlers during operation.

Structure of Freight Elevators

The load capacity of freight elevators varies widely, with rated and legal loading capacities defined under building standards to ensure safety. Although these elevators can be designed to carry people, regulations typically restrict riders to those handling cargo. Customization allows these elevators to meet specific operational needs, such as unattended deliveries to designated floors or restricted call response during operation, enhancing efficiency in settings like factories and warehouses.


Automatic Weighing System

What Is an Automatic Weighing System?

An automatic weighing system is a device designed to measure the weight of objects automatically and with a high degree of accuracy. These systems are commonly used for weighing various goods and products, offering precise results while eliminating the influence of human error and subjective judgment. Accurate weighing enhances quality control and ensures reliable transactions.

Moreover, automatic weighing systems can perform rapid weight measurements, significantly reducing work time and increasing operational efficiency compared to manual weighing. They are especially valuable when dealing with large quantities of goods or when numerous weighings are required in a short period. These systems often can automatically record and store weighing data in a database, facilitating tracking, analysis, and further improving quality control and productivity.

Applications of Automatic Weighing Systems

Automatic weighing systems find applications across various industries:

1. Retail Industry

In retail, products such as vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish are weighed to determine their selling prices. These systems are also used for pre-packaged products like bread and confectionery.

2. Agriculture

Agriculture relies on automatic weighing systems for weighing harvested crops and produce. For instance, orchards use these systems to weigh apples and oranges for quality control and pricing before shipping.

3. Poultry Farming

In poultry farming, eggs are weighed for classification and grading purposes.

4. Logistics

The logistics industry employs automatic weighing systems to measure the weight of packages and cargo, facilitating transportation arrangements and cost calculations. Carriers use these systems to confirm package weights accurately upon receipt, determining the appropriate transportation methods and rates.

Principle of Automatic Weighing System

Automatic weighing systems use sensors to detect weight, with load cells and pressure sensors being common choices. These sensors perceive the weight of an object and capture this information.

The weight information obtained from the sensor is often in the form of an analog signal. This analog signal is then converted into a digital signal through an amplifier, analog-to-digital converter (ADC), or similar circuitry. Once in digital form, the data is processed by an integrated computer system.

The processed data is typically displayed on a digital display as a weight value. Many automatic weighing systems possess the capability to record weighing data automatically and store the results in an internal database or an external recording device.

However, it’s essential to calibrate these systems regularly to ensure accurate weight measurements. Calibration involves adjusting the weighing machine using a known weight. Periodic maintenance and recalibration are necessary to compensate for the effects of time and external factors.

Types of Automatic Weighing Systems

There is a wide range of automatic weighing systems, and here are some examples:

1. Platform Scale

Platform scales are automatic weighing systems equipped with large weighing platforms. They are commonly used in industrial and logistics settings, capable of accurately weighing large loads and pallets due to their high load-bearing capacity and sturdy construction.

2. Packaging Scale

Packaging scales are designed for accurately weighing products and controlling their weight during packaging processes. They are widely used in packaging lines for food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and more.

3. Belt Scale

Belt scales are automatic weighing systems that weigh objects or products as they move on a conveyor belt. These systems are primarily utilized in logistics and manufacturing industries, ideal for weighing flowing products and collecting statistical data. In mining operations, they measure ores on conveyor belts for quantity control and quality assurance.

4. Hopper Scale

Hopper scales weigh objects or materials by placing them in a hopper that feeds automatically. These scales can perform control functions based on weighing results, making them effective in automating processes such as material feeding in batch mixing and reaction processes.


Automated Assembly Systems

What Is an Automated Assembly System?

Automated Assembly Systems are machines designed to automatically assemble and manufacture products in factories and other manufacturing processes.

Automated assembly systems can refer to equipment that performs single tasks, such as screw tightening, riveting, and clamping machines, assembly robots, and conveyor systems, or they can refer to assembly processes that involve multiple assembly tasks.

Uses of Automated Assembly Systems

Automated assembly systems find applications in factories and manufacturing processes to automatically assemble products from individual parts.

Examples of Automated assembly system applications include:

  • Small coils and cores
  • 28-sheet simultaneous feed radiator parts and plating lines
  • Small variable condensers
  • Cores
  • Camera front sections
  • Contact switch contacts
  • Jacks
  • Automotive dynamos
  • Ultra-compact volumes
  • Thermo switches
  • Cylinder lock caps
  • Tape recorder magnetic heads
  • Focal plane shutters
  • Film winders for cameras
  • Ignition coils for automobiles
  • Three-blade lens shutters for cameras
  • Micromotors
  • Watch components
  • FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems)
  • Solenoid valves for various products
  • Electronic toothbrushes
  • Earrings
  • Liquid pressure control valves
  • Bond supply drying systems
  • Sensors for automated assembly systems
  • Sensor table plungers
  • Fully automatic reamers
  • Hopping caulking assembly systems
  • Ultrafine springs
  • Automatic joint caulking systems
  • Needle bearings
  • Clutches
  • Ring-shaped workpieces

and many more…

Principle of Automated Assembly Systems

Automated assembly systems consist of a unit that assembles, processes, and inspects products, along with a base machine responsible for transporting products and parts.

There are two types of base machines: line-type and turntable-type.

In line-type automated assembly systems, the feeding unit includes parts feeders, hoppers, palletizing devices, etc., while the discharging unit consists of conveyors, palletizing devices, cartooning devices, packaging machines, etc.

One advantage is that unit placement is straightforward, facilitating layout design for machines with many parts and ease of maintenance. However, it may require more space due to the necessary gaps between each unit.

Turntable-type automated assembly systems feature feeding units with parts feeders, hoppers, palletizing devices, etc., and discharging units with conveyors, palletizing devices, cartoning devices, packaging machines, etc.

The main advantage is that units can be densely arranged, saving space. However, achieving compatibility between layout and maintainability can be challenging when dealing with a large number of parts.


Automatic Welder

What Is an Automatic Welder?

An automatic welder is a machine designed to automate the welding process for materials like metals and plastics. By applying heat or pressure, these machines efficiently and accurately perform the task of welding, which traditionally requires manual labor.

Automatic welders offer consistent weld quality through mechanical control, reducing human error and unevenness associated with manual welding. They also enhance worker safety by operating in hazardous conditions, minimizing exposure to high temperatures and harmful gases. With their high productivity and consistent quality, these welders reduce production costs, minimize waste, and boost output, offering significant long-term economic benefits and increased competitiveness.

Applications for Automatic Welders

Automatic welders are employed in various industries, particularly in automotive manufacturing:

1. Automotive Industry

Used for welding automobile bodies, replacing time-consuming manual welding with efficient, cost-effective automated processes.

2. Metalworking Industry

Employed in metalworking to manufacture diverse metal parts and structures, utilizing efficient welding processes like TIG welding for steel tanks and pipelines.

3. Energy Industry

Used in energy sectors for welding pipelines and tanks in power plants and oil/gas facilities, using high-energy light sources and plasma welding for high-quality, durable welds.

Principles of Automatic Welder

Automatic welders operate on a power supply system, with adjustments in current and voltage specific to welding needs. They include welding heads, focused energy sources for forming molten pools, and sensors for feedback control. Automated material feeding systems ensure efficient and accurate welds, although specific energy sources and control methods vary.

Types of Automatic Welders

Diverse types of automatic welders cater to different welding needs:

1. Robot Welding Machine

These machines use industrial robots for welding, offering multi-axis control and high precision for complex shapes.

2. CNC Welding Machine

CNC welders use computer-controlled systems for precise, programmable welding operations, ideal for mass production and complex tasks.

3. Semi-automatic Welder

Semi-automatic machines combine manual operation with automatic aspects like electrode rod feeding and protective gas delivery.