
Embossed Films

What Is an Embossed Film?

Embossed Films

Embossed film is a generic term for film with an uneven surface that is processed by heating and pressurizing the film. The name “embossed film” is derived from the term “embossing.” Embossing is applied to improve texture, slipperiness, and peelability. Embossing can also be applied in a variety of patterns, such as diamond, silk, and linen, each with different characteristics. Embossed films are also available in a wide variety of materials, such as polyethylene, silicone, and polyurethane.

Uses of Embossed Films

Embossed film is used for packaging, semiconductor transport, separators, and to provide slipping properties. Uses of embossed film vary depending on the material used. In the case of polyethylene, it is used for diaper backsheets, pocket tissue packaging, liquid containers, and laminating materials. Elastomer films, for example, are used in waterproof suits, transdermal absorbent base materials, clothing materials, wound dressings, and non-slip tapes. Because of this wide range of applications, appropriate materials and embossing methods must be selected.

Principle of Embossed Films

This section describes the embossing method for films. A film of any material is heat-treated to soften it. The softened film is then pressurized with an uneven roll type die to create an uneven surface. After embossing, the film is cooled on a cooling roll and rolled up for production.

Next, we will explain the different types of embossing. Various patterns can be added to embossing, but the following five types of embossing are representative.

  • Diamond Pattern (Line Embossing)

This is an embossed film with a diamond pattern (diamond shape) processed with lines. Since it is embossed with lines, the surface is relatively flat, which is a feature of this type of embossing and is often used.

  • Diamond Pattern (Uneven Embossing)

This film is not embossed with lines, but with a diamond pattern on the surface, and is characterized by its unevenness. Therefore, it is used for applications requiring high elasticity.

  • Silk-Eye Pattern

This processing method is characterized by very small unevenness compared to concavo-convex embossing. It is said to have superior aesthetic appeal and elasticity.

  • Hemp Pattern

The hemp grain pattern is an embossing process with a random array of rounded bumps and unevenness, and is often seen in daily life.

  • Nashiji Pattern

Nashiji pattern is an embossed pattern with a very fine pattern that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It has a similar feel to frosted glass and gives a luxurious finish.


Endless Belts

What Is an Endless Belt?

An endless belt is a belt that is attached to an abrasive machine, such as a belt sander, and used mainly to polish an object. The ring-shaped endless belt is rotated at high speed and applied to the object to be ground. It can be used for deburring stainless steel, aluminum, titanium alloy, wood, leather, rubber, and a wide range of other materials.

Normally, belts without joints are called endless belts, while belts with joints are called abrasive belts, but since their uses are almost identical, the distinction is sometimes not made.

Uses of Endless Belts

Endless belts are attached to polishing machines, such as belt sanders, belt disc sanders, belt grinders, and vaders.

The abrasive material of the endless belt is selected according to the object to be ground. The surface finish can also be changed by changing the abrasive grain size of the belt.

The non-abrasive type is used for automatic turnstiles, conveyor systems, machine tool feeders, etc. Since there are no seams, it is the belt of choice for the smooth conveyance of thin products, etc.

Principle of Endless Belts

Endless belts are often equipped with abrasive materials and are mainly used with belt sanders. The principle of a belt sander is simple: a belt with abrasive material is rotated and applied to the object to be sanded.

A wheel and pulley are installed inside the belt and wrap around the belt. The wheel and pulley rotate at high speed, rotating the belt itself. The speed of rotation is adjusted to grind the belt so that it does not sag.

The base material of the endless belt is a non-woven polyester or cotton fabric or cloth. Abrasive is applied to its surface along with an adhesive. Fused alumina is often used as the abrasive, but zirconia and silicon carbide are also used in some products. Zirconia and silicon carbide are tougher and sharper than alumina.

Similar to the principle of a file, a coarser abrasive particle size on the surface allows for rougher grinding, and an endless belt with a finer particle size is used for a cleaner surface finish.

Endless belts should be replaced when necessary, as they will wear out with use.


Compressor Engines

What Is a Compressor Engine?

Compressor EnginesAs the name suggests, a compressor engine is a type of compressor that is operated by an engine rather than an electric system.

The compressor is needed to produce compressed air to operate tools and machines. The most important feature of a compressor engine is that it does not require a power source, so air tools can be used in any location.

This is a powerful feature for outdoor work, where it is difficult to secure a power source. Many are designed to be compact, and most are equipped with wheels. They can work in any location and are easy to move and transport, providing excellent mobility.

Uses of Compressor Engines

Compressor engines are often used for outdoor work in situations where it is difficult to secure a power source. Construction work, painting work, and business trips are difficult to secure a power source, and air tools are used in all kinds of locations while the compressor is being transported.

With a compressor engine, there is no need to secure a power source, and it is easy to transport because it is equipped with wheels. Although the highly mobile engine type is widely used, the motor type is used in factories.

Principle of Compressor Engines

A compressor engine consists of three mechanisms: compression, discharge, and suction.

1. Compression

The motor drives the piston up, compressing the air in the compressor. This increases the pressure inside the compressor and the air becomes energized. Compressor oil is injected to cool the heat generated during the compression process and to prevent air leaks.

2. Discharge

The discharge valve is released when the piston reaches its highest point. At this time, the high-pressure air inside the cylinder is discharged. The discharged air becomes the power source for the machine and tools. At this time, the oil is transferred to the oil cooler for cooling.

3. Suction

After completion of the discharge, the piston moves down and the discharge valve closes. When the pressure inside the compressor drops, the intake valve opens, and the required amount of air is sucked in.

How to Choose a Compressor Engines

Select an engine compressor by focusing on the air volume and pressure, and whether it has an after-cooler or not.

1. Air Volume

This refers to the amount of compressed air discharged by the compressor per unit of time. The units used are L/min, m3/min, etc.

When selecting a compressor engine, please allow a margin of about 20% of the air volume required in the catalog for each tool. For example, a rock drill requires an air volume of 1.5~3.5 m3/min. Insufficient air volume will result in loss of control of the tool or machine to be operated.

2. Pressure

This refers to the force that can be applied per unit area of compressed air. Units such as MPa are used. There are two types of pressure indication methods: absolute pressure based on vacuum and gauge pressure based on atmospheric pressure.

The pressure of a compressor engine is expressed in terms of gauge pressure. The discharge pressure of a standard specification compressor is 0.7 MPa. Insufficient pressure as well as air volume will cause loss of control of tools and machine tools.

3. After-Cooler

Air contains water vapor, which condenses into a liquid when compressed by a compressor. The role of the aftercooler is to cool the hot compressed air while removing the condensed water.

The aftercooler prevents water from accumulating in the compressor’s pipe system. It is also used in compressors for painting and other applications to prevent air bubbles from entering the system. Using a compressor without an aftercooler can lead to problems such as freezing and not running, or water splashing out and contaminating the system.

Types of Compressor Engines

1. Screw Type

Male and female screw rotors are housed in a container called a casing. The screw type compresses air by rotating the screw rotor inside the casing. The screw type can be further classified into two types: oil-cooled and oil-free.

The oil-free type does not require oil injection because the screws do not make contact with each other where they engage. Therefore, the oil-free type can output air with less oil content. The oil-cooled type compresses air while injecting oil into the screw rotor. It is generally used for industrial applications.

2. Scroll Type

The scroll type compressor has a structure in which air is compressed by a spiral-shaped compression section. This type is used in compressors that require small capacity and low noise. It consists of parts called a fixed scroll and a movable scroll. Air is sucked in and compressed by changing the volume of the space separated by these two parts.


Air Tanks

What Is an Air Tank?

Air Tanks

Air tanks are pressure vessels used to store compressed air.

They are sometimes also called an accumulator. Mainly connected downstream (secondary side) of an air compressor, an air tank serves to equalize pressure fluctuations of compressed air supplied from the compressor. They are also used to prevent rapid depressurization when a large amount of compressed air is used instantaneously.

The effect of the air tank is to protect and extend the life of the air compressor. Since the air tank acts as a buffer for air delivery, the air compressor no longer needs to be started and stopped frequently.

In addition, even if the compressor is shut down in the event of a power failure or other emergency, the air tank will provide a constant supply of compressed air, reducing the risk of accidents that could cause pneumatically driven equipment to lose power instantly.

Uses of Air Tanks

Air tanks are used in pneumatic lines in various types of machinery and equipment. Their main purpose is to equalize pressure and protect air compressors when large volumes of compressed air are used. Air tanks are also essential when there are conditions where the air consumption of pneumatic equipment is higher than the air discharge of the compressor.

For safety purposes, an air tank may be used even when the air volume is insufficient. This is because air cylinders, which operate by air, lose their output when the compressed air supply is cut off, so they are more likely to operate unexpectedly in the event of a power failure. If this puts workers at risk, an air tank can be installed so that compressed air is supplied to the cylinder for a certain period, even if the compressor stops running.

As a result, the cylinder does not suddenly lose power, creating a situation that can be addressed in the moment. Air tanks are also often used in trucks and other large vehicles. Trucks use compressed air in their brakes, suspension, and transmissions, and Air tanks store the compressed air that drives these devices.

Principles of Air Tanks

Air tanks hold compressed air and maintain the pressure above a certain level, stabilizing the air pressure used and protecting the air compressor. Air tanks must have sufficient capacity to do their job.

In addition to upstream and downstream connections, the air tank is equipped with a pressure gauge, safety valve, and pressure switch. If the internal pressure exceeds the pressure, the container can withstand, the air is exhausted to the outside to reduce the pressure for safety.

In addition, since the air compressor takes in air from the installation environment and compresses it, moisture in the air will condense in the piping and air tank to some extent. This moisture must be removed because it can cause tank corrosion. Air tanks are therefore equipped with a drain valve to drain it out.

Today, a good deal of equipment is equipped with an automatic drain valve (drain trap). Since the condensate may contain oil from the compressor or components of environmental origin, it cannot be discharged directly from the plant to the sewage system. Therefore, a condensate purifier may be connected.

How to Select Air Tanks

When selecting an air tank, the first step is to determine the capacity. The required capacity can be calculated or determined empirically from the output of the compressor to be used.

When calculating, the required capacity is set based on the air consumption of the pneumatic equipment, the required pressure, and, in the case of intermittent use, the time of use, while also taking into consideration the compressor’s ability to compensate for air. On the other hand, if the figure is calculated empirically, it is based on the assumption that the compressor is properly selected for the amount of air used, and that a compressor with a large output requires a larger tank.

However, it should be based on examples of similar usage: the more pneumatic devices consuming compressed air, such as air cylinders and air guns, that are used simultaneously for one compressor, the larger the required air tank capacity. If you are unsure about the selection, it is recommended that you consult with an experienced contractor rather than doing it yourself.

Other Information on Air Tanks

Air Tank Management

Air tanks hold high-pressure air inside and can be a pressure hazard, so proper management is important. In particular, strength (i.e., no damage caused by something hitting the tank) and proper operation of safety valves and pressure switches are important to ensure safety.

In terms of laws and regulations, depending on the air pressure, content volume, and dimensions, a pressure vessel may be classified by regulations. In this case, periodic voluntary inspections, etc., must be conducted at the business site, etc.


Urethane Adhesive

What Is Urethane Adhesive?

Urethane adhesives are adhesives that use a urethane reaction, which is an addition reaction of polyisocyanate and polyol, and have high adhesive properties. Urethane adhesives are mainly composed of urethane resin and are available in one-component, two-component, and hot-melt types, with the two-component type used in a wide variety of structural adhesives. Two-component types are used in various applications, such as structural adhesives. In particular, they are used for resin applications because of their extremely high adhesion to resin. They are also more flexible than epoxy or acrylic adhesives and provide high-impact resistance and shock absorption.

Uses of Urethane Adhesive

Urethane adhesives are used in a variety of areas, including automotive parts, housing, and construction equipment. In particular, they are often used for resin adhesion applications due to their extremely high adhesion to resins. Recently, carbon fiber-reinforced plastics have been used more extensively to reduce the weight of automobiles, and demand for automotive parts applications is expanding. It also has excellent water and heat resistance and is used for products around water, such as unit baths and kitchens. Since it reacts with moisture in the air and hardens, care must be taken when storing it.

Principle of Urethane Adhesive

This section describes the curing principle of urethane adhesives and cautions for their use. There are three types of urethane adhesives: one-component type, two-component type, and hot-melt type. The curing principle of each adhesive is different.

1. One-Component Type

The one-component type adhesive is cured by reacting with moisture in the air. Since it is affected by the amount of moisture in the air, it should be noted that it takes longer to cure in winter when humidity is low. Conversely, in humid environments, one-component types are used mainly as sealants.

2. Two-Component Type

In the two-component type, mixing polyol (the main agent) and isocyanate (the hardener), an additional polymerization reaction proceeds, resulting in the curing. Since the mixing ratio of each is strictly regulated, incorrect measurements may result in failure to cure. In addition, polyols are highly water absorbent, so they must be sealed and stored in a place with low humidity.

3. Hot-Melt Type

This type cures by reacting with moisture in the air, but pretreatment is performed by heating. This has the advantage of providing high heat resistance, adhesiveness, and durability.


Inline Check Valves

What Is an Inline Check Valve?

An inline check valve is a valve that is inserted inside a pipe to prevent backflow. When fluid at a pressure greater than or equal to the preset pressure reaches the inline check valve in relation to the direction of flow of the inline check valve, the valve opens, and the fluid flows. In the case of reverse flow or fluid flow below the preset pressure, the valve will not open, and the fluid will not flow. Many products are characterized by the fact that they do not require external momentum, such as electric power, and operate solely on the internal mechanism.

Uses of Inline Check Valves

Inline check valves are used in various applications, including chemical and petroleum plant factories, machine tools that use lubricants and abrasives, household products, and public institutions such as waterworks and water treatment plants. When selecting an inline check valve, it is necessary to consider such factors as the set pressure to allow the fluid to pass through the valve’s inside diameter, the magnitude of the fluid loss coefficient, construction, allowable flow and pressure, vibration, and ease of maintenance. It is also necessary to consider whether the material is compatible with the type of fluid used.

Principles of Inline Check Valves

The following explains the principle of operation of an inline check valve. Inline check valves consist of a seat affixed to the side of the piping to provide thickness. This component is called a poppet that normally inhibits flow and, under certain conditions, allows flow through a spring to keep the poppet in contact with the seat by applying force in a direction that keeps it in contact with the seat, and a seat affixed to the side of the piping to hold that spring in place. The seat is used to hold the poppet in place.

While the inline check valve is operating, if a pressure more significant than the force exerted by the spring in the flow direction is applied by the fluid, the spring is pushed together with the poppet, allowing the fluid to flow through the inline check valve. The poppet will not open unless the flow applies a pressure greater than the force exerted by the spring. If flow occurs in the reverse direction, the poppet is pushed by the flow in the direction of the seat, so the higher the pressure exerted on the poppet by the flow, the more it will inhibit the flow.


Index Plungers

What Is an Index Plunger?

An index plunger is a machine element component that allows fast and easy workpiece fixation and positioning by operating a knob. This part can also be easily released and detached by operating the knob. Since the pin is inserted into a hole or groove for fixing and positioning, once released and moved to a position where there is no hole or groove, it can be fixed and positioned in the hole or groove again.

This component is used for angle indexing and positioning of slide mechanisms. Because of its versatility, the index plunger is an indispensable component of devices and equipment.

Uses of Index Plungers

Index plungers are used for positioning, indexing, and as a slide adjustment for attaching and detaching parts. They are used in a variety of industrial machinery, including machine tools, packaging machinery, and food processing machinery.

In the case of a moving stage, the plunger is secured by fitting its pin into the groove between the rotary stage and the linear stage. In the case of a linear stage, the pin is installed in the moving table. An indexing plate with a groove carved into it is attached to the fixed plate, and the pin is inserted into and out of the groove for positioning. For a rotary stage, the pins are installed on the fixed side. As with the linear stage, positioning is achieved by inserting and removing the pin into and out of the groove of the indexing plate.

Principle of Index Plungers

In addition to the type that pulls a knob, there are ring type, T-shaped knob type, knobless type, special knob type, compact type, type for thin plates, flange type, button type, lever type, pin detachable type, and push type index plungers. Below is a brief introduction of each component.

The ring type is operated by tilting down the ring to save space at the top, while the T-shaped knob type is easy to grip and operate. The knobless type can be replaced with a lever or knob as desired, and can be automated when used in combination with an air cylinder. The special knob type can be operated by turning the knob. Compact type can be used in small spaces. Thin plate type can be used for thin plates. Flange type can be used on the wall of equipment and devices. Button type can be operated by pushing a button to insert or remove the pin. Lever type pins can be inserted and removed by turning a lever. The pin removable type allows the pin to be removed and reattached, making it easy to replace or add pins. In the push type, the pin is ejected when the knob is pushed, and stored inside when the knob is released.


Inkjet Plotters

What Is an Inkjet Plotter?

Inkjet plotters produce high-precision prints, typically for large format drawings and graphics. Unlike traditional printers that create images through a dot matrix, plotters draw continuous lines, making them ideal for detailed designs and technical drawings.


Used extensively in architecture, engineering, and construction, inkjet plotters are key in producing detailed plans and posters. They’re also common in educational settings and conferences for creating visual aids and signage, benefiting from their ability to cut designs accurately after printing.

How It Works

Inkjet plotters operate similarly to inkjet printers, propelling ink onto the substrate from cartridges through fine nozzles. This method allows for high-quality prints with precise line accuracy. Though slower than other types of plotters, they excel in print quality and versatility.

Varieties of Plotters

  • Pen Plotters: Use physical pens to draw directly onto paper, offering authentic line drawings with a variety of writing tools.
  • Raster Plotters: Convert vector data into dot matrix images, ideal for scaling without losing edge quality, though less suited for complex images.
  • Cutting Plotters: Extend functionality to include precise material cutting, available in grid rolling, flat head, and compact models for diverse applications.

Angle Plates

What Is an Angle Plate?

An angle plate is a metal plate cut at a specific angle. Angle plates are used for precise angles in the processing of plates and other materials. Angle plates are sold according to the desired angle, such as right angle, 30°, 45°, and so on. The most common type is the right-angle, angle plate.

In addition to the use of angle plates for cutting out materials, there are also small angle-changeable angle plates sold for use in astronomical observation, etc. In the camera and other industries, “angle plates” are often used to refer to these products.

Uses of Angle Plates

As mentioned above, there are two types of angle plates: those used in material processing and those used for cameras, astronomical observation, and other applications. Here, we will introduce angle plates used in material processing.

This part is used when processing metals and other materials. For example, when cutting the end face of sheet metal, a right-angle component is used to fix and process the sheet metal for stable processing. Angle plates, such as 30-degree angle plates, can be used to check the angle of a finished product. Multiple plates with different angles may be combined to measure a given angle.

Principles of Angle Plates

The structure of an angle plate is very simple. It is a metal plate with a predetermined angle. Angle plates used in metal processing are often right-angled and are used to fix and set angles during processing. Most angle plates are made of metal, with or without grooves, or made of different materials, depending on the application.

Some angle plates have an angle of 30 or 45 degrees like a triangular ruler. These plates are used to check whether the product is at the specified angle after processing, and various angles can be checked by combining the plates. These plates are also often made of metal to ensure that the angle of the plate does not change.

Products that combine angle plates with V-blocks are also available. This is a tool used to process materials at a specific angle. When processing at such a specified angle, tools such as a sign vice were conventionally used, but products that combine this plate and V-block shorten the time required for setting, leading to improved productivity.


Aluminum Cutting Machinery

What Is Aluminum Cutting Machinery?

Aluminum Cutting Machinery is a machine that cuts aluminum molds or plates to a specified size.

Aluminum Cutting Machinery varies in performance, functions, and necessary accessory tools depending on the size and shape of the desired material, the number of lots, and the functions to be provided. Therefore, machines that specialize only in cutting are available, as well as those that can be equipped with optional transport and feeding mechanisms.

Since it is important that the specifications be in accordance with the required cutting accuracy, some manufacturers offer custom-made Aluminum Cutting Machinery after hearing the customer’s requirements.

Applications of Aluminum Cutting Machinery

Aluminum cutting machines are mainly used for cutting aluminum, and are therefore used in a wide variety of situations where aluminum materials are required. Fields where they are used include semiconductors, construction, medical care, and the environment and energy. Specifically, the following materials are used for cutting.

  • Aluminum frames, aluminum sashes, aluminum building materials, aluminum light metals
  • Heat sinks
  • Frames for solar power generation

In addition, the following manufacturers’ plant facilities also use our products:

  • Vehicles (trains, auto parts, special purpose vehicles, bicycles)
  • Conveyors (conveyors, elevators)
  • Machines (electric wires, copper pipes, heat sinks, bakelite)
  • Hardware (ladders, stepladders)
  • Airplanes, etc.

Types of Aluminum Cutting Machinery

Aluminum Cutting Machinery has a wide range of features because the specifications required vary greatly depending on the application and the size and shape of the workpiece to be cut.

1. Specialized in Cutting Accuracy

The cutter position is constant, enabling stable cutting even if the material size changes. The cutter is designed to prevent the return blade from hitting the cutter in order to improve the accuracy of the cut surface.

2. Specializing in Safety

The cutter moves only inside the cover to ensure safety during operation.

3. Specialized in Operability

Processing is automated by numerical control, and workpieces of specified specifications can be cut out simply by inputting dimensions and the number of pieces. Small workpieces are easy to position.

Other types of cutting machines exist that produce less noise, have a choice of cutter speeds, can feed automatically, and can cut at high speeds. Along with the wide variety of features, it is important to select a product that is appropriate for the size of the workshop or production line where the cutting machine will be installed.